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Ankit Gupta

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Everything posted by Ankit Gupta

  1. property of what ! Matter !
  2. But as we can say by seeing an object that it has some mass and we can see it but why can't we say same about energy that there it is , it is energy . is energy is also quantized may be there also two or more forms of energy and the energy that is present in our universe , it is favorable for it to make matter not antimatter therefore the antimatter formed decomposes instantly
  3. Would u please explain it in a little more simpler way .
  4. When big bang happened our universe had created and at that time there was no matter but only energy , will any one explain then how matter was formed from it ? And at that time what energy looked like I mean in empty universe how can u tell that here is energy and this is energy , was energy present as sort of some particle or something else ?
  5. Would any one please explain me the working and use of capacitor (commonly called condenser) in a fan . Please don't tell the working and use of a simple capacitor.
  6. I think we cannot say any thing about it ,it would be like Schrödinger's cat (if you about it) which say if we put a cat into a box and then close it then at any time we cannot tell whether it is dead or alive until we open the box and peep into it .
  7. How did they got that "it is the oldest one"
  8. Ok now I get it and thanks for ur reply and answer .
  9. I wasn't mean that i meant when u release the string (free of any twist) the mass starts rotating then twisting occurs which resist the motion and then it rotates in opp. direction and this process continues for a long time and then rotation stops and mass is at rest . I wanted to know why it stopped and not started rotating again due to earths rotation
  10. ya I know that formula and also what is angular magnification but the thing I want to know is how can I observe and differentiate b/w angular and linear magnification by seeing the image of an object by any lens
  11. Would u explain one thing to me which is why it stops rotating after some time and this is because loss of energy in string but when it stops rotating then why it do not start to rotate again as earlier it was started from rest.
  12. But our retina also works as a screen and would u please explain it (angular magnification) with an example
  13. For making such a sword won't we need a material which would be inert (like helium but not helium) whose atoms don't react with the material , which we are cutting . I mean if not react then coulombic attractions would still be their which can effect or destroy the edge in single use or in between its first use . then there will no use of such sword which can only create a cut
  14. What the main "basic" difference between angular and linear magnification ?
  15. Oh I didn't knew that floor also come in 'anything' then you can hit one of them by other then you will have either both or at least one of them broken
  16. just through them on the floor or hot by any hard thing !!! And now don't say we are not on floor or we haven't any thing
  17. Break both of them and then see which of the rod's parts interact with each other , which shows interactions is magnet and other is iron rod
  18. Don't u think this world would be a better place without these religions I mean when every body belive in each other every one would be same they all worship to same thing . as u can see every religion has some bad things like in Hindus also there is dowry , male dominance etc , every religion has some bad points and some good points its up to us what we choose . Also have u ever wondered how a single world can have so many makers or masters and each is completely different from other no connection between them . Sorry if I hurt some ones feelings but think of it
  19. cant this be possible that when i go 3 sec back in past then i will reach there where i was present 3 second before (like writing this post !!) and then both me concide . after that what will happen i dont know .
  20. ya it was interesting but then how do we find the sexes of an organism I thought it would be DNA but the DNA of all the seven sexes were some if I m not wrong.
  21. its first time i read about sexual reproduction in single celled organism so i have asked why and how it happens
  22. i have specified that if u read whole question
  23. would u please explain it more i know about its life cycle i only wanted to know about that gamete stage which was surprising me
  24. would any one please explain me the life cycle of a plasmodium (malaria causing) ? there come a part where they form gametocyte , i mean how and why a single celled organism form gametes (they divide asexually)
  25. Education is a curse in India here teacher teach only for their result which they shows to their higher authorities . there is nothing for a student who want to learn real science like how really nature works how we can use physics in our daily life and make it more interesting . You won't believe I m in one of the RPVVs in Delhi which are supposed to be the best government school in Delhi but the truth is some thing else .I m in 12th standard and from April 2013 to January 2014 I have given 5 times exam because our bloody department think by this they can improve their result but I is making our life a hell we can't get time to do any thing else , any thing that we r interested in . And some one said about science fair I tell u what is the truth behind those fairs , students have to do every efforts by him self no teacher help us and school say you only have to mind on ur result those fairs are only waste of time . Which I think is not true
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