I've been only Linux for a few years and never looked back. I love Linux, it's a Computer Scientists dream OS, not to mention that it also works perfectly for my Linguist parents and a friend as I've converted them too.
It'd be silly to say that it will surpass MS in popularity though any time soon, it's still at a very low usage. And although its fame has been increasing lately I don't really think the increase in users has been significant enough to worry MS at all. The main reason is big companies, which are the driving force keeping MS where it is are really what tips the scales and news like this is bad news for open source: Stanford and Harvard teach businesses how to squash open source
Wine seems to be fine for me, I have Photoshop running perfectly. If that's what you meant, Wine is pretty powerful with a lot of community support.
What I find is a bad approach though is saying we need Linux to make the games for Windows run on it... that makes no sense, what we need is Game Developers to make games for Linux: simpler, easier, faster and generally less headache-inducing to just write for what you are targeting. And loads of these games already exist, a simple Google search will reveal lists and lists of native games.