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Everything posted by Strange

  1. I'm sure it can't be that hard to explain. Really? Oh well, here we go again: You have a table with numbers assigned to "Voynich symbols". 1. Where does this table of symbols come from? 2. What determines the order of these symbols? 3. How do you know what numbers symbols should be assigned to these symbols? 4. How do you know that one set of signals means "scorpion"? 5. How do you know that another set of symbols means "craf" / "garlic" ? 6. Why are you using an English word (scorpion) in one case and a Welsh word (craf) in another case? And another one (I have lost count now): What controls have you used? For example, have you used random Voynich characters and checked what they "decode" to? Have you given other people the Voynich words plus your method and checked they decode them to the same words? (It is hard for me to think of good controls as your method appears to be based purely on numerology and is therefore meaningless nonsense by definition. But it would be good if you made a pretence of a scientific approach.)
  2. The observer's time doesn't slow down. He see the the time of the (moving) source slow down.
  3. As all files, images, etc are ultimately binary patterns, every search will be "in terms of binaries" (whatever that means). It probably won't, even if you have a frame from the movie because the compression methods use mean that only a few frames are stored uncompressed. Most are stored as differences from previous frames. Because it requires advanced image recognition and AI. Mouseover text: In the 60s, Marvin Minsky assigned a couple of undergrads to spend the summer programming a computer to use a camera to identify objects in a scene. He figured they'd have the problem solved by the end of the summer. Half a century later, we're still working on it. This is already done in law enforcement applications.
  4. It depends what you want to search for. If you have an image from the video, then it should be relatively simple to find the most closely matching image from the video stream. If you want to do something like "show me all video clips with dogs in" then the video content would have to be analysed and indexed in some way. This might be manual (by the creator of the video) or using some sort of image recognition (AI) that can detect that it is a scene with a man and a dog so when you search for "dog" it shows you that scene. I'm sure Google are working on this - if they haven't already done it.
  5. I think people use it to mean that it is relatively static, to emphasise that gravity is not mediated by gravitational waves but by the state of the gravitational field. I think the generation of waves requires a certain sort of asymmetry. So a spinning sphere won't generate waves, for example. (The details beyond that are a bit fuzzy for me.) Absolutely.
  6. False. This appears to be completely meaningless. Can you provide any scientific references to explain what you are trying to say here? Therefore it is impossible for mass to travel at the speed of light as you claim. Do you have any evidence to support this? (Postulates are supposed to be things that are self-evident or can be obviously derived from the evidence. This appears to be some random guess that you have made up.) I can't be bothered to read through the rest.
  7. I will take your refusal to explain your methods as an admission that it is numerological nonsense. I think we can now close the thread.
  8. Remember time dilation is relative. The observer sees time dilation in the other persons clock (i.e. sees the other persons clock slowed and they light time shifted). This is symmetrical so if observer A sees B's clock run slow because of time dilation then B will also see A's clock run slow because of time dilation.
  9. False. (Again!) 1. There is no spring connecting Earth and Mars. So you have no evidence to support your claim. 2. Your animation is showing the effect of an impulse applied to a spring. This will travel through the spring at the speed of sound. This would be the same whether the impulse was provided from Mars or Earth. 3. If there were a spring connecting Earth and Mars, then it would be in equilibrium and changes would take place evenly throughout the spring: Therefore it does not tell you if one end is fixed. I suggest you learn some basic science before repeating this claim. SaveSave
  10. I thought I had seen exactly the same question answered recently, but the nearest thing i could find was 9 years ago: http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/24792-spacetime-curvature-for-non-gravitational-forces/
  11. That doesn't make sense. If you don't know how many objects exert a force on the Earth then you don't know how many objects the Earth exerts a a force on. (The two numbers are the same, so if you know one you know the other.) Also, the vast majority of those objects are irrelevant because of distance. Not really. As far as gravity is concerned it is just an object with mass. Nothing unique about it. Obviously false. Your ideas seem to be based on weird and irrelevant analogies rather than physics. Try some maths next time.
  12. You have to think of it like an old skool video game screen where if you go off the top, you reappear at the bottom and if you go off to the left you reappear at the right. Basically, if you travel far enough in any direction you could end up back where you started. Which also means ... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Observable_universe#The_Universe_versus_the_observable_universe
  13. Which aspect does not make sense: - the idea that the surface has a finite area but no boundary? - how that can be extended to 3D space?
  14. Are you tired of that mellow vaping experience? Do you long for the real tobacco flavor? Then try La Brea, our unique Full Tar vape that will cure those nostalgic feelings. [Not to be used within 14 miles of pregnant women or children under 34]
  15. What if everyone actually had only one soul mate, a random person somewhere in the world? https://what-if.xkcd.com/9/ It doesn't work out well ...
  16. This sounds contradictory to me. You object to the "Western" style of just learning facts (which I don't think is a realistic assessment) but think that the same thing is OK in China and Japan. Double standards? Of course there are paradigm shifts in medicine: Because it is based on science. You don't get paradigm shifts in "traditional" or made up alternative medicine. (Although you may get fashion trends - because there is no evidence for any of it.) Of course. But without some attempt at a rational quantitative (i.e. scientific) approach you are relying on guesswork and wishful thinking.
  17. In current models there is no edge (or centre). As a 2D analogy consider the surface of the Earth: there is no edge and no centre, but it is finite in size. And it could get larger.
  18. It is spherical. The density is higher towards the centre. (Sadly, I have never been able to track down a graph showing the density distribution.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navarro–Frenk–White_profile
  19. So you have no reason to think it will work. As you cannot do the maths, this link (provided earlier) gives a good explanation of why it cannot work: https://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/museum/overbal.htm More detail here: https://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/museum/themes/centgrav.htm
  20. Your PDF didn't answer any of my questions. Please explain what "3% gap" means and where it comes. Do you really think that is an answer? What is wrong with you? Q.17; Where does that 9 come from and where does the 100 come from? These are the basis of my first three questions. Q1. Where does this table of symbols come from? Q2. What determines the order of these symbols? Q3. How do you know what numbers should be assigned to these symbols? You have not explained any of these. Well, I suppose that counts as an answer. Well done. So when you said "all languages don't work based on rules to decoded the voynich" that is not what you meant.
  21. What, exactly, is the difference between these. Either the wheel turns or it doesn't. Obviously it doesn't. You need to do the calculations of the contribution of every weight in order to understand why not. Stop drawing meaningless pictures and do the maths.
  22. The word llin is also welsh for flax. I don't think it is my comprehension that is the problem but you refusal / inability to explain what you are doing (beyond numerology which is, as explained already, inherently meaningless. Q14. Why or how are they stripped out? (Reminder: you have not yet answered a single question. Not one. ) Q.15 Please demonstrate that this is the case. List the words and show how you derive them (that will require you to answer the first 10 or so questions as well.) Q16 Please show that you cannot do the same with all other languages. (I would do this but you haven't explained your method yet.)
  23. It fails dimensional analysis. Done.
  24. It seems to me that much European education is about getting children to think for themselves and work out ways to solve problems. Chinese and Japanese education (in my experience) is much more driven by rote learning and repeating facts. (I often wonder if this is partly because that is what is required by the writing systems.) It sounds like mumbo-jumbo to me. Unless there is evidence that it works. But as soon as there is it becomes scientific. As someone said: "You know what they call Alternative Medicine that works? Medicine." Why not? We can measure (in various ways) the happiness of the people. We can relate that to wealth, education, health, government policies, the number of parks, the weather, availability of cultural and spiritual activities and whatever else you want. That data can then be used to increase happiness of people in the sate. Bingo: the application of science!
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