I pose a question to all of the Bush supporter I read here:
Why doesn't Bush pre-emptively invade North Korea, Iran, Sudan etc who are known to have wepons of mass destruction (some even brag about it!) and/or are knowingly committing crimes against humanity. Its seems to me that these regimes pose a much, much bigger threat to US safety than a countries that had no weapons of mass destruction, and until the US invaded it, no links to al quaeda.
The answer to this question, I believe has three parts:
1/He knows the US would get it's butt kicked by a country like N. Korea. Only ever illegally invade a country you know you can slaughter,
2/Suddam Hussein "tried to kill his daddy"
3/ North Korea doesn't have the biggest oil field in the world.
Michael Moore makes points like this and they are legitimate. He is just trying to enlighten the large percentage of US citizens that have got their heads buried in the sand