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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Microsoft Word? OpenOffice? LibreOffice? Online tools such as Vectr? You can't export as PDF, GIF, JPG, PS, PNG, TIFF ... ? Screen grab? https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/autocad-2000-2000i-2002-archive/exporting-to-a-gif-or-bmp/td-p/192390 http://www.zamzar.com/convert/dwg-to-gif/
  2. Maybe you should ask god to explain it for you, as she is so good at explanations.
  3. Does your idea explain anything?
  4. Do you mean it makes sense now? Or are you being sarcastic? What do you mean, it tells you nothing? It tells you there relative time dilation (and length contraction). What else do you expect it to tell you? The error is that you won't accept reality. You think the the spaceships will see the other receding at c. They won't. Observation would disagree with your intuition. This is correct. There is nothing problematic about it. As arithmetic, it isn't wrong. As physics it is wrong because the world doesn't work that way.
  5. If the mirrors were perfect, yes. In reality, no.
  6. And a reflective solar sail gains twice as much momentum from reflected light as would an absorbent one.
  7. Why? What is "universal time"? p.s. your video is incomprehensible to me. Maybe you could explain it. But I think Duchamp beat you to it:
  8. Velocities don't add like that. Did you actually read this: http://hyperphysics....iv/einvel2.html
  9. Well it appears to be wrong.
  10. Why wouldn't you be allowed?
  11. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Relativ/einvel2.html Where does that equation come from?
  12. Why have you posted this in "Suggestions"? Yes, many people think that "relativistic mass" is a confusing and unnecessary concept. I doubt it. That is just mass. Nothing relativistic about it. Indeed. Much clearer. Why is dark energy relevant to conservation? What is that supposed to mean? You seem to have trouble with well established science but happy to make up nonsense.
  13. They are likely to be encrypted by the ransomware so you won't be able to access them. I don't think it only encrypts particular file types.
  14. Maybe you could try using Google translate. Your English is often rather hard to understand. How does a frame belong to an axis? ​And perhaps you could provide some details of your experiments.
  15. Maybe you could try using Google translate. Your English is often rather hard to understand.
  16. Because v1 + v2 < c
  17. That is true in both cases. I'm not sure what you mean by "physical". Space is the distance between things and time is the, err... "time" between things. But when we measure things, there is obviously a distance or interval involved. Space and time seem more obvious than electron orbitals to me. I can see distances and time passing. I can measure them. It is only possible to see orbitals with very specialised equipment.
  18. As these are just questions, why is this in Speculations? Are you planning to present an alternative?
  19. Why not? The model is just as complete as quantum theoretical models of molecular bonding. We know space and time exist (we use them everyday when we navigate and meet appointments). It could be argued that we are not quite as certain about the existence of electrons (which we can only "see" indirectly).
  20. The stretching of space-time. Without the time component, you wouldn't get gravity. There is no evidence space has memory. What is the difference? If I measure something and get a different answer, doesn't that mean that the thing I have measured has changed? If his clock has measured 1 year, then he will have only aged by one year. Or are you saying the atoms in his body are not affected in the same way as the atoms in his clock?
  21. This has nothing to do with preferred frames. It is basically just arithmetic. If you try and treat the speed of light as a reference frame then you end up dividing by zero. The Lorentz factor is: [latex]\frac 1 { \sqrt {1 - \frac {v^2} {c^2} } }[/latex] If you set v = c, you end up with [latex]\frac 1 { \sqrt {1 - \frac {c^2} {c^2} } } = \frac 1 { \sqrt {1 - 1 } } = \frac 1 0[/latex] So it is meaningless. Original Poster (you). Or sometimes Original Post (the first post in the thread)
  22. The most important thing (shown repeatedly in many countries) is to encourage education, especially of women. You also need good governments that are willing to invest in infrastructure and essential services (health, education, clean water, etc).
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