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Everything posted by Strange

  1. That doesn't mean you can't write a program to handle numbers with a million digits.
  2. Are you completely incapable of making an intelligent (or intelligible) statement? If everything tastes of peanut butter does that mean a snore is the same as the last 5 minutes of Tuesday?
  3. In which case you don't exist. So maybe you should stop posting and proving yourself wrong.
  4. Swarm intelligence is a fairly old idea (and claims of easier parallel programming are even older). I couldn't find any detail of the thing mentioned in the OP so will have to reserve judgment. EdEarl, do you have a link?
  5. Easy, it makes no sense. If space is a form of matter, is 1 foot made of the same matter as 1 metre?
  6. Have any of those people said they want to be known as "The Universe"?
  7. Then you are not doing science.
  8. Which almost implies that the universe is the way it is because it couldn't really be any other way...
  9. OK. Let's say that we have a new theory and in this theory, the fields exist because of something I shall call X (because we don't know what it is yet). So we have moved on from fields being fundamental to X being fundamental. Now, your question becomes: what causes X. To put it another way: as far as we know currently, the fields are a fundamental aspect of the way the universe is. We may have more information one day, but there will always be something we consider fundamental. (And you will never be satisfied.)
  10. If you are (a) ignorant of the state of modern archeology, paleontology and other relevant science and (b) unwilling to accept any evidence anyway, this all seems rather pointless. Again, please provide some evidence that these are not carved by hand. ("I can't believe it" is not evidence. Well, evidence of a closed mind and lack of imagination maybe. And a profound disrespect for humanity.)
  11. Nothing. It is just part of nature.
  12. I would like to know what a "miniscule swank" (or even minuscule) is.
  13. These are very crudely carved stones. There are far more intricate structures (such as western cathedrals) created by hand, before the existence of modern machinery. You have provided no evidence to think otherwise. It seems the obvious conclusion. People have been carving stones for millennia.
  14. So you dismiss the knowledge we do have because it is not complete (and therefore we "know nothing"). On the other hand, you believe made-up stories with zero evidence. I think you need to take a course in critical thinking.
  15. Pictures of stones that appear to be hand-carved are not compelling evidence for your claim.
  16. No. If you claim there is something that could "only" be produced by modern machinery then it is up to you to provide the evidence.
  17. The theory DOES require the electromagnetic field. In fact, the theory is the only reason we think such fields exist. But the field doesn't require gas, dust, etc. to exist. (And the virtual particles are a consequence of the field being quantised.)
  18. Go on then. Prove they could only be done with machines. Why do people like you have so little faith in human abilities?
  19. With emotional states (which are, by definition, subjective) you can get quite a long way by just asking the subjects to evaluate how they feel. But there are often biochemical measurements which can be used as well. I was reading about a study the other day that looked into the relative effectiveness of a personal meeting, a telephone call or a text message in reducing stress in teenagers. They used the presence of a "stress hormone" (cortisol?) as one way o0f evaluating the effects
  20. Because theories work perfectly well without it.
  21. It is the easiest large structure to build. It may have evolved from piling stones in a cairn as a memorial. (Something that I believe other primates have been seen to do.)
  22. Do you have any reason to think it isn't? Do you know how it works? Do you know what it is calibrated against? Sounds like you are just wishing it didn't work so you can make stuff up. With no evidence, this is not science. Just a fairy tale.
  23. Try the button marked "QUOTE" at the bottom of the post. Look at one of the most famous megaliths: Stonehenge. Yes, it is impressive that they managed to move such large stones a huge distance and then stand them on end (although there is nothing technically difficult in that). But, apart from its size, it is really crude. With no evidence, there isn't much to say. You can make up whatever stories you want about ancient people, aliens, intelligent dinosaurs building cities, etc. But with no evidence, it is just science fiction. There is a big difference between "not knowing everything" and "knowing nothing".
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