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Tim the plumber

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Everything posted by Tim the plumber

  1. I know there will be a good answer but since I don't know it does anyone here? On a Christian website the orbital distance of the moon has been compaired to it's rate of drift away from the earth. They have come up with the result that it must have been at mimum distance some 1.5 billion years ago. How are they wrong? Here's the link; http://creation.com/the-moon-the-light-that-rules-the-night
  2. Or you could just put info on the web of how to build a bomb that didn't actually work. Or you could pt stuff on there wich resutled in you setting fire to your kitchen if you tried it.... Oh, sorry too late.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mEfJO0-cTis This is the idea that there is a program of deliberately poluting the upper atmosphere with reflective stuff, sodium or aluminum or whatever, to cool the planet. It is indeed a dangerous thing to do as there is no danger from a slightly warming earth but there are massive problems with a cooling world. I don't believe it's happening. Who would do it? Who would pay for it? Why would they keep it secret? How would they do it without it being widely known by all the people involved in loading it into planes? At about 8 minutes in they say that there is a loss of about 20% of sunlight hitting the planet today as compaired to a couple of decades ago. If that was at all true them the climate would have massively altered. There would be obvious residue trails left on the exhausts of the planes. Is this real or what? Is it possible? P.S. I tried to just have the link buut ended up with the full video. Sorry. Mods feel free to sort it out.
  4. If you have warped space time then surely the radiation would be hitting you at it's standard speed. ? I think the replicator will be here before warp travel and teleportation. I wonder if it's worth putting a bet on?
  5. I don't get this idea that thinking is only done in words. It might be in your head but not in mine. Whilst building a stone archway I had to shape stone into blocks which had a 80cm radius segment of a cylinder on one face which had to be at right angles to the front face of the block and very accurate in shape and all angles. To do this I build a machine. The mechanisim used a butchered electric planer as the cutting tool and was made of a wooden slide hanging from the ceiling beams which could rotate on an 80cm radius. The device had a few other features but that was the basic form. I called it a "zum-zum" because that was the noise it made. You might call it a stone shaping jig. Whatever. I did not think in terms of words when thinking of how to make it. No design process is word driven. It's all shapes and stuff.
  6. I know it's an agressive title but here's the thing; Whenever you get a God bothere in discussion and explain how it's utterly obvious that the world is billions of years old and how you can test the theory of evolution they are sooooo deliberatly ignorant and uncomprehending that it's either that they are lying or they are more thick than I can grasp. I don't know which is worse. I would welcome some other less nasty take on it. I have a very low impression of my fellow man but would like to hold a better one.
  7. Draw a diagram of the skate boarder on the ramp. Draw on it the forces, start with gravity acting down. The reaction of the ramp against the wheels of the skate board will not be vertical but straight away from the ramp. When you have done this the answer will be obvious.(ish)
  8. Or if you want a more, erm, emotional and less maths-y way of thinking of it; If you take the difference between the A and B point (A - B) then you have the vector of the line between them. If you apply pythagarous to this you get the length of the line. (AB) If you want the point location of C then you want to find what proportion of the length of the line AC is to the line AB. So divide AC by AB. This gives you the fraction of the AB vector you want. Multiply the vector by this fraction. Add it to the point A. Bob's your uncle. I'm sure the mathmaticians on here will be tearing their heir out at that but you get the idea and it's easier in maths than writing it down.
  9. If we use our (future) mastery of DNA to create perfect humans then that is not at all to say they will be identical. Removing genetic failures and even adding additional super-human abilities (within normal physics, no invisable man) to create super-humans seems to be obvious destiny. I am alive due to medical science removing my tonsils, giving me drugs for colitis and sorting out my dentistry. Why not have future generations born without such obvious faults and not have such problems as poor memory and bad spelling?
  10. I (obviously) could not be bothered to read all of the OP. Is his point that if you hypnotise yourself happy you will be happy? Which is presumably true if you do it right but not good for achieving anything in the real world.
  11. I once did a design for a SF alien space ship on such an idea. I was proposing using a laser system to fire at small spheres of H2 or H3 and detonate a thermo-nuke. The power for the laser came from the blast plate being driven into the body of the space ship with a "shank" of a pillar going through a magnetic induction coil to provide the necessary shock absorbing cushon. The same system was used to shoot the blast plate/shank back away from the space ship before the next nuke was detonated. The blast plate was fired back slower than it came in so some energy could be harvested from the cycle. The funny thing was that since the first firing would not have charged lasers this needed a fission nuke which was secured under a lock and key system. Starting the enginers involved turning the key and geting the lasers to warm up, just like a petrol car.... That ship I guessed at 20,000 tonnes. Whilst it could have landed on a planet the planet would not have liked the experience. The "death star" version had a central chamber in which a fusion blast was ignited by laser and the resulting high velocity plasma was split into positive and negitive charged streams. These charged streams were harvested for power. Thrust was caused by not using the plasma from one side of the explosion. I hope we never see such things it's a grusome way to travel.
  12. I know the instant reaction of this is "here we go again" but have a look at the video and see if you also think that it looks like a missile hits the thing from behind causing bits of meteor to fly off forwards. That speeding up is (I think) inconsistant with a low pressure explosion due to internal ice flashing to steam. There are stories of an alien guardian angel. I'm more betting on a Russian strategic defence system. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2MIA3OjzU
  13. Is there any such evidence? I would be interested to see it.
  14. I think you are trying to make sence out of the universe using the English language as your tool. Any human language is not going to be up to the job. You will have to study the way the universe is and how it works. This will mostly need to be done in maths. Unlucky. It's going to be very hard to come out with anything profound because science has been at it since the 1600's (at least) and hard at it with lots of clever people spending all their lives working very hard since 1880 ish. They have covered the easy bits long ago. Good luck, but you might like to start with a physics course.
  15. The bible is obviously wrong in many ways. The earth was not created in 6 days. Noah's flood did not happen. There's lots more.
  16. I don't get this idea. The extreem weather events talked about are storms (mostly) right? These are wind driven and indeed wind. This is the movement of air about the planet driven by temperature differences. The global warming theory says that there will be more warming in the colder bits of the world and thus there will be a lower gradient to drive the winds about. The higher temperature may well mean that there will be more water in the weater systems so more rain but that's all.
  17. Hi, If you are after some other sceptics here's one; http://itsnotnova.wordpress.com/2011/06/30/poptechs-list-of-confusion/ The link shows 800 papers but I'm sure he is up to 1200+ as last I heard.
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