I'm interested in quantum mechanics, so I thought I'd get really familiar with all aspects of 'classical mechanics' first.
Since I'm graduating high school this year, and I intend to study physics at university, it will help for both.
That's why I'm currently reading "Classical Mechanics" by John R. Taylor, which seems like a really good book.
I am trying to find some kind of book that goes from basics (what's a wave, types, diffraction, polarization, etc.), towards describing them with more complex mathematical tools (like partial derivatives, laplacean, etc.).
I'm not familiar with wave equation (where I'm from, we still didn't learn partial differentiation in high school, so we didn't learn any concepts involving them), but I AM familiar with partial derivatives (I taught myself), integreals, and such tools that I see on the wave equation Wikipedia page.
My 'final goal' is to really understand quantum mechanical wavefunction.