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Everything posted by Strange

  1. I'm not going to search through all that to try and find the relevant information. It is extremely insulting to behave like that. If you can't be bothered to explain what you are talking about, then I can't be bothered to discuss it. (Just noticed this is in Science News, which is inappropriate. I can't tell if you have some alternative idea about the dates of eclipses or something, but. as that seems possible I am going to suggest it is moved to Speculations. If you can explain what you are talking about then maybe it can be moved somewhere else.)
  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46856779 Bizarrely: So he repeatedly makes bigoted and discriminatory statements but ... what? He doesn't mean them? Just goes to show, even Nobel Prize winners can be idiots.
  3. Citation needed. I have never heard of this before. Is it really "almost every person"? I find that hard to believe.
  4. One never ceases to be misled by bad analogies Zero point energy is not "energy from nowhere". It is just the lowest energy level in a vacuum which, because of quantum effects, is not quite zero. The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the rotation of the core. If that stops then the magnetic field will, presumably, disappear. A permanent magnet will not "run out" because it is not expending any energy to maintain the magnetic field. Which bit of "you can't funnel magnetism" do you not understand? The solar wind is very thin.
  5. So what does tell you? I can only assume this story was in some fiction outlet like Russia Today or the Daily Mail.
  6. Third time: What is the physical mechanism for this expansion? Creation of matter? A big bubble in the Earth? No.
  7. You are still not very clear. You need to show what you are changing, and why. So, for example, what does the mean: You are saying that there was a solar eclipse in the the fourth year of Akhnaten's reign? (Or do you mean the fourth year of his life?) What is the source that says the eclipse was in 1352? What is the source hat says this eclipse was in the 4th year of his reign? And how does this compare to the accepted dates of his reign? Wikipedia says that his reign started in 1351 or 1353. So there is an error somewhere. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akhenaten I am not going to research all of the people and dates you have provided to try and understand what you are saying. You need to explain what you are saying and where you get the data from.
  8. So how is this different from the other examples of confirming dates of events by using eclipses?
  9. ! Moderator Note We already have a thread on this subject: https://www.scienceforums.net/topic/80354-voluntary-blurry-vision/
  10. Does this mean matter is being created (so the mass is increasing) is it that the Earth is being inflated like a balloon?
  11. ! Moderator Note As the OP has started posting inappropriate content (hidden) this thread is closed.
  12. You still haven't explained what the source of this energy is. Are you confusing the frequency of the photon (which is proportional to energy) and the frequency with which it interacts (which isn't)?
  13. ! Moderator Note You have already posted one nonsensical "paper" from this author. If you wish to discuss that, please do so. But do not start any more threads like this.
  14. That just says that the maximum entropy of a black hole is proportional to the area (rather than the volume) of the black hole. It has nothing to do with the distribution of matter.
  15. What possible mechanism is there for this? Also, how much has the radius of the Earth increased, according to your model?
  16. And? What is your point?
  17. But it is still talking about the temperature at the event horizon.
  18. There cannot be five solar eclipses in a year. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. We know people have recorded solar (and lunar eclipses). We know that, in some cases, they could also predict them. Because we can calculate the dates of the eclipses, we can use this to check the dates of ancient events.
  19. It says: "We're talking about the temperature of the black hole's event horizon" So not inside the black hole. I have never heard of it. Anything falling into a black hole will pass the event horizon at the speed of light and quickly reach the centre of the black hole.
  20. OK. But that does not say that "the sphere inside the black hole itself is almost at absolute zero Kelvin" or that "matter absorbed by the black hole is distributed equally on its surface".
  21. References to astronomical events like this have been used to pin down the dates of events. For example, there is an depiction of Halley's Comet in the Bayeux Tapestry (1066). There are some example in this article: https://www.britannica.com/science/eclipse/Uses-of-eclipses-for-chronological-purposes Is that the sort of thing you are referring to?
  22. ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations. Please read the rules for this section of the forum.
  23. Another forum had to ban discussion of this particular piece of "mathematical" idiocy because so many people were unable to understand that 0.999... == 1 and got strangely angry about their ignorance. It will be interesting to see if anyone here is going to try and defend this. ... that the usual crackpot test of multiple fonts, colours and sizes still works.
  24. Although the title is different, this seems to be the same: https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.01507 It looks interesting but will take some time to read
  25. How is frequency a source of energy? That is like saying the length is a source of energy. If anything, the frequency of the particle will be caused by energy. So a completely non-physical setup. Then why would its energy increase? Where is the energy coming from?
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