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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Are you not going to show your calculations? How do you expect anyone to help you find your error if you won't show us what you have done so far? You never now, by putting your detailed calculations here (in LaTex) you might even spot the error yourself. You would probably learn more from tat, than someone else pointing it out to you.
  2. That isn't what I was referring to. I think you could benefit from some professional medical help; some sort of counselling. That doesn't sound right. All the studies I have seen of the effect of genetics on IQ show there is a very small effect probably distributed across a very large number of genes. As to personality, I'm not even sure how you would quantify that to measure it. This sounds like one of this made-up factoids, unless you can provide references. Yes, but he was borderline insane. Why use someone like that as a reference point? If it makes you feel any better, consciousness and the sense of "self" is probably an illusion as well. Our entire perception of the world is a trick played on us by the brain!
  3. It would not suddenly stop. It would slow down gradually due to air resistance and friction. The energy released (as heat) would equal the energy put in originally. [math]T = 2 \pi \sqrt\frac{L}{g}[/math] (approximately) http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/pend.html
  4. Radio signals. Just like a remote controlled toy car or plane. Because of the distances involved, the signal may go via satellites.
  5. I think it is great that it got you interested in science. I was fascinated by things like this (and science fiction) when I was young. But it is important to think critically about it. Here is an article pointing out some of the problems with her books: https://dmitrybrant.com/2007/09/05/the-non-science-of-lynne-mctaggart
  6. I don’t know what book that was but quantum field theory says no such thing. Sounds like a quantum-woo updating of that Kirlian(?) photography nonsense from the 70s
  7. Yes. You can run a loop of wire underneath and extract power from it (don’t do this, it is illegal). Or hold a fluorescent tube under it
  8. That’s true. Apart from the “just” bit. You need to read up on how consciousness (and possibly free will) arises from the neural substrate. He said all sorts of nutty things. Sounds to me like you need professional help.
  9. Unlikely to happen. But posting it here would give you some protection (because it would be here with a date and your name attached to it) and would also allow you to get some feedback (there are a few members with relevant expertise).
  10. Sooory! But it’s still brilliant!
  11. Are we? That’s an odd belief. Even odder than believing in free will.
  12. The toast function had me laughing out loud!
  13. I wish I had thought of that!
  14. It isn’t. Why do you think this? Small objects have somewhere for energy to go (the rest of the universe). While the energy of the universe has nowhere to go (there is nowhere “outside the universe “). On the other hand, the total energy of the universe is not well defined, so we can’t really say if it is lost or conserved.
  15. Here is a great article explains why the CMB can only be explained by the big bang model, and how our knowledge has changed over the decades (thus contradicting your claims of "belief" and "going nowhere"): This Is How We Know The Cosmic Microwave Background Comes From The Big Bang
  16. You seem to be under the misapprehension that the charge of the electron is conserved and, separately, the charge of the proton is conserved. This is incorrect. It is the TOTAL charge that is conserved. The initial total is zero. The final total is zero. Zero = zero, therefore charge is conserved. Are you able to understand that?
  17. Of course not. +1 + -1 = 0 But maybe that simple arithmetic is too advanced for you. What is a "specific mass" and why should an electron have one? You would need to present a mathematical model and show that it produces quantitative results that match what we observe. I don't think you have done that yet. And, can you please learn to use the Quote function.
  18. It’s a scam. You can show anything in a video. If it was a free source of energy why is this moron posting yootoob videos instead of being one of the richest men on earth.
  19. No he’s not. He is a selfish pig. And he doesn’t even exist. But that was his fault. He is just trying to pass the blame because he doesn’t want to admit he cocked-up.
  20. Yes. We would be better off without your insane god introducing evil into the world.
  21. Do they? Do you have a reference for that? Quantum sized particles (which can include quite large objects) can be in a superposition of states, which can include position. Sounds like Wheeler’s Many Worlds interpretation.
  22. “Oh look at me. Look how glorious I am” Are you sure he’s not gay? So he did it knowing it would create evil in the world? Just so he could make himself more glorious? Psychopathic behaviour.
  23. Well that’s pretty mean of him. He didn’t want them around so he gave them to us. Sounds like a selfish bastard. Who put him in charge? I didn’t vote for him. Your god sounds like a spoiled kid who grew up to be a bullying dictator who doesn’t care about humans.
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