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Everything posted by Strange

  1. As long as you knew the original amplitude and/or phase. In fact, there are were navigation systems that work like this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loran-C
  2. The situation of a black hole is different because all the mass is (*) concentrated at the centre. So there would be no decrease in gravity as you approach the centre. Time dilation is due to gravitational potential, not gravitational force, so it would increase steadily as you approach the centre of the Earth. A couple of other points... The linear decrease of gravity inside the Earth is an idealisation assuming the density is the same everywhere. If you take the density of material into account, the gravity increases slightly first and then decreases. Also, if there were a hollow in the centre then the gravity would drop to zero as soon as you enter the hollow. In fact, if the total mass of the Earth were concentrated in a thin shell (where the surface of the Earth is) then there would no gravity as soon as you get inside the shell. (But outside, it would make no difference.)
  3. Yes. For some reason, I read it as anti-gravity. You could mount the repulsive units (if such things were possible) in the ceiling...
  4. Without a reference to the source, it is impossible to say. But as no one else has spotted this (and we have looked at things much smaller than microscopic organisms) I would assume not.
  5. How to get a round object through a square hole that is too small:
  6. It is, in the same way that an elevator is...
  7. It does seem to attract an inordinate amount of nonsense for some reason. Perhaps because the "free energy / over-unity" crowd seem to think it is a source of energy. They seem have missed the basics of thermodynamics and the fact it is the lowest energy state (and therefore you can't extract energy from it).
  8. This blog post: http://languagelog.ldc.upenn.edu/nll/?p=36996 I think it is amazing that, at that time, a word was borrowed across civilisations thousands of miles apart. And that we can trace the fact from words still in use.
  9. Until they were ripped apart by gravity ...
  10. Today I learned that the Japanese word ‘ken’ for dog, which comes from Chinese ‘quan’, shares the same root as Latin ‘canis’ (and hound etc). It was a Bronze Age borrowing from an early Indo-European language.
  11. I’m sure there have been threads where you have been told that the energy of a vacuum is not zero (and hence the existence of virtual particles etc).
  12. Floaters are the oddly shaped, semi-transparent things you see ... errr ... floating around in your vision. They seem to dart away when you try to look at them because they are inside your eye and so they move when you move your eye. They are bits of material that has detached from the inside surface of the eye. Quite normal. Riiiiight.... Backs slowly out of the door hoping not to be noticed ... No, they are really, really tiny. But very close. Time for that Father Ted video, I think.
  13. Notarially. Gravitational force would get increasingly strong until the tidal forces ripped the car apart from the magnet, and then ripped apart the car and the magnet.
  14. Although the English-speaking world seems unusual in not having a fixed phrase before starting eating (bon appétit, いただきます, etc)
  15. Sorry, I misread it. Well the convention about positive and negative charge is arbitrary. But the convention is now fixed. You can only change the direction of the field lines if you also flip the charge.
  16. The field lines are vectors, so entry and exit are not irrelevant.
  17. Thanks. I missed that.
  18. Here: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Pascal's_wager "[It] can be viewed as a case of cognitive dissonance engendered by Christian privilege." http://www.crustaceansingles.com/2016/03/stay-afloat.html
  19. The wikipedia page says "This would suggest than an inhibitor other than naringin ... may be at work." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naringin Does this mean that marmalade may also be a problem!?
  20. It has certainly been seen with muons: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Relativ/muon.html
  21. Maybe they found the peace of non-existence when they died. And justice became irrelevant to them at that point.
  22. That is not really any different from switching from feet to metres. The dimensions are unchanged. Again, doesn't change the dimensional analysis.
  23. https://cosmosmagazine.com/physics/woman-who-invented-abstract-algebra
  24. It thought the consensus was that time is money, not energy.
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