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Everything posted by Strange

  1. There is: galactic rotation curves and gravitational lensing. Why haven't we directly detected particles? Because, by definition, they don't interact much (or at all).
  2. Disbelief, certainly. It is, after all, an essential part of science. Not so sure about the idolatry. Perhaps, in the spirit of scientific enquiry, you could point to some evidence of idolatry in the forums?
  3. Radioactive atoms and fundamental particles decay randomly with no cause.
  4. No. Electrons are (modelled as and appear to be) point particles of zero size. Spin is not rotation (the name is rather misleading, but it has the same units as angular momentum).
  5. Mine doesn't. (Apart from the fact that intuition is largely irrelevant.)
  6. Wouldn't that imply that the mass of the Higgs boson was variable, depending what it was interacting with. In fact, the Higgs boson gets is mass from the same Higgs mechanism that other particles do.
  7. It is important to realise that the big bang theory is not about the universe spreading into existing empty space, rather it is the space itself that is increasing and the galaxies are just flowing along with it.
  8. That "random idiot" was one of the most important astronomers of the 20th century. (Although he did have some odd views...)
  9. Sometimes a conversation with you is like pushing string or herding cats. IT IS A MYTH.
  10. I am not contradicting that. You said "science had used a simulation to estimate ALL the ideas about the dark matter in the Galaxy" Which is obviously not true. That sentence says "provide guidance" which obviously is true. You appear to reject so much information as if you have an emotional dislike of dark matter, for some reason.
  11. No. (Again.) I will try when I have time. But it isn't hard to find (I just suspect you don't want to find it.)
  12. Does it? Why? You seem to be assuming that because you don't understand how the brain works, there must therefore be unknown properties of the electron. That is an unjustified leap. Then why did you bring them up? That still makes no sense. There is no such reference point. There is, as far as I know, just one of me. I have no idea. And that isn't what you asked. Incorrect. More schoolboy philosophy? I assume you are about 14, then?
  13. You don't seem to read things very carefully. Perhaps this is why you are having a hard time grasping the basics. That quote is about the amount of dark matter in the galaxy based on rotation curves in the galaxy. The amount of dark matter in galaxy clusters is based on the orbits of galaxies. The amount of dark matter in intergalactic space is based on gravitational lensing. The total amount of dark matter is based on analysis of the CMB. Because it is not true. The simulations are tested against observation and produce the right results.
  14. The actual son of Zeus?
  15. Seriously? Son of Zeus?
  16. That is not the point. (We know he didn't.)
  17. As noted, we can measure mass and magnetic fields. We cannot measure "spirit" so I still see no reason to believe it exists. It is just chemistry. No "magic undetectable spirit" needed.
  18. I don't think it even requires psychopaths. Maybe anyone who wants to be in control has a nasty side to them. But even a perfectly kind and benevolent leader wouldn't be able to stop people doing bad things. Indeed. Although I don't know about the "make Us into Human Beings" bit. We are human beings, that is part of the problem. But the lessons don't always work (because people are not naturally like that), some parents don't try and teach their children to be kind, if children experience abuse then they are more likely to abuse others when they grow up, and so on and so on.
  19. Page 18: "Within the cloud there is a stationary state: because the inflow equals the outflow" Where does the inflow come from? Page 3: If they are massless and energy-less then: 0. Does this mean they are momentumless as well? 1. How can we detect them? 2. How can they have any effect?
  20. Of course not, that is why I am asking how I can detect or measure it. First you said it was like a magnetic field but can't say how it can be measured. Now you say it is like mass, but can't say how it can be weighed. So, how do we detect it?
  21. So what is the mass of this spirit? How would I weight it?
  22. Some bad things happen because people are careless or incompetent. Some bad things happen because people can be horrid and cruel. Some bad things happen because of natural disasters or accidents. Some bad things happen because of disease, predators, etc.
  23. Because people can be horrid. Have you not noticed.
  24. And when asked for some evidence, you said the spirit was like the magnetic field. So, how do we measure it? If we can't measure it, how do we know it exists?
  25. I can't watch a video. But <sigh> I assume there is still no evidence. Why should I believe them and not the guy down the road who insists he has a pet unicorn?
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