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Everything posted by tu.dents
i think it s a sign that people just don't know what they "know"/beleive well to intelegently discuss such issues, it guesse, may be, i dunno, sometimes? thats why we turn to SFN for guidence. Bwaha haha, toot..oops
there are events that feature women, king of the cage, international fighting campionship, girls gone wild. ahhahahah justa joeking
I have faught in the ring and cage nhb rules. I can,t stand haveing a reset (ring) But i am not pinned against a fence. the surface of the cage is like a wrestling mat the ring is a normal with padding underlineing. the mat is nice. also interesting is the king of the cage, IFC, Pancration ect the event that every one gets their start in. I figure by the time i am 30 or so i will give profighting a try, keep watching
Realy now minimum required is what we all would do. What ever stops the threat. Regard for consequence is a marker for how well one is prepared to stop the threat. If snoring-yelling-grabbing-threatning force-using force- excalating force until it is stopped finitely.
i think my dog would get to the burgler first. Extreme is Argos's vote.
List of scientific things you'd like to do or see before you die..
tu.dents replied to blike's topic in The Lounge
I would like to see A.I. at its best -
Well said mattd. This is the same language that the Taliban may have spoke in their early rule. Fortunately our citizens are a little more resonable. I would like to see his list agendas point for point. I do have something against orgainized religion. Its that it not only condones people that have no respect for Americas greatest freedom but produces them. Where do the masses of "pagans" fit in. What is his agenda for the non-beilever. Government is there to govern the people thur and by the people. It does not need an alternative way to manipulate the masses.
Well "hacker" what makes you "give in" how far can you push your self. Some people have Integrity that is supported by will power . Many people are not in touch with their position on an issue there for cant defend some thing when they have no motivation to. more details please
Gandi's methods were particular to the circumstance he was faced with. Gandi had two opponents. The political drive at conflict and the spirit of conflict in the citizen. I think his methods have directly infuenced induviduals and how they deal with conflict. It has done so for me. It would be nessisary for a political system to adopt his methods/ethics as policy in order for the masses to begin to incorporate them as values.
Wecome! There are many interesting people around here. I'm not worth much for mathmatics. But they say 1 is the loniest number. Philosophy, Education, Religion, and meditation are areas that intrest me greatly as well. SFN has a lot to offer, enjoy!
You obviously respect your friend and care for his feeling. People dont see any reason to care for others and see no reason to help their adversary learn something positive from such an experience. Even the great Miyamoto Musashi in his early 20's realized that opposition didn't have to end in harm. Something of greater value can be learned.
I dont think that there is any shame in seeking to learn how to protect your self, and maybe useing that. YT has a point in that keeping your core philosophies and values in mind especialy in the face of threat. It took a long time for me to keep my real values in mind in the face of bullies, racist, and various other induviduals. All I could see was a bully or a racist rather than the troubled mind that is trying to exspress its self. A few years ago I lived in a a town that has a strong KKK org. I am a native america that had gone through nothing but foster care my whole life, I had a lot of hate and a lot of fights. My girl friend, now wife, was driving through a parking lot and parked. A "skin head" of substantial size came running at her saying we drove to close to him. After a few slurrs he approached me. Choose A: take her hand walk in to the store. B:Beat him down for the hell of it. I chose B Thought it was great until I looked up and saw his wife and kids Yelling at "dad" to get in the van. Being true to my self alows me to be true to others nearly effortlessly. I am by no means a immoveable rock. The pebble needs only to be as stable as the rock it rest on.
wow I learned nothing but I'd have to BUY it to know more. to bad I got Halo 2 instead ill never learn the answers to the universe. I can help it I have to say it Where is "GOD" in this. The last person I heard say "our scientist don't have the answers" was a southern baptist (sorry) bigot that is trying to have evolution struck from public school curiculum. REEAD SO THAAT YOOU MAY BEELEIVEHA
the big arms guy is in the " Guiness records" book for largest bicepts. He used riods and now finds it hard to use his arms and has related heart problems. must have been worth it huh? We should ask his family when he dies a truely unfortunate early demise
people seem to be used to having others do things for them. whats behind the question? Whats happened ........ who be fighten round her Ill kik ther a.,; fer ya' LOL get it? Seriously why are you asking.
interesting interdependant view Ophi. Are there any inocent then? An american teen doesnt get to vote but may be as much (if not more than some) a part of the consumer life. Exception to the view that we share?
