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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Couldn't find any really good data on this. But it isn't as simple as the number quoted in that UN report (the difference between births and deaths) because that doesn't take into account mortality rates. And that affects what the replacement rate for a population will be. For developed countries, the replacement fertility rate is about 2.1, while for the world it is about 2.33 (or was in 2005, it may have fallen since then). The global fertility rate is approaching (if not already at) the replacement rate. So: [emphasis added] https://fs.blog/2016/04/hans-rosling-population-growth/ That article confirms that for sub-Saharan Africa. Which is not one of those areas that will, according to your dubious claim, be better off due to climate change. I would like to see some evidence for that.
  2. Hmmm... Looks like I was wrong about the birth rate. I will try and track down where I got that from. Now: back to climate change ...
  3. As the birthrate has fallen below the replacement level (and, as far as I know, is still falling) the only way of shortening the pipeline is to remove people from it ... But, as you said, that is rather silly.
  4. It's in the pipeline. Because of the work done to tackle poverty, improve education and health, etc.
  5. Well, I am happy to admit that I relied on others to do the analog modelling to confirm timing. (And it is a couple of decades since I did any design work.) But I was under the impression that some of the parasitic capacitance came from the wires . But maybe my recollection is wrong and it was mainly the resistance and inductance of the wires plus the load capacitance. That doesn't change the original point that capacitance has an effect on the timing in circuits, whether that is their deliberate use in a tuned circuit or as parasitic capacitance that has to be accounted for. Edit: and I realise my use of "propagation delay" may not be correct either. The main factor we were concerned with was slew rate or rise time.
  6. Nonsense. The reason that there is minimal "dissent" over the conclusion of climate science is the same as the the reason there is minimal dissent over the Big Bang model. Science. The science goes back well over 100 years. And has made successful predictions over that time: https://www.skepticalscience.com/climate-models-intermediate.htm (Of course, the tests of those predictions are done by other scientists and if you believe the whole thing is run by a secret cabal of lizard people, then you may not find that convincing.) Overpopulation is being tackled. With limited success using direct means such as China's One Child policy. Much more successfully by policies to increase health and education in developing countries. The worldwide fertility rate has already fallen below the replacement level. The only way to speed up the decrease in population now would seem to be a program of mass exterminations. I have a feeling that would not be too popular. It is when it is based on models (and not tossing coins). But if you did that repeatedly you would no get consistent results. Unlike, say, science.
  7. ! Moderator Note Please stick to the topic of this thread (capacitors).
  8. To propagation delay/rise time; to complex impedance; to stray/parasitic capacitance.
  9. It is the rate of change that is unique. There is a nice graphical representation here: https://xkcd.com/1732/ ! Moderator Note And drop the personal attacks
  10. Interesting. I have never had to do any timing analysis on PCBs. Inductance is also a factor in IC design but from what I remember it is pretty small. The major contributions are the capacitance of the tracks and gates. (And, anyway, the subject is capacitors!)
  11. People studying biology also study the theory of evolution. They therefore study the origin of species by descent. This will almost certainly involve seeing a diagram of the origins of these species. Unless you think education is not "practical." It is also the basis of taxonomy. But maybe that is not "practical" either.
  12. You said: "I guess the discovery of gravitational rotational frame dragging never really received that much attention, or they never bothered to explain to everybody how this affects the MM experiment either?" If frame dragging has an effect on the MM experiment, then you should be able to calculate how large this effect is. Or admit it has no effect at all. Then why mention it? Not sure what you mean by "Newtonian". But the Coriolis force is a classical and pre-relativity effect (and therefore Newtonian) that has been tested on Earth. Spacetime is not an object in any normal sense of the word. It is just a set of measurements. Is "length" an object?
  13. You should write to the college and ask for your money back. When designing electronic circuits, even if we are not using capacitors for their time-related behaviour, we still have to worry about the effects of tiny stray capacitance on the behaviour of the circuit. One of the main timing problems in IC design is the time it takes for signals to propagate along wires between components. This time delay is determined by the capacitance and resistance of the wires.
  14. Mass and energy are equivalent, they both have a gravitational effect (in fact, the mass doesn't even appear in the equations of GR, just the energy). So when particles are converted to photons the energy of those photons has exactly the same gravitational effect as the mass of the particles. That's a very good explanation. It takes a slightly different view of the "energy bookkeeping" than the version I gave: because the net energy of the two new particles must be zero (because they arise from a quantum fluctuation) and the energy of the particle that escapes is positive (because it is a real particle), then the other particle must have negative energy to balance. That way of describing it also sounds like it could be closer to what the math says.
  15. Everything travelling at less than the speed of light. There are two easy ways to see that light speed is not a valid frame of reference: logical and mathematically. First, the postulates of relativity say that the speed of light is the same for all observers. That would mean that a photon would have to see other photons moving at the speed of light, which would mean they could not all be travelling at the speed of light. A logical contradiction. Secondly, if you try and use the mathematics of SR for a frame of reference moving at light speed you end up dividing by zero. But, again, the length contraction is only apparent to the other observer. You are currently travelling at near the speed of light relative to cosmic rays passing by. But you are not contracted (not is your mass increased) by that, so there is no danger of you turning into a black hole. "we point out confusions regarding the particle horizon, the event horizon, the ``observable universe'' and the Hubble sphere (distance at which recession velocity = c). We show that we can observe galaxies that have, and always have had, recession velocities greater than the speed of light. We explain why this does not violate special relativity and we link these concepts to observational tests." https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0310808
  16. Neat. But not the sort of instantaneous communication asked about in the OP. There is no faster than light communication here. Depends on you definition of "understand" I suppose, but it is explained by quantum theory.
  17. Reg Prescott has been suspended for three days for repeated thread hijacking.
  18. Perhaps you could provide a reference to that?
  19. ! Moderator Note Let’s stick to the subject (capacitors) or I might have to split this thread again!
  20. It is quite normal for moderators to split off-topic posts to a new thread.
  21. Note that the force carriers are virtual photons, which are not really particles and don't obey the normal rules. I have no idea what that means. I suggest you walk carefully to the nearest library.
  22. I would say it is the other way round. But remember this is just an analogy. One way we can see this is not a very accurate analogy is the fact that someone free falling into a black hole would not observe any Hawking radiation. A more accurate description involves the division of the vacuum energy into positive and negative components and how these differ for an observer near the black hole compared to one at an infinite distance. (Or something like that.) I have seen another interpretation of Hawking radiation (and I'm not sure if this is generally accepted or not) where it is radiation released when the black hole formed and escapes later (and cooler) because of the time dilation near the event horizon.
  23. There might be some confusion here because there are two parts to the Walace-Darwin theory of evolution: evolution by natural selection and common descent of species. The former doesn't imply the latter but is the mechanism by which the latter is achieved. The "tree of life" is a consequence of these theories and can be deduced from the fossil evidence, from living species and from DNA. It obviously has practical purposes (as a teaching tool if nothing else) so I'm not sure what the OP's point is. I think we can draw our own conclusions from his caginess on this ...
  24. And I explained why it is obvious nonsense. As studiot says, you need to fill these gaps in your knowledge.
  25. If that were true it would not be possible to build any sort of tuned circuit or control system. An RC circuit is about the simplest example: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC_time_constant We usually use a clock to force circuits to run more slowly than their maximum speed (in a controlled and synchronised manner). You should stop digging.
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