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Everything posted by Strange

  1. I don’t. The text you quote was intended to show that the concept of “not existing at the same time” is nonsense/meaningless. Well, apart from Dr Who being fictional and you being “there” and me being “here”, that was the point I was trying to make. But we may all measure time differently. Define “exist”. Define “at the same time”. But, in general, you and me and the Internet “exist at the same time” otherwise we would not be having this conversation. On the other hand, The Titanic existed at a different time, which is why I am not crossing the Atlantic on it.
  2. When you say “function” do you mean something like “significance” or “meaning”? (Also, the reason/explanation of the microwave background was understood before it was spotted by Penzias and Wilson - that is why it was so important)
  3. What is the wave function of this true particle?
  4. All particles are wave phenomena. Have you heard of the electron microscope? Or the double slit experiment? Or quantum theory ...
  5. Angular momentum does not have the same dimensions as velocity, so this must be wrong.
  6. It is not “actually” a particle. But neither is the electron (or neutrino, quark, proton, or any other). On the other hand, it is exactly as much a particle as any of the others.
  7. Yes, should have been “spin”
  8. What an odd question Why would anyone think that light speed is less than the speed of light???
  9. There are particles without mass and particles without success in. (But, interestingly, none without both. Yet.) There are a few scientific ideas like this. For example https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preon
  10. I think you should join Stack Exchange, you would fit right in with their elitist attitude of only wanting the “right sort of question”
  11. You still haven't defined what it means to "invert a sphere" or "turn a circle inside out". These seem to be meaningless, without some formal definition.
  12. So you are saying people should no ask for advice? If someone is looking for advice for choosing between using a GPU and a CPU for an application, then that probably implies they haven't written any code yet. So people can't ask for advice from people who may have the relevant experience. Don't be so arrogant?
  13. You might find existing libraries to do most of what you need: http://www.iwocl.org/resources/opencl-libraries-and-toolkits/ And there are several neural network frameworks as well: https://www.google.com/search?q=opencl+neural+networks
  14. Bohrs model works as well as yours (it is still used) and has fewer problems. So, not perfect but not a joke. We already know that, like your idea, it only works for hydrogen so this is just another strawman
  15. Yes. Your your hands would age slightly less than your body in this case. I don’t know what you mean by “exists at the same time” That isn’t what I said.
  16. True. Yours is very limited. And has even more problems than the Bohr model.
  17. It is not a toy: https://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/about/fs21grc.html
  18. You agree it works then? And works better than your modified Bohr model.
  19. Your modification of Bohr’s model doesn’t make much difference. It still doesn’t work. Your silly straw man attacks on quantum theory do nothing to support your idea.
  20. Don’t be silly. I know what it is. But it has nothing to do with my question. So, last chance: do you have a reference for the "frame dragging effect of dark matter"?
  21. We don’t currently have a theory that says everything was made by the Big Bang. Maybe the “something” always existed.
  22. The Big Bang model doesn’t say anything about how the universe started. None of our current theories go back that far. There are many possibilities: eternal inflation, a cyclic universe (“big bounce”), an infinitely old universe, etc. There is no real evidence for any of these at the moment. P.S. is your underlined text copied from somewhere? If so you should provide a reference/link
  23. Why didn't it stick with the majority of the mass then? Yes. We know that already. That is one of the many reasons why your idea can't work. Anyway. I give up. Good luck.
  24. And what does "consciousness" mean? Being conscious of our surroundings? Being aware of ourselves as individuals? Being aware of our existence in the wider world and in time, and therefore our mortality?
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