yes u r right and I read it in many books, internet ,videos but didn't get any thing in most of the books only the circuit diagram is explained but not why and how it happens , I have spent a whole month on semiconductor but till now I didn't understand much of it so I asked it here , I asked to another students also but they also knew only the book stuff
Till now I didn't studied the electronic s too much and I know only few of it therefore I didn't understand many of ur terms so please would u explain it in a simple language to me so that I can make my self to understand more of it
would u please explain it further like where it is positive and where to take negative by showing it in a circuit
and thanks to u for understanding what I want to ask .
OK leave it I think I'm not getting it how to explain what I want to know but i know i dont want to know what you r thinking
thanks for ur replies
OK leave it I think I'm not getting it how to explain what I want to know but i know i dont want to know what you r thinking .
thanks for ur replies
I didn't mean that I know that earthing of house hold appliances rather I wanted to ask the concept of earthing in small circuits like in a transistor
What is the meaning of earthing of any circuit ,I know its a child question . everybody says that it means 0 potential at that point but I didn't understand it till now I mean how current will be flowing after grounding in a circuit , what is the use of it in circuit other than 0 potential , how is circuit is completed after it ?
Please help me
that's what I want to say in a food chain cat come on next tropic level to cat ie a cat eats a rat but what if a rat eat a cat then in this case energy is flowed back word then is the rule voilated
Every ecologist knows flow of energy is unidirectional in an ecosystem , I tried to find its reason but didn't find any reasonable one so please help me .
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