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Dinosaur extinction was probably by Sun particles
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
Airplane radiation is not in relation with atmosphere, it's in relation with less magnetic field. In same form a less quantity of the magnetic field may have relation with radiation at low altitude. Also consider that a people is few time in a plain but all the time in the land. -
Very low probability of 2 advanced societies at same time in near universe
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
"At any practical pace of interstellar travel, the galaxy can be completely colonized in just a few tens of millions of years." - in Fermi paradox. with this I not need make more comments. This man not considered the need of combustible? You consider that we have a probably millions years civilization, what combustible? In our planet the spatial race begin in 1957, from there the man as put the foot in Moon and make a hole in Mars. This in 56 years. How could make comunications a civilization that would exist in a galaxy, with a probably longer of 100000 lightyears like our Milky way? What would be the interest for conquist many planets with the cost in materials and combustible? etc, .etc ... And all this would be with only 1 civilization, not 2 like say the post -
Really is strange the construction of particle acceleratorns, according to duality wave-particles the sub-atomic particles would not need to be accelerated. Do you know inf the particles accelerators accelerate the photons? Do you understand why make construction of accelerators more powerfull that the already exist?
Dinosaur extinction was probably by Sun particles
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
Very probably the effect is very high that I consider: "Radiation exposure of airline passengers" - http://www.bfs.de/en/ion/anthropg/flugpassagiere.html This is probably a negationist but also is usefull (he deny the effect of radioactivy in the "pregnant women exposed to medical radiation") : "So, even during large solar flares, passengers will not receive a radiation dose to be concerned about, but pregnant women worry about the effects on their children" - http://hps.org/publicinformation/ate/faqs/solarflare.html more in google : http://www.google.com/search?q=solar+wind+plains#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q="solar+wind"+airplane+passengers This is usefull because a person is in a airplane few time, but a little more bigger solar wind but in many time, ... or less magnetic field can make many more effects. -
Dinosaur extinction was probably by Sun particles
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
"For example, the levels of ionizing radiation and radio interference can vary by factors of hundreds to thousands" - "Earth itself is largely protected from the solar wind by its magnetic field, which deflects most of the charged particles; however some of the charged particles are trapped in the Van Allen radiation belt." - "CMEs cause shock waves in the thin plasma of the heliosphere, launching electromagnetic waves and accelerating particles (mostly protons and electrons) to form showers of ionizing radiation that precede the CME" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_wind "From the European Space Agency’s Cluster mission, a new study has taken place that proposes it easier for the solar wind to infiltrate the magnetosphere than it had been previously believed" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_wind "What Problems Do Solar Winds Cause for Technology?" - "Problems Caused by the Solar Wind - In power systems especially, geomagnetic storms induce strong currents within transformers" - "Minimizing Solar Wind Impacts - Utility companies and other technology-based operations can minimize the impacts from geomagnetic storms." - http://www.ehow.com/way_5743486_prob...chnology_.html The perfect solar storm? Sun eruptions to peak in 2013 - "A massive solar storm, like the one that knocked out radio communications all over the U.S. in 1958, is coming, and this time the devastation could total as much as $2 trillion, experts told FoxNews.com. Call it the perfect solar storm." - http://www.foxnews.com/science/2013/...-peak-in-2013/ etc, etc -
Dinosaur extinction was probably by Sun particles
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
Sorry but I know the name, ... : "Every day we are hit by a blizzard of radioactive particles. It's called the solar wind and it carries about one million tons of electrically-charged gas particles, away from the sun every second" - http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/23degrees/2011/01/the_sun_and_the_solar_wind_ear.html -
Very low probability of 2 advanced societies at same time in near universe
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
I prefer not continue this conversation, but I only say: "At any practical pace of interstellar travel, the galaxy can be completely colonized in just a few tens of millions of years." - in Fermi paradox. with this I not need make more comments. This man not considered the need of combustible? For end, I'm wrong. Please close the topic. -
Wave–particle duality and uncertainty principles - laws of quantum field theory - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photon In the Standard Model of particle physics, photons are described as a necessary consequence of physical laws having a certain symmetry at every point in spacetime. The intrinsic properties of photons, such as charge, mass and spin, are determined by the properties of this gauge symmetry. The photon concept has led to momentous advances in experimental and theoretical physics, such as lasers, Bose–Einstein condensation, quantum field theory, and the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics Today is a theory over duality. Also is string theory and Higgs boson, ... "Photoelectric effect is not a wave behavior" - in same form a electronic circuit (matter) can make waves. If you like I can say that a photon is a particle, but a photon like the light has a constant speed in any environment (vacuum, ...) and has not mass, against that a neutrino has mass and by that can have different speeds and this last are not theories.
Very low probability of 2 advanced societies at same time in near universe
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
Sorry if you consider that. -
Photon is wave, by that have not mass.
