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About AngelicTaboo

  • Birthday 07/31/1985

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Karate, Hockey, Clubbing and Socialising
  • College Major/Degree
    The University of Hull - MChem Chemistry with Forensic Science and Toxicology
  • Favorite Area of Science
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  • Quark

AngelicTaboo's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. This is my one....aww so pretty!
  2. Something to do with ketones that are formed from the excessive alcohol intake cause hangovers don't they...? Thats why you have to drink lots of water in order to hydrolyse the ketones back into alcohol so that the liver can break it down and get rid of it through the urine... Don't know if thats right tho...but thats what I was told in Alevel Biology...
  3. My favourite is "I wish I had a smaller Pka!" lol very christmasy indeed! http://www.geocities.com/le_chatelier_uk/pka.html
  4. Arh im so glad to hear that old tune! I was actually talking to my mates after the lecture about that song!
  5. Check this website out its quite fun.... we were told about it in our lecture today which was quite amusing... http://www.geocities.com/le_chatelier_uk/song_index.html Have fun!
  6. Awww thank you so much youv'e been a great help!
  7. Awww thank you so much youv'e been a great help!
  8. Hi all! was wondering if anybody could help me out with the method for this question..... Ive got a physics for chemists test tommorrow in uni since I havn't done A-Level Physics before. Ive been going through a couple of questions as part of my revision which most of them I have been getting the right answers... Ive just recentely come across this question and its really puzzling me how to get to the right answer.... Question The blades of a rotary lawn mower are 0.25 m in radius and have a maximum rotation rate of 3,700 revoultions per minute. Calculate the velocity at the tip of the blade at the maximum rotation rate. [Answer: 97 m/s] All replies would be gratefully appreciated...Thanks
  9. Hi all! was wondering if anybody could help me out with the method for this question..... Ive got a physics for chemists test tommorrow in uni since I havn't done A-Level Physics before. Ive been going through a couple of questions as part of my revision which most of them I have been getting the right answers... Ive just recentely come across this question and its really puzzling me how to get to the right answer.... Question The blades of a rotary lawn mower are 0.25 m in radius and have a maximum rotation rate of 3,700 revoultions per minute. Calculate the velocity at the tip of the blade at the maximum rotation rate. [Answer: 97 m/s] All replies would be gratefully appreciated...Thanks
  10. I guess it proves my theory might just be correct...
  11. I guess it proves my theory might just be correct...
  12. That scared the crap outta me! OMG!!
  13. That scared the crap outta me! OMG!!
  14. I reckon the eye had evolved as a defense mechanism. As evolution goes we were all first bacteria then cockroaches > rats> squirels> etc...>etc... Also if you look how some insects who don't have eyes some display phototaxis traveling in response to light, maggots express negative phototaxis since they move away from light so they can burrow in the dark away from preditors also dark places have moist areas so that it keeps the maggots skin moist in order from them to survive puberty. Like this defense mechanism I think selective breeding from survival of the fittest has somehow manged to create an eye like stimulus and therefore has been carried along the genetic line so that mammals have this stimulus to protect them selves away from danger... I maybe wrong about this but this is my view anyway...
  15. I reckon the eye had evolved as a defense mechanism. As evolution goes we were all first bacteria then cockroaches > rats> squirels> etc...>etc... Also if you look how some insects who don't have eyes some display phototaxis traveling in response to light, maggots express negative phototaxis since they move away from light so they can burrow in the dark away from preditors also dark places have moist areas so that it keeps the maggots skin moist in order from them to survive puberty. Like this defense mechanism I think selective breeding from survival of the fittest has somehow manged to create an eye like stimulus and therefore has been carried along the genetic line so that mammals have this stimulus to protect them selves away from danger... I maybe wrong about this but this is my view anyway...
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