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Everything posted by Strange

  1. Yes. But also, not every photon will be reflected because the mirror will not be perfect.
  2. What is a "time traveler that suits your needs"?
  3. This would also require that stars and planets (which require gravity for the creation and existence) must have sprung into existence when the first organism became conscious. But how did that first conscious being evolve if there were no planets.
  4. Of course you are.
  5. The article on the tachyonic antitelephone explains the idea a bit more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tachyonic_antitelephone Will there ever be a physics term greater than "tachyonic antitelephone"? According to this message from the future, the answer is "no" https://xkcd.com/1699/
  6. No. I am saying that, like other religious people, you are worrying about something that doesn't exist. You might be better off worrying about things in the real world that you might be bale to do something about.
  7. Interesting: kind of the folk etymology equivalent of numerology...
  8. None of them are you. Quite possibly none of them exist. But if you want to torment yourself by worrying about things that don't exist then the Catholic Church will be proud of you.
  9. Then why do you keep linking to crackpot "free energy" videos? Then where is the energy coming from?
  10. No, I don't think that. (The "block universe" model seems to me to be just a rather unhelpful philosophical idea.) It very obviously is. (As well as being readily derived purely theoretically; e.g. from Maxwell's equations.) Which is why I can't see it as a "shut up and calculate" model. Well, I have reread the first post and skimmed the references. I don't see much of interest there.
  11. Er, no, that is not how science (or even real life) works. You idea is contradicted by fundamental and well-tested scientific principles. Therefore it remains impossible until you can show that all of established physics is wrong. If generating free power were so easy then there would be a huge industry around it and a number of very rich people, as well as lots of small scale setups in every every house and on every street. And you can't really claim that it doesn't happen because "Big Oil" is trying to stop it when it is on yootoob and every science forum.
  12. I do wonder if this "stronger spatial intellect" is cultural. Anyone know of any research in that area? (I assume it is a thing and not a myth?) There are languages where directions are always specified in absolute terms (so instead of saying "what is that in your left hand" you would say "what is that in your north-east hand" - and that obviously changes with the position of the speakers). I am not aware of any studies on gender differences in fluency in these languages, though.
  13. I don't understand why relativity theory doesn't explain what "really" happens (in as much as any theory can explain that). It is not a "shut up and calculate" theory; it is solidly based on the geometry of space and time. It has as much, if not more more, basis in reality than, say, the electromagnetic field. Just because it doesn't coincide with our intuitive notions of time and space doesn't mean you need to invent something else. And that "something else" won't really explain anything because you can ask: "why does it do that" or "what is it made of" or whatever.
  14. But there are infinite copies of you doomed to eternal paradise.
  15. No they can't. If the 2 poles are constantly pushing then that says they are not moving apart and so there is no kinetic energy generated. If they push each other apart then the force drops of rapidly. The kinetic energy to move the magnets apart comes from the energy you provided to bring them together in the first place (minus losses). There is no free energy from magnets. (I can't believe I am having to say that.) Of course there are magnetic motors that work - because they use electrical energy. If you think there are motors that work by extracting energy from magnets then you have been fooled. (And even if you could extract the energy from magnets, that would mean they would no longer be magnetic.)
  16. Which teacher? And who is the student? And how are they trying to confuse them?
  17. That is not true. I have no qualifications (in science, and precious few elsewhere). Science forums like this can be a great place to learn. I have learnt a huge amount from this and similar forums. Much of that has been from discussions of ideas proposed by those without much experience of science. Some people learn by asking questions. Others learn by making statements and then finding out when they are wrong. So stick around and see what you can learn. And maybe you have something to teach us... "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave"
  18. Isn't there a "Use Google.com" link at the bottom of the page?
  19. "But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown." Carl Sagan The reason that someone determined that the world was round, and (more importantly) the reason that they convinced others was because of ... evidence. No we don't know that. So who is it? And what is the evidence for it? Maybe a scisnce forum isn't the best place for you. Perhaps AboveTopSecret.com or a similar conspiracy-minded site is more suitable. You will find lots of like-minded people there.
  20. These are examples of "backronyms". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backronym I guess they are intended to be humorous. They are obviously not the origins of the words.
  21. Don'r believe everything you see on yootoob. In fact, disbelieve most things you see on boobtoob. What? We have unprecedented technology and rates of development of technology today. You would need some evidence that is is, first. You can't just make up a story and then say "but there is no evidence it is not true". That is not how science (or even rational thought) works. What if the pyramids were built by lizards called Dave disguised as flying unicorns. It would explain so much and there is no evidence it isn't true.
  22. Sounds like the core beliefs of Scientology. Bad SF, in other words.
  23. Oh dear. Is that what this is all about? Teenage angst? Sorry to disappoint you but if you buy into this religion - sorry I mean, if you fall for this guff - er no, if you accept the "logic" of this argument then I'm afraid you will have to accept that there are an infinite number of universes where your life is better. Including an infinite number where your life is perfect. Sorry about that.
  24. But you will never know so it is pointless worrying or even speculating about it.
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