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  1. I didn't do anything to original diagram. I thought the other one was this one at a glance. An electron is moving forward in time. It then absorbs a photon travels back in time, discharges that photon and moves forward again. Solid line is the electron, dotted is the photon and arrows denote direction. I believe the anti particle of the electron(i think the positron) is created at some point in the diagram, I'm not sure though. There some physicists that don't think it so meaningless
  2. HERE: http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g222/The_bacon_guy/Feymanmultidirectional.jpg I didnt want to go and find the specificone but merley introduce the idea. ^this is the one
  3. your right. I meant to post this specific diagram. http://i786.photobucket.com/albums/yy143/DrDil_frms/ufo-blog_com-forum/quantum_quackery_figure_2.jpg an electron moves back and forth in time to absorb photons. may not apply but maybe it does
  4. Thanks for the reply. I know it can be annoying repeatedly explaining something, but this expansion thing confuses me. I know I'm really pushing these analogies, but I just think they shouldn't be used at all because they only confuse and demonstrate an expansion of a different nature, not the one currently occurring. What you said here really strikes a chord with me though: To me it seem like those things aren't even playing the same game of "tug of war". Cosmological expansion is not force(right?). It seems to me that cosmological expansion is not a physical stretching but a dimensional stretching and if my atoms stretched along with it, in a dimensional way (not physically), than the bonds would hold. If we lived in a universe where nothing seems to move, everything could still be expanding but nothing would be noticed since everything relative to itself stays the same. Im no physics expert but to me detecting an actual expansion of the universe aka the dimensions we live in (remember no galaxies are actually moving away from each other, they are stationary) would be extremely difficult. I mean what implications would this even have for time!? The evidence seems weak to me. And newer observations seem to throw out the old rate and put in a new one. I don't see how this is immediately taken as fact. When i search for proof i get the Hubble observation and some quantum theory. really? My gut tells me its a trick of the light. Much like when seeing two stars when actually the light is being gravitationally(not a word) split by a third massive star. again, i am no expert.
  5. thank you for the response! The thread was helpful and i've read some more explanations with the analogy of raisins in a cake when being baked. I see that the determining factor here is gravity. What i am getting from these explanations are that it is the space that we occupy that is expanding and not us....BUT i still find it hard to swallow. As light travels between galaxies it is stretched by this phenomenon causing the red shit. So If you take out light and put me in between these galaxies would I stretch too? The problem with this is when you "play it in reverse" or rewind the inflation you'll come to a point when the composite of all the galaxies is larger than space itself. I really feel like there are too many holes in this thing, and yet accepted without much explanation except for some observations throughout various experiments.
  6. Some particles move back forth through time often. Maybe this will give you some insight. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minkowski_diagram
  7. So basically the idea is that the whole of the universe is expanding. The most common analogy I have seen is the balloon analogy depicted here: This is where Im supposed to post a picture of the expanding universe balloon. Just image search "expanding universe balloon" and you'll see it This analogy must he broken. If the universe is expanding, then the galaxies are expanding. If the galaxies are expanding,than the bodies in them must be expanding. If all that is true than we,as physical bodies, must also be expanding!! Think about putting a little dot in one of those galaxies on the balloon to represent yourself. You'll see that it also expands. So if the only motion we can really measure is relative motion, this model really shows that we are all expanding at the same rate relative to each other so really we should NOT be noticing anything. If you sitting on your computer expanded and your computer expanded and everything else in your room also expanded at the same rate than you wouldn't notice it. A truly uniform expansion should not be visible to one within said universe. What I'm asking is, is this a bad analogy and and isthe universe "stretching"/expanding or .... What?
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