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Everything posted by Strange

  1. And colourless green sheep dream furiously. (Your sentence makes no sense; its semantic content is zero.)
  2. How can you say that if you don't know what it is? And where did 1.41 g/cm3 come from? Is that because its volume changes? Or because its mass changes? Or both? And what is the size of this variability? Is it monotonic or cyclic or ... ? So what holds the Sun together then? But light can travel up as well as down, just as easily. Maybe it is simply the fact that photons, being massless, have to travel at c.
  3. Why is it only attracted to the space ahead? Why not the space to either side, or behind it? Why doesn't it continuously accelerate if it has a continuous force of attraction pulling it forward (you know, Newton's laws of motion) Why don't stationary objects just start moving because they re attracted to the space ahead?
  4. What additional physics are you trying to explain, that is not currently explained? Citation needed.
  5. I think (based on progress in AI so far) we are decades away from that. (But I am notoriously bad at predicting the future of technology) I have no idea what mine is. I have, at some point in the past, done a couple of free online tests and got implausibly high numbers. That may be because they wanted to encourage you to pay for their "real" tests. Or a reflection of the poor quality of the tests (I seem to remember that they depended a lot on general knowledge and English vocabulary, the latter of which I would probably do well at).
  6. I think I disagree there. Current AI systems are able to do basic drudge work (scanning billions of photos looking for some feature) with reasonable success rates (and a few spectacular failures). Developing incrementally better AI systems will require some of our brightest minds for many decades. Absolutely. (Although this may be an argument made by people who don't do very well on IQ tests!) Very likely true.
  7. It is. But a sail isn’t just a surface that is pushed by the air hitting it. It acts as an airfoil and generates “lift” as well.
  8. Don't break the rules, and you will be OK.
  9. Probably one of the least authoritative sources available. It is like an Anti-Wikipedia - there may be the odd bit of truth in there but it is lost among all the nonsense.
  10. I wonder who is going to pay for all these perpetual students and their offspring? And who is going to work in the offices, fields and factories if you can get a good salary by just pretending to be a student? Before this thread gets closed, I would suggest that anyone wanting to get a better understanding of the (complex) relationships between wealth, health, education, migration, etc visits Gapminder, set up by the late great Hans Rosling: https://www.gapminder.org The information they present could change your view of the world.
  11. What does being well educated or having children have to do with IQ? Are we to assume from your posts that you have very many children? (But yes, there is a strong correlation between increasing education, especially of women, and falling birth rates. That is a good thing.) Nothing else in this rather incoherent post appears to be on topic either. Citation still needed. As you are unwilling or unable to hold a coherent conversation and engage in a discussion, maybe this thread should be closed as well.
  12. Strange


    ! Moderator Note Homework Help Rules A simple reminder to all: this is the "Homework Help" forum, not the "Homework Answers" forum. We will not do your work for you, only point you in the right direction. Posts that do give the answers may be removed. So Layan, would you explain where you have got to in solving this problem and what has stopped your progress - hopefully members can then help you to overcome your difficulties yourself.
  13. You could just provide a link to the page where the quoted text came from. That is the normal procedure (it allows others to see more context for the material, it gives credit to the creator, and avoids problems of copyright or plagiarism).
  14. And that works, bizarrely enough. Related, I think, to the fact that a sailboat can go faster than the wind.
  15. Citation needed. Maybe it is just compensation for the Flynn effect. I would guess the lack of a good definition of IQ and the corresponding arbitrariness of the tests accounts for a large part of it. Maybe modern communication technology and social media means that cultural change is happening faster and the tests can no longer be fudged quickly enough to compensate.
  16. And I meant that if you are going to quote something, particularly as a reference, you should say where it is from.
  17. Are fire alarms "alarmist"?
  18. Normal matter warps space. It is. In fact, mass doesn't appear in the equations of GR at all, only energy (and some other quantities like momentum flow and stress). There seem to be a couple of problems with what you propose: 1) there is no such thing as "energy" that you can put at some point in space. Mass has energy, photons have energy, other particles have energy. 2) Mass is a far more effective way of concentrating energy than photons, for example. If you work out how much energy is required to produce the same effect as 1gram of matter, you will see it is enormous. And, if you use photons (because you can get an unlimited number of photons in a given space) then you have the problem that they travel at the speed of light so you need to constantly refresh them. Unless you can enclose them in a (near) perfect reflecting chamber or something. 3) Apart from the above, you would need to get the energy from your ship to the point in front of the ship. That will impart backwards momentum to your ship which, at best, could be cancelled by the gravitational attraction of that energy (but actually wouldn't be). You effectively have a closed system (because the focussed point of energy is created by your craft) and therefore it is impossible to have net change of momentum. Your suggestion is therefore equivalent to firing rocks at the front wall of the ship and hoping that would make the ship move forwards.
  19. That is not "from Google". Google is a search engine. It returns information from various sources. You might as well say "from a book". Or, more realistically, "from a library somewhere in the world". Not very useful as a reference. 🙂
  20. Ok. It was just that you said: I would assume the authors made the changes. I don't think journals even edit papers for style; it is up to the authors to follow the journal's style guide.
  21. The "tiny caveat" I mentioned earlier is the fact that mass and energy are equivalent. So adding energy to an object (e.g. by heating it up) does increase its effective mass. (This effect is so small it can be ignored in almost all situations.) But that doesn't change the fact that: (1) the gravitational effect between two objects depends ONLY on their mass-energy, not on the difference between them and (2) energy is a property of an object: you can move the object along with its associated energy, colour and shape. But you can't push shape, colour or energy as they are not independent things. ! Moderator Note I hoped this was just a question. As it isn't: moved to Speculations.
  22. No. No. Energy is not a "thing" that can be moved around by a force. No. Note that motion (and energy) are observer dependent. So one person may say an object is stationary with kinetic energy of zero, while another may say it is moving and therefore has kinetic energy.
  23. ! Moderator Note This is a forum for discussing evidence-based science. Suggesting untested medical treatments is not appropriate. (Anecdotes are not evidence. ) It is also potentially dangerous if it stops people getting proper medical treatment.
  24. This is basic thermodynamics, nothing to do with gravity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_of_thermodynamics#Second_law Gravity always attracts two masses, regardless of their relative energy. Two objects of 1kg will have the same force between them if they have the same temperature (energy) or one has higher energy than the other. (There is a tiny caveat here, in GR, which we can go into if necessary.)
  25. Rather ironic from a leader of one of the most isolationist and xenophobic governments the UK has had for a long time. (Which she played a large part in creating.) Bizarre isn't it. "We all need to work together so please ignore the fact we are accusing you of incompetence and dishonesty."
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