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Everything posted by Tetrahedrite

  1. For clarification, can one of the proponents of the Iraq invasion tell me why it was necessary to invade? This would greatly help my understanding of the issue from a non liberal view point.
  2. This is not correct. The price of oil and therefore petrolium is governed by supply and demand. For example when there is a riot in Venezuela and supply is threatened, the oil price goes up. It is true OPEC does have some control over supply. However, when no oil is coming out of one of the biggest oil fields in the world (Iraq) this puts upward pressure on supply and therefore the oil price. So, when the US controls this oil field (which it does through the puppet government it has installed) it is able to better influence the world oil price. A stable oil price means a stable economy. Influencing the oil producing countries in the Middle East allows it to stabilising its own economy. I'm not stupid enough to think that the US companies just take the oil and sell it
  3. Was there a terrorist problem in Iraq before the US illegally invaded it?
  4. Its interesting what has been said about whether the terrorists or the leaders are responsible for the attacks. What is also interesting is how the enemy has been portrayed. Did anyone notice how quickly the people opposed to the the coalition forces in Iraq went from the Iraqi army to militants to insurgents to terrorists. It was quite handy for Bush to create a terrorist problem where there was none to say that the war in Iraq is a part of the "war on terror" (also known as the "war on truth")
  5. You all paint a picture of North Korea as a very dangerous country, capable of killing say 10 million people. Does this not support my first answer: Only ever illegally invade a country you know you can slaughter. You have to remember that Bush and his allies said that Saddam also had nuclear ambitions and could have a nuclear weapon within six months North Korea spends 22% of its GDP on its military while its people starve, surely the US should unilaterally invade to "make the world a safer place and to liberate its people from an evil tyrrant" bringing American style "democracy" as they go.
  6. You absolutely hit the nail on the head. Osama knew exactly what he was doing when he released that video. Ironically Dubbya is actually helping Osama to recruit terrorists, unfortunately most people are blithering idiots and can't see the woods for the trees. Osama is just repaying the favour for all of the money his family made from the september 11 attacks
  7. I pose a question to all of the Bush supporter I read here: Why doesn't Bush pre-emptively invade North Korea, Iran, Sudan etc who are known to have wepons of mass destruction (some even brag about it!) and/or are knowingly committing crimes against humanity. Its seems to me that these regimes pose a much, much bigger threat to US safety than a countries that had no weapons of mass destruction, and until the US invaded it, no links to al quaeda. The answer to this question, I believe has three parts: 1/He knows the US would get it's butt kicked by a country like N. Korea. Only ever illegally invade a country you know you can slaughter, 2/Suddam Hussein "tried to kill his daddy" 3/ North Korea doesn't have the biggest oil field in the world. Michael Moore makes points like this and they are legitimate. He is just trying to enlighten the large percentage of US citizens that have got their heads buried in the sand
  8. As an outsider looking in, I find it quite funny that people will brand F9/11 liberal propoganda (even people who haven't seen the documentary), but don't realise that 90% of the drivel fed to you by the major US media outlets is equally biased conservative propaganda. Also, most Australians can see how much of a dangerous man G.W. Bush is to the world, we are not caught up with the stupidity of over zelous patriotism that seems to blind so many people. How can anyone seriously be considering voting for that idiot of a man who has made your home (and ours unfortunatately) more of a target for terrorists. Anyone with even half a brain can see that invading Iraq has made the world a much less secure place.
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