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Everything posted by slickinfinit

  1. lol I like the replies, I am very careful not to believe something that would be good to believe but lacks substance and from what I read he was very vauge in his quatrians and he might have been a brilliant visionary but that does not mean he predicted the future. If I say a android will be made in 10 years and it is made in 11 some people would believe I was able to see future events but I just made a good guess lol.
  2. Telsa was thinking of ways to move energy through the ionosphere which is not quantum transport it is transport through a non-linear medium, meaning not using straight wires but by conducting atmoshperic electricity to ground based recieving stations. Also to refer to quantum teleportation, how can u loose more energy than we currently loose in our present power transfer means, where would the lost energy go during teleportation? In my opinion only I think u would loose very little energy in teleportation and once the science is a normal routine we will beam energy.
  3. Do u think the quatrains he wrote were accurate predictions of the future or just us wanting to believe in something more, have we actualy read the coded word properly? I dont know, from what I gather he was a remarkable human with abilities beyond what I understand to be human. if he did predict the future how and why? There is also the possibility that we fabricated the quatrains to read how we want them to like most other spiritual matters we try to interpret. What is your thoughts?
  4. lol I wish I had the chance to go to school and learn properly I had to work since i was 14 and left school in grade 6. If I could go back and do it the normal way instead of feeling dumb having to study and learn how to read properly just to fit in with the norm I would have. The fact our government pays to invest in our future by teaching us is a great thing and cant find one reason why I would hate such a process. Education in my mind is the most improtant thing a person can use in the world we live in today especialy. I did get my G.E.D last year and I am my own boss being a sub-contractor but I easily could have ended up flippin burgers if I did not have family contacts to get started in home building.
  5. yea I assumed alot of people on who use this site to have an intrest in music, it is my favorite way to just relax and do something that helps your mind learn a little better. Rock on !
  6. yea I realy learnded some stuff
  7. I am a music lover who also plays the guitar and bass, who else is a musician and what do u play ? I have been learning guitar for at least 6 years now and played bass for even more, I find it to be very fun and relaxing even when playin mega loud lol. I do think music adds to a persons ability to learn and recomend everyone at least try to see what insturment they like and give it a shot even if its very hard at first keep at it.
  8. yea tesla had a few ideas on ways to move power like using the ionosphere but I think new leaps in exploring quantum teleporation will probably be the best way to move forms of energy without a physical medium, scientits have already done sucsessful experiments in Pasadena Cali. they transported a photon of light and I think the U.S is now funding the technology through certain institutes.That is only my opinion I may be wrong.
  9. anyone here play swg ? I do and am on Naritus server and try to play when I can, cause it is a very complex rgp with hundreds of real people in each server and the game has great balance with something for everyone now u can even fly in space lol. If any of u are on let me know what galaxie and what ur game tag is ty.
  10. if u are a star wars fan I recomend starwars galaxies it is awsome but direct x.9c should work just type it in google u might need to patch the game or get a cd fix to I dont know it is differant with every game.
  11. yea I was but soon computers will outfight a human because we are gonna make robots do all the things we cant and faster . Now they are slow and clumsy but when they get quick and nimble and able to learn and aply what it learns who knows what their potential is .
  12. lol so thats where he got it lol, he seriously said that a few times I didnt know it was from a movie lol
  13. Is the face on Mars a myth I hope not lol it could be a very big structure in the chape of a humanoid face or it could be all in our heads ?
  14. I seen a news clip a few times on a woman who sold a grilled cheese with a image of the virgin mary on it ? I personaly do not believe this to be true only because people go to great lengths to make hoaxes and if religious figures are appearing in toast it is beyond my comprehension why lol . I also note that the item was sold for 28k and that just dosent seem very religious to me but i am not religious so I wouldnt know lol. What u do u all think ?
  15. yea u make sense to me lol (like I have a clue) lol no I see what u is sayin but it is a matter of us learning to do things we cant now.
  16. I know advancing in space is not easy but I do believe we are lagging abit and we should have built a single stage to orbit vehicle by now, making saftey the number 1 priority has cost nasa progress. I am not advocating recless space travel but they have taken it to far and they are more worried about failure then they are about sucsess, I am impressed with their unmanned projects mainly the Earth like planet finder space satalite, but I realy hope to see a working traveling starship in my lifetime. What is the definition of a starship? A ship that can travel the stars and carry more than 10 people? What do u all think this goal will mean and when do u think it will be if it is to be? What will we call the first ship lol ?(enterprise for sure)
  17. disney cruises=consumed to much boozes . broken morning
  18. ty what is a god nitrate amonia or some other one what would u use?
  19. I am 6 feet 1 inch lol my dad says he didnt know they piled shit that high lol
  20. yea nano technology is a reality it is just un its early stages and only few applications but it is booming and will change our lives I almost guarante.
  21. I have a cat he is awsome he likes to claw stuff up n kill mice outside lol, I seen him 2 in less than a minute but I respect all forms of life. I still chose cats they only do what they wanna do lol dogs are cool to but cats are just to funny.
  22. slickinfinit


    Can someone explain a safe way to make kno3/c and what exactly I need to mix the propellant. I have made propelant combining store bought engines and some random mixes of combustables lol (safely). I am learning chemistry but I still am a novice and appreciate any help I just wanna make my hobby a little more fun, also how do u safely ignite knoc/3 for the purpose of creating thrust? yea i am a noober but soon I be uber lol
  23. If u could make such a material it could be done though?
  24. Yea it is a just smart for society to want the percent of people in jail at the least number possible and helping people get their head back in reality is alot harder than putting them in time-out like children.
  25. Thanks that page i read with all the differant types of uses was more than I though they were researching but it seems to be such a promising venture in science, I cant wait fro the day they have tiny nano-cold pills that completely eliminate the virus. My only question is could this science disturb the balance that we and microbs have we are making machines tiny as a amiba or smaller will these natural microbs be driven to evolve or just have a negetive environmental impact if they get where they dont belong. I hope extensive research is done to safely make this science reality but u always have to ask questions.
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