Sorry for the sloppy format. Never mind about the blue box for quotes I think I figured it out. It is difficult to try to qualify a style as being effective if all you see are poor examples of it. Tai chi is one of those styles that is sold the same as a Starbucks oil change. Despite that it can be effective through the right practioner. Unfortunately there are only a few thousand, as you said monkey, persons that train in the fighting concepts and less that teach it. The individual is where a martial style will make it or break it. A well motivated person can be as dangerous as a well trained one. In that I feel that is how and why Martial arts came to be. It was born through motivation to have a better weapons. There is a style of Pinkat Silat that offers methods on how to bite. This is what sets this particular style apart from other Silat styles. I met a guy from India at a retreat that was a yogi. He introduced me to this (crazy) style. When so many styles try to appear or act like other animals, he looked like a man doing "human fu". He felt that in combat we should fight like the animals that we are. I imagine the first "masters" may have moved and fought as he does. Fighting is like any of the other things that were nessisary to ancient humans. The best hunter taught the others. The best wrestler won the fights and taught his friends or family. Each time some one learned from "the master"(relative term) and used that info and gained new info to incorporate in to a "way" of fighting. The "master" after teaching one or more people he may have developed a teaching style. He gives it a name to try to exspress what he does. The repetition of this in each ancient culture reflects the society and conditions at the time. This repetition gave birth to self sustaining systems, like religion or cooking. The UFC and the like reflect our society and conditions. They are supported by the systems of sport that have taken thousands of years to develop. (I hope I am not offering redundant info) I would like to thank those that have participated in this forum for being so much fun!
i feel that i am qualified to say something about tai chi. That is all I i have done for the past 2 years, intensivly. I cant claim that tai chi is the sole contributer to my personal my success in NHB combat or the few times I have protected my self or others from agression. It has, however, increased my overall abilities beyond all of my training partners abilities that I previously found hard to cope with. I have studied many styles over the past 11 years all whole heartedly, and spent most of my young 23 years fighting in some way, on the street or on a mat. -every martial art claims to be the best (except, strangely, ninjitsu which I was told from the start was a poor direct fighting method).-have you fought a well trained ninjitsu practitioner- I have it wasn't easy. how do you get the pretty blue box?....... Many people make the mistake of judging styles based on TV or some documentary film that is no more than an very basic veiw of subject. second hand third person info isnt going to be clear either. many styles claim to be the best , true, Tai chi is missunderstood in this way. grand ultimate is referring to (see post # 45) and an "energy gate" in the skull that is vital to martial practice .., fudgin with an opponents head with a flashy name wasn't the point... There are many branches in the tai chi family. after having studied Yang tai chi, wu tai chi, hoa tai chi, and the original "old frame chen tai chi" (currently immersed) I have come to realise, as have many students and teachers have, that tai chi is tai chi the same root principles through all of the various tai chi "styles" the presentation and motivation are the discerning factors. ask any tai chi student/teacher of any of those variations what they practice they will say "Tai Chi" further questioning will reveal the particular path of tai chi they walk.... next blue box...Taoist and Wushu Tai Chi. speaks of presentation and motivation. . magic blue box here, "Wushu itself does hold it's own against martial arts, but Tai Chi is not by any means an effective style. It's superb at keeping you fit and mentally healthy though. " If you are learning tai chi for health you probably would learn very little combat appl. or none at all, a well qualified teacher wouldn't waste their time or the students. many people have learned tai chi for health and in turn teach just that, they could care less if they can fight. seeing is beleiving. UFC,PRIDE,pancration, ect. all have their merits it yet produces only cross trained athletes that fight the cookie cut styles jack of all trades others spend years of training in one style only to be beaten though their or their styles weakness,,,,,,,, but it rocks any way! styles that i consider my self knowledgable about . Judo, jujitsu-bjj,jjj-2 tiger styles, white crane, mantis, baug gua(pak qua), monkey, southern snake, wing chun, various tai chi, and lots of stuff intinsive in all. it may be sad to some but this is all I do nuf ego..... ask more learn more blue box any one?
tai chi is tai chi
I am not sure why a master of tai chi "stuck in a fight" would lose. Many students would do just fine. There are many styles in the world that are thought of as being weak or not practical. Practicality and effectiveness has to do with how well and how deep the practitioner can execute the things that he\she has developed. I know a "tai chi master" that would remind us not to make any assumtions if your stuck in a fight. All "styles" have a story, history, and a prehistory. Understanding these in your style of interest will help you grasp the structure of that style. Tai chi has a family tree structure like many other styles. Great tai chi "the root" is as effective as many other powerfull forms of fighting. the apples of the tree fall as they do some closer to the root some farther. The variations found in tai chi are apples that have fallen and found seed. Tai chi means "Grand Ultimate". This isn't talking about the stlye being better its referring to you reaching your greatest potential. the end Soso long