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Okay guys I know there are many threads on elemental phosphorus extraction already but... Does anybody know if the method outlined here http://www.ehow.com/how_4524329_make-phosphorus.html would work? And if so what in the world does ginger contribute to the reaction:confused:... Oh and I *might* attempt this so any other safety advice would be appreciated... Thanks in Advance!
Forgive me if this is a common knowledge question, but how does one go about producing iron, copper and/or alluminum sulfide... Alluminum sulfide is said to be produced from "ignition of the elements" and iron by "reacting iron and sulfur"?... Copper sulfide seems easy enough as I have copper powder:-) but can I use molten aluminum/ iron and sulfur or does it have to be powder? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Not running current through the wires, is was 3% boiled down to half so it was 20 volume.
but would you still make HHO gas at the same rate as if you were using DC or does it just instantly recombine into water?
Ok I tried adding copper to my nitric acid and it worked, picture included for the skeptics.
Some kinds of water softners are straight Kcl, for people who don't like using salt.
thanks, I might try the iron oxalate later this week.
Oh, well thanks, before I go about "blowing my face off" or even putting my face at risk I'm going to see if I can find a more modern procedure. The internet seems fruitless though as these this has almost no use nowadays. I might have to try find a book.
Aight, will try the copper test this week and post the results. It seems to me that the manufacture of nitric acid is possible and quite easy with the proper equipment.
I bought a chemistry book written in the 1920's that had some info about pyrophorus materials in it. The main one discussed was the lead based kind but it also had a small section on holmburg's pyrophorus in it. After playing with google for a while I found that description. I also found this description: 4341. Homberg's Pyrophorus 4341. Homberg's Pyrophorus. Stir equal parts of alum and brown sugar (or 3 parts alum and 1 part wheat flour) in an iron ladle over the fire until dry; then put it into an earthen or coated glass phial, and keep it at a red heat so long as flame is emitted; it must then be carefully stopped up and cooled. 4342. Hare's Pyrophorus 4342. Hare's Pyrophorus. Lampblack, 3 parts; burnt alum, 4 parts; carbonate of potash, 8 parts; as above. 4343. Gay Lussac's Pyrophorus 4343. Gay Lussac's Pyrophorus. Sulphate of potash, 9 parts; calcined lampblack, 5 parts; as last. 4344. Goebel's Pyrophorus 4344. Goebel's Pyrophorus. Heat tartrate of lead red hot in a glass tube, and then hermetically seal it. which seems a little less outdated. Is there a major safety hazard associated with doing this?
Okay, couldn't find anything on this using the search engine. I am interested in making a small amount of pyrophoric material. I was going to use this method: "An artificial product, which takes fire upon exposure to the air, and hence called air-tinder. It is prepared from alum by the addition of various inflammable substances. The simplest mode of preparing it is to mix three parts of alum with one of wheat flour, and calcine them in a phial or mattrass, until the blue flame disappears, then keep it in the same phial till cold, well stopped with a good cork. In this powder be exposed to the atmosphere, the sulphuret attracts moisture from the air, and generates sufficient heat to.kindle the carbonaceous matter mingled with it.". Will this work because I have my doubts. Also, what roll does the alum play? Does it just act as a divider or does it take place in the reaction? I there even a reaction going on besides the burning of wheat flour? But above all would this even work? It just seems to easy to work in my opinion.
I used a weak 3%. Can't find large amounts of the 30% at a reasonable price .
I didn't do any tests. What kind of tests could I do to assure that it nitric acid?
I sucessfully managed to make a small amount of nitric acid from potassium nitrate (bought it) and sulfuric acid (boiled it down from car battery acid which I had from some hardware store). If you do it you need to be extremely carful and have a completly sealed ALL GLASS! setup. It started to eat through my rubber stopper which turned the yield green. I ended up stinkin up my laundry room which is another reason you should do this outside. If you do this MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE PROPER EQUIPMENT!!!
Yeah, liquid oxygen would just freeze your lungs.
In the same wikipedia article under production I found "The metal is produced electrolytically from a mixture of fused lithium and potassium chloride. In 1998 it was about US$ 43 per pound" I would assume that if it was possible to produce it using a solvent instead it would be more eficient and would be the main commercial process used. No info on Brande's process though.
Thanks man, will try as soon as I get some more sodium hydroxide!
you could attach a tube to the retort and pass the steam through a glass tube immersed in ice water. It would act as another condensor and improve your yields but it kinda defeats the purpose of the retort. You would also have to build a water bucket with a hole in the side.
HELP!! I have alluminum oxide stuck in my new iron crucible and I have no idea how to get it out. Can somebody tell mehow to get rid of the aluminum oxide without destroying the iron crucible? maybe some kind of acid?
thanks, I will try melting aluminum and other metals
Hi, I put some small pieces of copper wire into hydrogen peroxide and let it set. The peroxide turned brown and I couldn't notice any corrosion of the copper. Any idea what this could be? I thought maybe copper oxide but the color doesn't match. Also I heated it before I let it set if this affects anything. Thanks
Thanks UC. If I do try to produce sodium I will use the Castner shell method. To bad I already built my furnace. I'm sure I can find other uses for it though.
Hi, My goal is to make sodium metal throught he electrolysis of molten sodium. I plan to use a sodium chloride/ calcium chloride mix to lower the melting point. Or would sodium hydroxide be easier? I was going to build and use a Down's cell or something like it (info: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Downs_Cell) over a waste oil powered furnace to keep the salt molten. Is there an easier way to construct a cell? I heard about using an iron crucible as one electrode and a rod as the other but if any of the chlorine gas comes in contact with the sodium I'll have an explosion right? Also, would it be easier to make sodium through the thermal reduction of sodium carbonate with carbon. My furnace can melt steel so it should be hot enough right? Also if I do manage to get a tube of sodium can I heat it to a melted state and pour it into some mineral oil without blowing my hands off? -Thanks
I am trying to make ozone to react with chlorine and make chlorine mono/di/tri oxide. I was wondering if there are any better ways to make ozone besides arching extremely high voltages. Or can I use some other oxidizer like nitrous oxide or something to oxidize the chlorine. Thanks!
HCL above ~40% is a gas