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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Why do you keep claiming people said things that they didn't say? This is a "straw man" argument. And not very constructive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man
  2. Read this: Exactly. Well done. You are getting there.
  3. Not at all. You could have read any amount of it. But you either didn't understand it or you are making a terrible hash of explaining it.
  4. You could try addressing the questions and objections raised. Or you could sit there arrogantly confident in your own rightness and just insult people who demonstrate the flaws in your argument.
  5. Is it? Why would it be? The mass inside the Earth's orbit is constant and almost entirely the mass of the Sun. The rest of you post doesn't make much sense. I cannot work out what you are trying to say.
  6. I have asked questions, and responded to the answers. It is fairly unproductive. For example, when I ask about two people measuring the build point of water (which you claims is subjective) you cannot give a clear answer about what will happen. You also cannot explain why everyone measures the same value for properties like this making them, apparently, objective values. So your idea seems to be falsified by almost every measurement made.
  7. But you are misunderstanding/misrepresenting it.
  8. If we can measure it, then it is a real physical property.
  9. If you don't have anything sensible to post, maybe avoid posting completely.
  10. I find that hard to believe. They are incoherent ramblings contradicted by reality. I can only assume you post random stuff you make up, either as a joke or to attempt to annoy people. It is neither funny nor annoying. Just a bit sad. As they say: a little learning is a dangerous thing. You have picked up on an idea, without fully understanding it, and projected all sorts of nonsense onto it.
  11. No you don't because we know they will always measure 100C. So you are just deluded (or trolling),
  12. I agree. But in the current context (which appears to be applying for a job) I think the distinction would be clear to the hiring manager, especially as the distinction is made.
  13. Batteries. Pressurised gas. Freezing CO2. Use electrolysis to generate hydrogen and oxygen.
  14. You seem to have missed the point of the question: you believe the boiling point of water is 50C, the person next to you believes it is 100C - what temperature does the thermometer read? But this doesn't correspond to reality. When independent people measure a new property, they get the same result. So when people first measured the boiling point of water, wherever they did it, whenever, whoever they were, they found the same value (allowing for factors like purity, air pressure, etc.). There is no evidence that pre-existing beliefs have any effect. If, according to you, it is impossible to detect that beliefs have an effect but it can never be detected, then that (to me) is exactly the same as them having no effect.
  15. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SmoothFunction.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smoothness https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_field#Vector_fields_on_manifolds
  16. So, with respect to the boiling water thing, are you saying that you could measure the water boiling at 50C but the person standing next to you would see the same thermometer reading 100C? Actually, science doesn't say any such thing. You cannot prove they don't exist. All science can say is that every attempt to detect such things has failed.
  17. Only if they are orbiting a point mass. If you believe that can be done, then go ahead and do it. Why? Because it introduces less than a 1% error, as you stated. And don't forget the other stars. Why not read the references that the information comes from? https://arxiv.org/abs/1203.2625 https://arxiv.org/abs/0810.4674
  18. The problem is that it is very far away and largely hidden by dust clouds and so on. I also doubt there is a "hard" outer radius to the accretion disk. It is mainly gas and so will just get thinner and thinner with distance. http://www.pppl.gov/news/2016/12/better-way-simulate-accretion-supermassive-black-hole-center-milky-way-developed-pppl https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.07911
  19. And yet everyone measures the same boiling point of water, the same number of days in a year, the same radius of the Earth, the same spectral lines for hydrogen, etc. If you can get water to build at 50C just by believing it should, I would be very impressed.
  20. In the UK, I think the distinction between "employee" and "contractor" is very clear.
  21. At the very least, not generally accepted. If a physics theory were not generally accepted I would be reluctant to accept it as fact.
  22. This is a science forum. You are posting nonsense.
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