Very low probability of 2 advanced societies at same time in near universe
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
Very probably all this is the cause that I write an hypothesis against the mainstream. Your solution is according to mainstream, but really is very expressive the evidences. "Please don't be insulting," I say the same, You and all people can to be belief, that not change the TRUE. This problem is near to the "exponential grow", normally mainstream consider it possible but only is impossible, and many people cannot understand that grow and exponential are incompatibles. You can say all you like over contact with other civilization, but really our society and probably more advanced civilization have the same probability to contact that the primitive man to contact with other continent. "Radio technology and the ability to construct a radio telescope are presumed to be a natural advance for technological species,[28] theoretically creating effects that might be detected over interstellar distances" - none proof, is easy to say. " Sensitive observers of the Solar System, for example, would note unusually intense radio waves for a G2 star due to Earth's television and telecommunication broadcasts" - an star transmit with trillion bigger power that a radio signal. etc, etc, etc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 last note with your permission: Who affirm anything is who need to give proofs. You affirm, please give the proofs. Sorry for my words, but it's very easy to attack without proofs, with words say by another person. This make me to be the rare, but really I give evidences, against the mainstream that give none proof and affirm that can occur, so this work make the against work, that who deny need to give the proofs. This is like say that God exist or give proof that not exist, same with UFo, magic, .... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I also can give many phrases of Bible or Koran, ... and then say that you give proofs against that phrases, this is what you say to me, give a phrase without any proof and that I give proof against that, and remember: "WHO AFFIRM IS WHO NEED TO GIVE THE PROOFS" -
Dinosaur extinction was probably by Sun particles
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
I'm preparing a more elaborated work with evidences, ... but an advance: 3 proofs or if you like 3 coincidences: 1 - At same time of dinosaurs extinction is the big marine reptile extinction, against this the sharks survive, reptiles need to go to surface to breathe but sharks have gill and by that not need. The so called extinction by impact need that the Sun get dark by dust and this difficult the photosynthesis, eat of vegetables … but these reptile are carnivores and can eat sharks … and in sea there are not barriers. In relation to Sun particles the big marine reptiles need to go to surface and receive more quantity of particles. 2 - Older species admit more radiation that new species. 3 - "Many scientists have suggested that ionizing radiation was responsible for mass extinctions” – this is according to Sun particles - http://www.livingcosmos.com/evolution.htm and not with impact. More: “Much in the fossil record confirms this evolutionary scheme. Ionizing radiation is evident in the geologic and fossil records as irradiated minerals, such as iridium, tektites and microtektites, bones that are radioactive, mummified fossils, abrupt shifts in the levels of elements known as isotopes, and selective extinctions. The huge deposits of fossilized bones that make-up phosphate rock deposits is staggering, and they are often radioactive. The conditions under which these fossil bones were deposited do not exist today, as they appear to have been cut off from both sea and air, and no sedimentation took place as they were laid down. The chemical process that transformed the bones into phosphate is unknown and could have involved ionizing radiation, especially since the deposits are radioactive.” - http://www.livingcosmos.com/evolution.htm - here you can read also information over iridium All this are in relation with Sun particles that is near to nuclear power and against impact.- 56 replies
Very low probability of 2 advanced societies at same time in near universe
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
Then I need to understand that you has gone to alpha centari and received signals from Earth. In this condition I can't say nothing more. Better, you affirm that you have travel to "across the visible universe" and detected the radio telescope arecibo. Good, very good. You are a God and I can't argue with an evidence like this. Also I can understand we are probably between the most advanced civilization in the universe, and prepared to contact with any other. -
Very low probability of 2 advanced societies at same time in near universe
lbiarge replied to lbiarge's topic in Speculations
An example considering contact with the nearest star from us: I say also that same in the case of million of civilization the contact is impossible at least with our technology, with our actual technology probably we cannot contact with Proxima Centauri, this is only at 4.24 light years but this is only at 9285.6 more distance that Pluto. To contact with other civilization you need many transmission power, probably in a magnitude near to our star power emission (or more, our star is a low star), consider the loses by attenuation. Consider treat to contact with Proxima Centauri, you need a parabolic anten in that direction, a power of many wat, probably you would need near the power of 50 nuclear plants (or more) for obtain a signal probably 1 trillion less power that the Sun (without take in count the electronic for that - transistors, ...) with that signal probably you could make a signal of 2 minutes. This signal will arrive to Proxima Centauri in 4.24 years and only is signal for 2 minutes, in Proxima Centauri only would to ear the signal if there is a parabolic pointed to the earth. In case of receive by an advanced civilization they could send signal for us maybe yes or maybe not, ... All this for 1 only information in both directions???? the cost??? the value???? maybe also that when arrive the answer to us in 8.48 years our antennas are not directed to Proxima Centauri and we lost the answer. An this only with the more nearest star to us. -
"The signals indicated superluminal speed, so what's your point?" I don't say this, I say that a particle can to travel at any speed below their maximum speed, so any speed is compatible with any other, different to waves that travel a constant speed in each environment (vacuum, ...) So neutrinos traveling near to light speed is totally compatible with neutrinos traveling at 1000 times less speed. In same form that a car traveling at 200 km/hour is totally compatible to another car traveling at 10 km/hour xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Wave behavior has been observed with electrons, atoms and molecules. All have been observed to diffract and interfere." Yes, but until today nobody has observed particles without mass and also nobody has observed waves with mass.