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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Computer science

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Hello everyone, I am making a webpage and. In photoshop i made a website layout. This is just a big rectangle image. Then i sliced it into a lot of smaller rectangles. This is the website layout: So I have s lot of images that are rectangles or squares and together they form a complete rectangle image. As you can see in the image below: I need an algorithm. The idea is that i can adjust the big rectangle width to any value i want and the small tiles rearange themselves. I have searched google, but i don't know where to start. I don't know what this type of algorithm is called in mathematical terms of if it even exists. Does anyone know something about this kind of algoritm? Thank you very much in advance, Jeffrey
  2. I did not know that. Thats very interesing i will look into that! Sorry this is complex for me. I am not on this level yet. I will certainly look into it if i get to this level. Thank you for you help. The post above was for "D H"
  3. Hi i am new on the forum. I am making a smartphone application and this is the first time i’m working with algorithms. I am looking for algorithms that can convert x and y value on a Cartesian plane (x,y) to a angle. The angle can be 0-360 degrees or 0-2π radians. Does anyoneknow of such algorithms? I have looked for geometric algorithms on Google. I have also found a list of algorithms on Wikipedia, but no luck finding this particular algorithm. Also are there search databases that solely contain algorithms? Below is a visual presentation of the conversion the algorithm has to do: Thank you in Advance!
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