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Everything posted by Strange

  1. They would be their own antiparticle, like photons. (I'm not sure if this is true for all neutral particles) You can find more on virtual particles here: https://profmattstrassler.com/articles-and-posts/particle-physics-basics/virtual-particles-what-are-they/ Virtual gravitons would "mediate" (carry) the gravitational force. In the same way that virtual photons carry the electromagnetic force.
  2. It's not bribery, it's "funding". https://everytown.org/documents/2018/02/throw-them-out-nyt.pdf
  3. According to this, it is more like 25%: https://qz.com/1095899/gun-ownership-in-america-in-three-charts/
  4. I’m sorry if you find my questions confrontational. I can’t help that though. I still haven’t seen an example of a (valid) equation that is not dimensionally consistent. Are there any?
  5. That's it then. Station one of those outside every school. Problem solved. And when a good kid has a tantrum and yells "I hate you. I hope you die. I'm going to kill you" and ends up dead ...
  6. A more practical problem is how people will actually react under stress. Even if some teachers were willing to be armed (and no doubt some would be) they may find themselves unable to act. See also the news reports of how the armed guard behaved.
  7. Which, of course, includes teachers who have a very stressful job (even in normal countries). And if (god forbid) a teacher uses their weapon to kill their students, presumably the answer would be to arm students?
  8. So can we assume you have moved on from the original question? Do you consider that answered?
  9. Interesting article suggesting that human speech goes back long before H. sapiens: http://www.babelsdawn.com/babels_dawn/2018/02/sprechen-sie-neanderthal.html
  10. You’re right. It was MarkE who asked about objects. I can’t see any significant difference (in terms of being an object) between an apparent or real horizon. Which is why I was puzzled you brought it up (that was you, wasn't it?) Huh? These are both explained without needing any interaction with particles. How do you explain Doppler shift in terms of particle interaction? It is trivially explained by relative speed. Why would you need to invent some sort of interaction? That's crazy. That doesn’t make much sense. Do you know what logic is? This is the sort of idiotic argument we get from creationists (“if you can’t do it in a lab, it isn’t science”) An experiment can be a set of observations used to test a hypothesis. So obviously cosmology is based on scientific evidence. The same people who “decide” (or prove) which rules of arithmetic are correct. (Which, in practice, means philosophers and mathematicians.)
  11. I watched from 4:20 to 6:20 and there is nothing about light deflecting off itself. (Because it doesn't.)
  12. Then could you clarify what I am missing, please. Are you saying there are (valid, complete) equations which are not dimensionally consistent? If so can you provide a clear example? Or are you saying that your various digressions are not random and have a clear purpose? In which case, could make that purpose clearer? You have made a few posts along the line of "what about this ..." Where the only response is "what about it". But then you don't explain what you were thinking of. For example, you posted an assignment statement from a programming language. This is syntactically similar to an equation but isn't one. What was the point to be made there? (But, of course, it was dimensionally consistent anyway. Many languages include type checking to ensure this is the case.)
  13. Why? Can you demonstrate, mathematically, that this is the case? Really? Can you demonstrate, mathematically, that this is the case? Can you show this simple mathematics? Your description doesn't make much sense, maybe the maths will make it clearer.
  14. I still don't see the relevance of this. Any equations using these relationships (meaningful or not) will still need to be dimensionally consistent. And the equation describing the relationship of that new quantity to distance and time will be dimensionally consistent. I have lost track of the point of the thread. The answer to the original question is, obviously, "yes". Everyone, including you seems to agree with that. You haven't produced any counter-examples. But you have taken it off in various random tangents for no apparent purpose. (Apart, I suppose, from the fun of a free ranging discussion.)
  15. That appears to confirm that humans are a different genus than other primates. So I'm not sure what "not true" refers to.
  16. Yes, but the question was about scientific equations. And, if they are scientific, they shouldn't be meaningless. (Depending on the definition of "meaningless" perhaps.)
  17. Doh. Of course it is. I don't know what I was talking about!
  18. You keep repeating something that you have been repeatedly told is not true. And you are inventing much of the "evidence" (such as the creation of the universe).
  19. If gravitons exist and they were close enough to a black hole (within the photon sphere) then, yes, they would fall into it. That would be because of space-time curvature, not the cause of it. Not necessarily. I think that, like most massive particles, they would rapidly decay. So they would only be created temporarily in high energy interactions. Not quite. But the graviton would be a quantum of disturbance on the space-time field. I don't think gravitons would be stable enough to be dark matter. They are massless, so couldn't be dark matter. Also, most models of dark matter are "cold" meaning that the particles move at significantly less than light speed, which would also rule out gravitons. But you mention virtual particles, and I don't think any virtual particles can be dark matter. They are not really particles at all, just a mathematical abstraction for describing interactions.
  20. There is no reason to believe that.
  21. Only if you believe it was created. And believe in a " transcendent, immaterial, spaceless and timeless property". I see no reason to believe either of those things.
  22. From the non-zero energy of the ground state of the vacuum. Why is the ground state not zero? Because the Heisenberg principle says the value must have a range of values, that range cannot go below zero and therefore the average value must be greater than zero. (I don't know if that is strictly accurate, but it should be close!)
  23. There is no historical evidence for this event. But if you want to get banned, just keep repeating it. (Reported to mods) There is no evidence that these things happened.
  24. But there is NO evidence it was created. And if it was created, there is no reason to think it was created from your "metaphysical nothing". This is really silly. You have invented a state of nothingness from which nothing can be created. Then you have invented the fact that the universe was created from it. I think I will invent the fact that you don't exist.
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