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Everything posted by mEarly1102

  1. yeah.. i guess its not very practical.. i was just trying to think of good uses for magnets
  2. I was recently reading an article about the problems with space travel and muscle atrophy. It disscussed how when astronuats go into space they loose muscle an bone mass due to the lack of gravity. It also went on to discuss ways of preventing this muscle loss, such as spring and cables to simulate weight that is driven by the forces of gravity, and i started thinking up ways of my own. What if a space ship were created with a strong magnetic field in it that could pull the astronuats to the ground, or repel them from the cieling? im sure an elctro magnetic field could be produced to simulate 9.81 m/s^2 if the astronuats were to waer a light metal suit. What are your thoughts on this?
  3. yeah, but if we cant change the past or see the future then no matter which road we choose, good or bad, we will choose the path that we will choose Even though we choose our path, the future is just as set in stone as the past becasue we only get one chance to make each descisino, which means the chain of events can only happen once. It doesnt matter what desicion we could have chosen, as that will not effect the future, only the path we do choose matters becasue that desicion effects our next descion and so on. In theory, our desicions could be predeterminded, though we still come to the them on our own. Just because i choose to answer no doesnt mean i couldnt answer yes, it just means i didnt. i dont mean to talk in circles but my point is hard to make. i have the power to decide, but i will always decide the descion i am supposed to make, as long as i cant see the future or the past. after i make a decision i understand why, even if i dont agree with it. the only difference between the past an dthe future is that i understand the past, while the future is still a mystery. That does not mean i get to change the future any more than i can change the past, it will happen in a certin way that i will contribute to.
  4. i have a quick questino on time dilation..... doesnt one have to incorporate the speed of the earth going through the universe/orbiting the sun? if people were to be launched into space and perhaps land on anohter planet, they would be traveling at an entirely differnt speed than that of those on earth, and though it may not be c, it should cause some sort of descrepincy in the passage time of the space traveler versus the passage of time of someone on earth.
  5. i have a quick questino on time dilation..... doesnt one have to incorporate the speed of the earth going through the universe/orbiting the sun? if people were to be launched into space and perhaps land on anohter planet, they would be traveling at an entirely differnt speed than that of those on earth, and though it may not be c, it should cause some sort of descrepincy in the passage time of the space traveler versus the passage of time of someone on earth.
  6. Perhaps the answer to time travel is not in a space ship but rather in the panets. If time dilation goes by speed, then if one were to live on a planet that has an orbit of a completly differnt speed then wouldnt time on the planet go at a different speed? if we can measure time dilation in small quantities on jet p[lanes then wouldnt it be plausible to measure the time dilation of the planets as they all travel at different speeds?
  7. Just a thought on time in general.... If there is no way of going into the past, then isnt it true that there is no way to change the future? If we do no know our future then we have no choice but be a slave to it. Though everything may be random, as long as the past remains the past, the future will happen one way and one way only simply because of the fact that we only have one chance to do everything. What i am trying to say is everything is going to happen a certin way, though that way is most likely random. If i cant tell my past self to change the future, it will remain the same. The future, then, is just as set in stone as the past. The only way to change the future is to change the past, and vice a versa.
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