I'm also very interested in neuroscience and want to go into research. I personally experienced a major ischemic stroke on November 22nd this last year and thanks to very quick intervention by doctors I am almost fully recovered (just mild spasticity in my left arm and hand and a lopsided smile). Anyways, the entire experience has inspired me to get my shit together and go back to school (I'm 25 and have an unfinished general humanities degree).
I've been accepted into my university as a transfer student and I'm incredibly excited about taking classes again. Now the question is what major(s) to do to get into a grad program in neuroscience. At my school the kinesiology, psychology and biology programs all have neuro and cognitive science courses, but different focuses. Kinesiology is actually very bio heavy with courses like human anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, neuroanatomy but also has some fluff courses like sociocultural perspectives. Biology has more research opportunities but is more animal focused. Psychology has pretty much everything but I wouldn't have to take any fluff courses and has really interesting stuff like memory, cognition, sensation and perception, neural basis of behaviour etc.
My questions are: can I get into a grad program in neuroscience with a kinesiology degree? Which major minor combination will give me the best chance to get into grad school?
I'm leaning towards combining kinesiology with psychology because they have the most relevant courses, but I'm worried about not getting enough research opportunities. Also, kinesiology and psychology are reputed to be easier programs than biology which brings up my other concern my brain! Its been through a lot recently and while I seem to be coping pretty well and don't appear to have been affected in terms of concentration,memory or other cognitive functions I worry about being able to handle a heavy courseload.
Sorry for all the questions, hopefully you guys can give me some suggestions!