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Everything posted by Strange

  1. I think you guys should report this to the police. They might not have done anything illegal (yet) but what they are doing is pretty despicable.
  2. There is no such taboo. The problem may be that every serious study has pruduced results you don’t like (mundane explanation or insufficient evidence to reach any conclusion). Structures on the moon?
  3. What you think is not very relevant as you seem to believe in a flat Earth. But perhaps you could explain how antimatter could be used to achieve this. We already do this. But, somehow, it isn't surprising that you don't know this. Vast amounts of money are being put into fusion research. Ignoring the billions that have gone into weapons, ITER alone has a budget of about $20 billion (and this will probably cost much more in the end). China is spending a similar amount on their system. And there are many other projects.
  4. 1. It's noise. 2. You can't deduce anything from looking at a photo. Use the data. But it hasn't been. There was no event in your fantasy world. That exists only in your head. Back in reality, real scientists used real statistical analysis on real data to confirm that a real event really happened.
  5. Douglas Adams would be proud of you.
  6. If you are happy to make up your own fantastic ideas, why ask for facts that you don't like?
  7. Remember to tie a knot in the ends of the pipes.
  8. Enough sperm production could create enough compressive force to blow through whatever was made to be in the way. OK? Of course, it is completely untrue. It could never happen. But if that is the answer you are looking for, problem solved.
  9. That's a shame. But ejaculation is irrelevant.
  10. I think radiation is used as well. Where it won't damage the thing being processed.
  11. Depending on how one defines "like", I suppose. They are (nearly) all balls of gas powered by fusion. Like our Sun. But there is a huge variety within that. Like this? That has a nice flat earth, that I guess you will appreciate, as well.
  12. I am thinking of having DNR tattooed on my chest. Before it is too late.
  13. I suspect you are being sarcastic ...
  14. No. And unless we find a method of creating micro black holes in the lab, I doubt we ever will. It will probably have formed a black hole, but there isn't enough data to confirm this. It could have formed a neutron star that is still above the limit of collapsing to a black hole.
  15. Many? Of course you do. After all, they make sense to you because you thought of them. Go on then.
  16. Modern packaging methods sterilise food and then pack it in an inert atmosphere (typically nitrogen, I think). This gives a very long shelf life. You would need to eliminate fungi as well.
  17. I was just about to report him as a possible sock-puppet when he got banned.
  18. Well, the mass would have to go somewhere. And Hawking radiation is the only (currently) known method for that.
  19. This is because you don't understand how JPEG encoding works. Who said you are paranoid? Yes. They are real noise. In other words, not signal. How about answering the questions in my first post?
  20. Yes. That is why I said it. Just thought it was useful to quantify things a bit.
  21. Er, no. Your idea is too vague to be sure how many assumptions it rests on. And there is no reason to think it is correct. I think GR is based on three postulates: 1. The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames 2. The speed of light is invariant (Personally, I think this is covered by 1; but it is important, and unintuitive, enough to highlight) 3. Acceleration and gravity are indistinguishable (or alternatively, gravitational mass and inertial mass are the same) And it is more likely to be right because it has been tested. You are misusing Occam's razor. It doesn't say that a simpler idea is correct, it says that if you have two correct ideas then you should choose the one that doesn't include unnecessary elements. For example, there is a theory called Lorentz Ether Theory which is identical to Special Relativity except it includes an undetectable aether as a mechanism. Because this aether is undetectable and unnecessary, Special Relativity is preferred by Occam's razor.
  22. This threshold is about 100th the Earth mass. And the lifetime at that size would be about 1044 years. For a black hole to evaporate in less than a second, its mass would have to be about 200 tons.
  23. There are no forces in GR so it is more like the latter.
  24. On some forums, banned or (temporarily) suspended users get identified by their usernames being in a different colour, being struck through or their "title" ("Lepton" etc) being changed (e.g. to "suspended" or "banned"). On the old version of the forum software here, the username was visible but was no longer a link to the user and their posts. (Which was annoying because it made it hard to find old posts - to identify a sock-puppet, for example). Now we have nothing telling us that a user is banned (unless you follow the banned users thread, or a mod posts in the thread(s) they were posting in) so people may keep trying to discuss something with someone who is gone. If there is a configuration option to display the banned status, it would be useful.
  25. He has been banned so ...
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