When you know someone, you know someone, in the same manner that I have faith that you exist. How would one evaluate a connection with a friend other than asking them or others who know them? There are plenty of others who know the same person, so its not one sided in that it comes from myself only. There are no question in the 'does the divine exist' sense, but there is always the 'why was this course of action taken' and more importantly the 'how the actions were taken' of them. God created the heavens and the Earth, but such things are not explained in detail. Did they pop into existence like a cartoon? Did it take place over a long period of time and using what processes? A day passes yet there is no sun yet so what qualifies as a day and how long is it in comparison with what we know of? There are questions upon questions, even before one gets into the quagmire of translations from a dead language to a modern one, but the existence of Him is not a question to me. I do accept that there are questions left unanswered satisfactorially. Scientifically I accept that there is no hard evidence in the same way that is usual or at least is not accepted as such, but I'll wait for it. In the meantime, even if I am crazy, if I go out of my way to help others as I believe to have been told I see no harm in it since I do not believe in violence, war, or hatred (or even anger to a great extent, though I fail at this as it is in my nature to react to such things in such a way, but that would remain as a part of me, regardless as to my religious beliefs) in the name of religion or faith.
I have the evidence in my own experience, I only need that bit of knowledge to know of existance, whereas knowing something does not exist one must know literally everything to prove that it doesn't.