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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Even if true, that doesn't require a god.
  2. False dichotomy. Based, apparently, on the fallacy of begging the question, as you have already decided they can't be reconciled. On the other hand, if they can be reconciled then these people are being scientific and religious. Many religious people do not have any disagreement with any of those things. After all, none of them are fundamentally religious issues (*). Many religious people accept all results of science (in as much as anyone does; i.e. with an appropriate level of caution). After all, many scientists are religious. Many religious people have liberal views on the sorts of issues you mention. Perhaps you should think of it as a social club and leave it at that. So, once again, this looks like a bit of a straw man argument: "no real religious person can agree with science or my liberal views and if they do, then they are not really religious". (*) What a surprise.
  3. Who says there is "just science"? There is music, art, beauty, love, hate, life, death, ... Science doesn't "emanate" from anything(except the human mind maybe). Is there any reason to think it appeared or got started?
  4. You need to show (you know: maths and physics) that this is possible rather than just relying on "what if". It isn't. So the remaining questions are moot
  5. "The Cook Islands are in the South Pacific Ocean, northeast of New Zealand, between French Polynesia and American Samoa. There are 15 major islands spread over 2,200,000 km2 (849,425 sq mi) of ocean, divided into two distinct groups: the Southern Cook Islands and the Northern Cook Islands of coral atolls.[9]" But thanks for clearing up the fact there is a Cook Island in the Sandwich Islands.
  6. Ah, well spotted.
  7. Because it isn't? The average density of the universe is much lower than that of a star. The average temperature of the universe is much lower than that of a star. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star The universe is not a star. Simply repeating it will not make it so. The radiation from stars is not a black body and not of the right temperature. Also, we have a model that explains exactly why we see a blackbody spectrum with a temperature of 2.7K. Perhaps you would ike to explain exactly what is wrong with that model?
  8. Do they? Where does it say that?
  9. Why do you think it is being kept secret? As you have posted a photo, it doesn't seem terribly well kept. And it says "Cook Island - South Sandwich Island" neither of which are secret (and both consist of multiple islands). On the other hand, the Cook Islands are coral atolls, so probably don't look like that. And 10,000 km from the South Sandwich Islands. What is the source of this image?
  10. Doesn't seem terribly surprising, based on the little I know of oxytocin. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxytocin#Fear_and_anxiety
  11. I still have not seen any source that says that energy is created by this mechanism. (Even if the mechanism exists, which appears to be highly speculative in itself.)
  12. Is what a little odd?
  13. Is there any research showing that different identities have different physiological characteristics? Is there any research showing a relationship between DID and chimaersim?
  14. Interesting question. Gravitational waves can pass through matter unchanged. But in the case of a black hole, I assume it could absorb some of the energy. But I imagine the wavelength of the gravitational wave would have to be smaller than the diameter of the black hole for that to happen. (And it would be a negligible effect anyway.) You could ask for a professional answer here: http://stuver.blogspot.co.uk/p/ask-question.html
  15. This is true of all theories. And will be true of whatever "replaces" GR.
  16. So you agree we should drop the issue of religion been a problem and focus on the actual problems and their causes. Good.
  17. That should have been cromulent (of course). Damned autocorrect.
  18. You can claim that. But to be taken seriously you need to provide some justification; ideally based on known physics. Without that, your claim is just hot air. Except it isn't. It is a collection of stars and galaxies separated by largely empty space. Here is a graph of the light from the sun: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunlight#/media/File:Solar_spectrum_en.svg Note that: 1) It departs significantly from a black body 2) The black body spectrum it approximates is about 5800K, not 2.7K So this cannot possibly be the source of the CMB.
  19. I can't see that obsessing over religion as the/a cause is not very productive. Firstly, it doesn't help at all with the non-religious causes or influences. For example, the Troubles in Ireland were entirely political in origin. The fact that the political boundaries coincided with religious boundaries made the issues more complex, but religion was not the root cause. Similarly, the underlying causes of Islamist terrorism are socio-economic rather than purely religious. Secondly, I'm not sure it helps with finding a solution even with the cases where religion is part of the cause. Other than getting religious organisations to use their influence to campaign against violence, for vaccination, etc.
  20. I assumed it was a rhetorical question because it was so obvious. But Area54 has kindly explained it for the hard of thinking.
  21. If you say so. But I always thought you were slightly brighter than that. Just goes to show that even a Resident Expert can be pretty dumb about the things that they are emotionally bound up with. You might be delighted to know that your Resident Expert status apparently means I can't put you on my ignore list. Which, on second thoughts, is probably a good thing because on almost every other subject you have intelligent and insightful things to say.
  22. Oh the irony.
  23. That is not the creation of mass, it is the evaporation of the mass of the black hole as energy.
  24. Still only one example. One paper. But I'm sure you can find more. But be sure to ignore any research that shows religious organisations helping with education and distribution of vaccines and other types of healthcare. Wouldn't want to disturb your belief system. If you want to get into the "here is bad thing that religious people do" "here is a good thing that religious people do" argument then I can't really help you. I'm not interested in that sort of silly cherry picking of "evidence". So why keep banging on about it.
  25. So exactly the same cause as your need to believe in your god.
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