Ok first time posting so here it goes, Mr. President, if that's really you, down here in Columbus Georgia schools are a joke. The regular classes are nothing but worksheets and crossword puzzles, and the honers classes are nothing but writing 2 page papers, which all the kids copy straight out of the book, learning nothing. I have come to hate school, but i do enjoy learning. 99% of my classmates DO NOT WANT to learn so why are they even in school? I'll tell ya why, because in order to graduate from my highschool you can do it easily without learning ANYThING! I say again all we do are crosswords and worksheets and copying definitions which does not teach kids anything. Mr President I passed my graduation test last year (junior year) with all pass+'s. The other kids in my homeroom are still struggling to even pass it on their 3rd and 4th times attempting it! Why not make a standardized test that is difficult, and if the students pass that they can automatically receive their high school diploma? I feel I am one of the smartest kids in my graduating class but my class rank is very low. Why? because in georgia a.k.a da Dirty South, there is no study hall, all my non core classes are even a bigger joke then my core ones. so i spend my time reading a book or something, which 95% of my classmates probably have never done! Reading for fun. (Michael Crichton is the shizznit)
I'm sorry but school isn't even about learning anymore, its about looking "cool" and trying to figure out which alcoholic beverage your going to drink next. Please seperate the kids that want to learn and the ones who don't.
P.S. fafalone I think I see your point about 47% of students receiving an A average, something seems a bit odd about that, I had no idea there were so many smart people in America. You seem to hold the esteem that honer classes make you far superior to ordinary mortals, i dont know about where you live but in my school honers classes are bullshit. The honers teachers hand out A's just because honer students are expected to get them. Nothing special about them, except mabe the different grading scale, that makes it impossible for non honer students to compete with (are you listening Mr. President)