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  1. The spacestation could be like a spinning torus, and the crew live inside it. Just the equipments that can´t spin should be outside, spinning at reverse.
  2. CDMS (cryogenic dark matter search) Very interesting these experiments, however I think they don´t use the most important propriety of the dark matter, the gravity attraction. I do think it should be done in another region of the earth, near the equatorial line or at least between the tropics. I think when the mass of the earth attracts these possible dark matter divert them from its original trajectory pulling them to the center of the earth. This new trajectory would cross the imaginary translational line of the earth and sometimes could take them to orbit, depending of the speed and height. If the experiments were done in this region, the site will coincide with the imaginary translational line of the earth four times a year, twice at eventide and twice at dawning, an obvious consequence of the earth´s kinematic. Despite it is few times a year, the site would never be so far from the region of maximum concentration of WIMPS every eventide and every dawning. These coincidences can be calculated so that given emphasis to researches at the scheduled date and time. I think this is the way to use the one form of interaction of the dark matter with the common matter. I mean utilize the gravity and the speed of translation of the earth to take the concentration of the dark matter on a specific region, to increase the chance to detect it. Another way of search could be done with a mobile laboratory that would move every day to the best position. The problem is the interference of the cosmic rays, but with the use of filters this problem could be decreased and if the frequence of detection would be greater at the coincidence calculated time, this would be the proof of the existence of the dark matter.
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