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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Ah yes. Should have remembered that.
  2. No it isn't. How is that relevant? That has nothing to do with light. Light is only visible if it arrives in the eye. But as an "expert" on the visual system, presumably you now this already. It depends what you mean (as usual, that isn't clear). If the "visual impression" is darkness, then that isn't in the least bit contradictory. It is what is technically called "bloody obvious". If you mean something else, then it is probably just another example of you not knowing what you are talking about.
  3. Yep. We do that everyday with, for example, shadows.
  4. Indeed. Where the waves cancel there is no light. The difference is that the water is the medium for the waves but the light is the wave (the medium is the electromagnetic field).
  5. It is interference in the water waves. Why would you think they do not interfere? It is absence of waves.
  6. More here: https://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-07/if-sun-went-out-how-long-could-life-earth-survive http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/about-us/39-our-solar-system/the-earth/other-catastrophes/61-how-long-could-life-on-earth-survive-if-the-sun-stopped-shining-beginner http://scienceline.ucsb.edu/getkey.php?key=1048
  7. what do you think they could be? The dark parts are the (self) shadowed sides of the waves.
  8. Can you provide a link to this video?
  9. The relationship between motion and time is described by the theory of relativity. In that, time is a 4th dimension for measuring the location of events in space-time. So it doesn't disappear or stop if there is no motion. But time is measured differently by people in relative motion. This comes up regularly on the forum and all the reasons it is not the case are repeated!
  10. Does that actually mean anything?
  11. Tony Dunn has created some cool animations of the path: More here: https://twitter.com/tony873004/status/933425190234611712
  12. It is because we have evolved in the universe. Because it is possible, it happens. I isn't planned or driven. Evidence? Or just opinion? It seems the complexity has arisen with no will or wish that it should. The universe gains nothing. It is purely driven by the needs of populations (ultimately, the only thing that gains from it is the genome.) That is because it is a matter of faith and nothing to do with science.
  13. don't be silly. Kinetic energy doesn't have spin, momentum or wavelength. Thermal energy doesn't have spin, momentum or wavelength. Potential energy doesn't have spin, momentum or wavelength. A stationary electron has zero kinetic energy but still has the same spin. Kinetic energy is a property of massive objects. Photons have no mass. Yep. Because spin is independent of and nothing to do with energy. Why do you keep posting all this nonsense? Reported for posting made-up crap in the mainstream science section.
  14. It is one thing to deny science, but it is a bt silly to lie about it: "Radiation from the Big Bang was demonstrably warmer at earlier times throughout the universe. Uniform cooling of the CMB over billions of years is explainable only if the universe is experiencing a metric expansion" Or are you just incapable of understanding? It is not red-shifted due to dark energy, but due to expansion and cooling (red shift means lower energy = cooler). It is all at the same temperature now, but it was much, much hotter then.
  15. There is lots of evidence: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang#Observational_evidence
  16. There is no complete explanation. That doesn't mean there is no mechanism. Just that we don't fully understand it yet. #GodOfTheGaps Therefore you agree that mathematics is not the only way of describing the universe, so there is no reason to assume it operates on the basis of that description. But it does relegate it to the level of superstition based on fear of the unknown, rather than a rational explanation.
  17. Yes. That is what “god” means. They are both languages we use to describe the world around us. So it seems to make perfect sense. Do you have any rational argument for why they are not similar? It isn’t obvious that is the case. There are arguments on both sides (although you haven’t presented any). That doesn’t change my argument at all. Just because we can describe the universe with math/words/geometry/watercolours doesn’t mean that the universe operates by math/words/geometry/watercolours. You have a simple and naive opinion based purely on your religious belief rather than logic. I am saying that is just a description. In the same way as Newtonian gravity describes it as a force. So, as you think the universe works according to our description, does that force exist? Or does the universe only work according to some of our descriptions and not others? Or did your god stop operating the world according to Newtonian mathematics 100 years ago? Ther may be an alternative mathematical description in future. Will you then have to insist that the universe doesn’t really operate as 4D space-time after all. You seem to suffer from a mediaeval belief that science is about truth. It isn’t.
  18. It would take 8 minutes before it got dark. It would take days, maybe weeks, before the Earth started freezing. We could survive for a while but we would to be able to grow any crops in the cold and dark so life would not last long.
  19. What are you talking about? What does this have to do with spider bites? You are planning to patent radioactive spider bites turning people into superheroes? I'm afraid Spiderman is fiction, not a documentary. But would still count as prior art.
  20. These are not inconsistent. The big bounce is one possible variation of the big bang model. Unfortunately, the apparent acceleration of expansion seems to make it implausible. Theory says it will continue cooling, as it has done so far. The big bang model just says that space is expanding, so I'm not sure what the expansion without the big bang means. And there are versions of the big bang where the expansion has been going on forever. The mass of the black hole will be the same whether it is in the form of particles, radiation or something else. On the other hand we don't know what happens as matter falls towards the centre of the black hole - or what, if anything, stops it doing so. We will need a theory of quantum gravity to answer that. I'm not sure if any of the ideas out there (other than string theory) have any sort of explanation for this.
  21. I don’t know what you mean to imply by that “after the fact” but it is certainly true that, in the UK at least, it is a criminal offence for a man to rape his wife. Quite rightly, too. I would hope the same is true in the USA This has nothing to do with “Dems” or touching bottoms. This level of dihonesty is perhaps not surprising from a Trump supporter.
  22. Really? You have resorted to making stuff up now, to support your case. You have certainly learnt a lot from The Donald.
  23. The BBC article on this was quite good: pointing out that correlation is not causation and that it is quit possible people choose a drink to reflect their mood.
  24. Dramatic film of a soldier escaping from the North. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-asia-42075986/north-korea-defection-footage-of-moment-soldier-flees
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