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Everything posted by greg1917
Latebricole - (adj) living in holes. A la Saddam. Logorrhea - (n) excessive and incoherent talking. sounds like... Gambrinous (adj) full of beer. Engastration - (n) stuffing one bird inside another. i challenge to someone to use this in everyday speech in a perfectly serious conversation. Castrophenia - the belief that ones thoughts are being stolen by ones enemies.
'per' refers to an ion species with one more oxygen atom than its 'ate' species. http://chemserv.ventura.cc.ca.us/doliver3/chem20/chap06.htm
I agree with your point, but Id question listing Hermann Goerring as a winner. You could argue his drug addiction played a part in his almost comical incompetance as Luftwaffe chief on the eastern front of WW2, allowing Red Army aviation to gain complete control of the air and generally own the Wehrmacht. That aside I agree with what your saying - Im just back from Amsterdam and enjoy the culture because they take a responsible view to the situation.
I dont quite see how that applies to the real world though. In a mathematical sense it will continue for ever, but when dealing with a radioactive sample, the sample will eventually all decay. It might take a long time, but surely when there were only 4 atoms left to decay, after a half life there would then be 2, then 1, then eventually that atom would randomly decay. ie not go on forever. Granted when it gets down to such small numbers of atoms then it may not strictly follow the actual half life value because any instance of decay is random, but the sample cant go down to 0.5 atoms, then 0.25 atoms, then 0.125 atoms.
No one has ever cooled matter to absolute zero. "In a Bose-Einstein condensate, a cloud of atoms is cooled to temperatures a few billionths of a degree above absolute zero, at which point the quantum mechanical waves of the atoms can merge. The result is a coherent cloud of atoms that acts like a single macroscopic particle but obeys the microscopic laws of quantum physics." http://www.esi-topics.com/bose/
Indeed - things have been supercooled to tiny fractions of a degree above 0K, but the jury is out on whether freezing to precisely 0K is even possible. Some scientists believe matter would simply collaps in on itself.
Alpha particles are in essence helium nuclei (thats 2 protons and two neutrons emitted s a 2- ion) that have been emitted by an unstable isotope. Due to being a large bulky particle, they can be completely blocked by tissue paper. Beta particles are high energy electrons that were emitted when a neutron turned into a proton within the nucleus of an unstable isotope. Can be absorbed by a few centimetres of aluminium. Gamma rays are very very short wavelegth EMR that can be emitted by an unstable isotope 'rearranging' itself. Depending on activity of source, could require think lead plate for effective shielding. All three types of radiation can ionise surrounding materials. Extreme exposure will result in radiation poisoning, increased risk of cancer and general nastiness.
Tennents, Buckfast & the only true hangover cure
greg1917 replied to -Demosthenes-'s topic in The Lounge
'brainwashed by the scottish cults' Whut? -
Personally I think the specific application of bringing back a dead child is completely misusing the technology. Ive yet to form a solid opinion on cloning - as a technology its in its infancy in terms of the level banded about the press. I like to think of myself as open minded but Ive been quite hostile to the notion of cloning in the past. perhaps that will change, perhaps not. It clearly has immensely practical uses such as organ donation but that brings with it a host of ethical issues.
Tennents, Buckfast & the only true hangover cure
greg1917 replied to -Demosthenes-'s topic in The Lounge
I was wondering how o/t it would go before someone moved it. Irn Bru has its own place in Scotland's history. Its been around since before the war and is stil, I believe, owned by a Scottish company. It is very high in caffeine, sugar and has a bright orange colour. The slogan 'made from girders' comes from the fact wokers in Scotland's heavy industry drank it with their fish suppers - things like shipbuilding, locomotive construction, steel production etc. I can vouch for its hangover curing abilities - no other soft drink im aware of can do this. As I said, for years it was the only soft drink in any part of the world that outsold Coke and anyway, its tasty tasty. -
A ridiculous idea thats not only totally unecessary, but dangerous, expensive and pointless. Liquid N2 has loads of practical applications already.
Tennents, Buckfast & the only true hangover cure
greg1917 replied to -Demosthenes-'s topic in The Lounge
Honestly, try it. i think it has something to do with the high sugar content, im not a biologist so have no idea what the actual reason is. But thats one of its main clames to fame as a soft drink - it cures hangovers. Also, for a good few years it was the only soft drink anywhere in the world that outsold coca-cola in a country. As well as being orange and delicous of course. -
You seem to take offence at a lot of the things I say. Im not sure why, but thats the third time you've said something hurts. And yes its the proper version. Colour has a U in it. I cant emphasise this enough.
Um, they do speak English in Britain. Its where English originated and where the proper version still survives. I meant tosh is really only used by British people.
Tosh is a british word meaning nonsense. I dont think you are tosh, i think the way this philosophical principle is being applied is tosh.
I didnt call you tosh. The way rmp2000v21 is taking this idea is tosh. Thats whats tosh. You're not tosh. Do you think you're tosh?
Im sorry but theres a difference between having an opinion and being flat out wrong. By your logic, because ive never seen my great grandparents, they might not exist or have ever existed. This is absolute tosh. Asking whether the world around us is a valid philosophical question - but it breaks down when applied to specifics like your head or skeleton. Solipsism is the belief that self is the whole of reality - only I exist. Solipsism
Tennents, Buckfast & the only true hangover cure
greg1917 replied to -Demosthenes-'s topic in The Lounge
The only proven hangover cure is Irn bru. that and being told you have a chemistry exam in 20 minutes you didnt know about. -
Tennents, Buckfast & the only true hangover cure
greg1917 replied to -Demosthenes-'s topic in The Lounge
I think you're talking about Buckfast - thats classified as a fortified wine because its a) horrible b) all chemicals c) horrible d) claims to be from the abbey of benedictine monks e) horrible. Tennents is just straight forward lager. -
Tennents, Buckfast & the only true hangover cure
greg1917 replied to -Demosthenes-'s topic in The Lounge
A type of lager from Scotland. Commonly known as 'tenements' due to it being drunk in excess by people on the way to/during/after the football. Im becoming quite good at this off topic stuff. -
If it was me, id just hit the guy on the head with an old fashioned six shooter. Why bother with bullets? Those weigh a few pounds, use them properly!
What would happen if you just ate crisps? (=chips in US)
greg1917 replied to rmp2000v21's topic in Other Sciences
Tennents isnt the chemical rubbish people make it out to be. Granted were not talking ambrosia here, but tennents isnt at all bad. Not that I condone excessive consumption of alcohol. Scots are famed for their moderation in drinking dont you know.