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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Only metaphorically.
  2. I assume that was addressed to the OP (and possibly "Dr Rick Smith", if that's really not the same person) rather than Dr Swanson!
  3. ! Moderator Note Moved to Physics
  4. ! Moderator Note Moved to Physics
  5. ! Moderator Note Moved to Physics
  6. Seems implausible, then
  7. And how do you know it has passed review? Are you Dr Smith? A colleague?
  8. There is no evidence for this hypothesis. So I wouldn't spend (waste?) any time on it. (Unless you are an actual cosmologist or astrophysicist looking for that evidence ...)
  9. Until Rick Smith (is that you?) publishes his paper in a peer-reviewed journal, I think we can ignore it.
  10. We don't really know anything about "the time of the Big Bang". Or even if there was such a thing. There are various speculative ideas about what might have happened early in the universe. The universe could be expanding following the collapse of an earlier universe (the "big bounce"). Or the universe might have come from the energy in a false vacuum ("universe from nothing"). Or the total energy of the universe might be zero ("zero energy universe"). Or the energy might be infinitely old. Or ... All the science tells us at the moment is that the universe was once hotter and denser than it is now.
  11. I'm not sure what this last sentence means. But most people are of the view that there was some form of "chemical evolution" that eventually led to the components necessary for living cells. (Also not sure what IQ has to do with it. But welcome to the 50%!)
  12. More likely. Obviously. But it is not a requirement. And what about lower immune response starting in the head? Does leukaemia (a disease of bone marrow) start in the head?
  13. Citation needed Citation needed
  14. Including athlete's foot?
  15. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation ”Those who cannot learn the lessons of history...”
  16. Maybe you need to study the basics of economics, then you would know that the fatal flaw in this argument is.
  17. So why aren't the oil companies using this magic technology? They could avoid all the time and expense of exploring for diminishing oil reserves. And cut out the middleman by selling electricity instead of selling oil at a lower profit. But also, how do they have the power to do this? No it isn't. It is perfectly well understood. Except by you and your fellow free-energy nuts. Maybe you should learn then, instead of making stuff up.
  18. Strange


    Yes. The degree of curvature is irrelevant. All that matters is the number of holes. Hence the joke about a topologist being someone who doesn’t know the difference between a doughnut and a coffee cup.
  19. Although, I assume most of the known universe would have had to be destroyed to provide the energy to spin the Earth that fast.
  20. Strange


    Consider a cylinder: the surface normals converge on the axis of the cylinder, not a point.
  21. This probably gives a clue about how terrible your measurements are. We can't draw any conclusions from this shambolic experiment. Perpetual motion does not mean, literally, going on for ever. It just means running without a source of energy. "Zero point energy" is an old favourite of free energy crackpots.
  22. Strange


    How are you defining these vectors? If they are surface normals, then the answer is fairly obviously, no.
  23. A photon will have a probability of being somewhere within that radius. The probability will be highest near the centre and almost zero outside the beam. If it is "made" of anything, I guess that would be electromagnetism. (But that is a pretty meaningless concept.) It is a quantum of the electromagnetic field. It is not made of probability, but a probability function defines where you will detect it. It is normally treated as having zero size (a point particle). Do we need to ask the moderators to move this to Speculations if you are coming up with your own model of the photon? They don't.
  24. Well, if science has answers it just seems a bit pointless making up your own.
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