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Everything posted by Strange

  1. No. But neither can an infinite plane. However, you can calculate the properties of such a thing (in the limit, at least). All fundamental particles have zero size (if that is what you mean). Start a new thread. Stop hijacking this one. Gravity (waves) propagate at the speed of light. There is no reason to think otherwise. (This is consistent with LIGOs results, as you say. And will probably be confirmed once VIRGO and other instruments come on line.) (If van Flandern says it is something, then you can be damn sure it isn't that. No it doesn't.
  2. Strange


    You cannot separate the quarks in mesons or any other hadrons. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_confinement
  3. 1. You mean "what Roberts and Schleif say" 2. What is the difference between "velocity" and "determined velocity"? Do you think light can move at a different speed than we measure?
  4. Animals evolve to fit their environment. So the only way I can see your scenario happening is if the environment changes rapidly. So, if the climate gets warmer, for example, then animals may move north. This does happen.
  5. As far as I know, it is still tinnitis.
  6. You seem to be confusing two different things: the concept of evil and the use of the word. No one can control how people use the word. (Dictionaries can't and don't even try to.) There doesn't seem to be any problem. (Outside of your head.)
  7. Like this?
  8. "Better" as in nicer? I would like to see some ergonomic evaluations to show whether they are better or worse.
  9. And may have re-invented the wheel. (Or the thing that turns the wheel!)
  10. It could use electricity to boil the water and drive a steam engine. Or just heat a liquid (or a bimetal strip) and use that the generate motion. Or ...
  11. In the UK there are not (as far as I am aware) any tax benefits. Or maybe there is something to do with inheritance tax. But there important rights related to inheritance and children. So if someone dies intestate, their partner may not be able to inherit if they are not married. Also, a father has no rights to the children if the mother dies and they are not married. But I think the main reason people get married (beyond mere convention) is to make a public declaration of their love.
  12. It is pretty obvious that the point Bender is making is about the function not the implementation.
  13. Of course they are not the same. So what. Do try and make sense.
  14. They are equivalent. As the theory of computable functions shows. And WTF has god got to do with it!? Try and talk sense.
  15. Apart from linear ones! (Which are quite common: loudspeakers, for example.) Head actuators in disk drives are somewhere in between, I suppose. They use the same voice coil technique, but to rotate the arm (rather than revolve).
  16. How is that relevant? Anyway, maybe not (although that could be argued in another thread). But there is no evidence for a god. While there is evidence for brains and for computers. So I don't know what point you are trying to make.
  17. Well, as we already have one example implementation it clearly isn't impossible.
  18. There are differences in implementation (and complexity). There is no good reason to think that the brain does anything that a computer couldn't do. Imagine a computer that simulated in detail all the neurons and biochemicals in the brain: it would reproduce the behaviour of the brain.
  19. There doesn't seem to be anything to discuss: you have invented a new type of motor but won't say anything about how it works (quite sensibly, if you want to patent it). So, what can I say? Nothing. Expect, maybe, good luck. Have you done a patent search for similar ideas?
  20. That isn't what I said. (Although I wouldn't be surprised if such a thing existed.) In addition to the links Bender provide, there is also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconfigurable_computing
  21. Yeah, I know. Nothing is ever your fault, is it. It is always someone else. Or the system. Or ...
  22. I posted this in another thread. You might find it useful: This video explains how the speed of light falls out of Maxwell's equations: Note that the equations don't include anything about the position or the speed of the "things" generating or interacting with the electric or magnetic fields. So the equations are the same wherever you are and whatever your state of motion (Galilean relativity). So the speed of light is invariant. So, special relativity. Simples.
  23. On the other hand, many well informed people will try to correct you when you make mistakes. Oh, and argument from authority is a fallacy. Oh, and so is the Galileo Gambit.
  24. OK. I guess it would more accurate to say "two things that fixed the current layout".
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