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More research must thus be done. Thanks.
I suppose I'll go with a fictional unit, then, to describe the complexity of order in a system. Perhaps I'll call it ewmon's "Plex", or something similar.
Is "plex" an officially recognised unit, though? If so, is it only for the complexity of a brain?
Astropathic Aether Theory: For a Science Fiction
SPACE_LEMON replied to SPACE_LEMON's topic in Speculations
Sorry for the double post, but there is something fairly important that I forgot to elaborate on: what determined Astropathic Frequency? Firstly, the energy in a unit of Aether can be either "passive" or "active". The "passive" energy is effectively potential energy and also serves as the medium of information storage. The "active" energy is that which constitutes to the frequency of the unit of Aether. Aether changes frequency as a response to what happens on the Physical Plane. Initially, all of Aether would be at Equilibrium (zero frequency), as it would not yet be complex enough to have sentience enough to respond to events on the physical plane. As the universe becomes more complex, so too does the Astral Plane and therefor the sentience on the Astral Plane. Right, a change to positive frequency is Aether's response to something it likes. Early on, this would simply be when physical systems become more complex, as Aether likes complexity. On the other hand, when systems loose complexity, frequency change in the negative direction occurs. However, as Aether becomes more sentient, so too does its responces become more complex. At the current point in time of our universe, the sentience of Aether would have evolved a sort of "moral awareness" and would react positively when, for example, sentient physical beings exibit acts of kindess, and react negatively when sentient physical beings exibit acts of cruelty. Eventually, Aether's love of complexity won't even be its top priority any more - Aether may react positively to a reduction of complexity, if it aids the "greater good". Later on, however (pretty much near the end of the universe), the Ethereal "brain" would realise the pointlessness of a moral awareness and would become pretty nihilist and may stop reacting to events on the physical plane entirely (in other words, Aether would revert back to a state of Equilibrium at the end of the universe). -
Whoops, didn't realise how non-mainstream that interpretation of String Theory's 11 dimensions was. My bad. Anyway, the point I was trying to make is that "dimension" isn't just an aspect of something, it's a frame of reference that work together with other frames of references to give you a co-ordinate of something. "The ball experienced a slight push" does not contribute to my understanding of the spacetime location of the ball. Furthermore, an "event" is an abstract concept to isolate a given series of events in a chosen or arbitrarily defined system with the exclusion of all interactions beyond the frame in which the event is observed. Therefor, an event cannot have co-ordinates (altough the objects that partake in the event can) and therefor cannot be defined by dimensions.
A freaky synopsis regarding dark matter and dark energy
SPACE_LEMON replied to 36grit's topic in Speculations
Interesting speculation, but I wouldn't call these proton-less composite particles of yours "atoms", as atoms require protons to be atoms. Neutronium, for example - the hypothetical proton-less "element 0" (not officially regocnised) is not considered atomic. I wouldn't even go so far as calling your "NEMAs" dark matter. It's well accepted that dark matter does not consist of hadrons, and the only other composite particles are atomic matter, which always contain protons. -
Planck time is defined as the amount of time a hypothetical photon would take to cover a distance of one Planck length (or, as I understand it, "jump" one Planck length, as it wouldn't be able to move inbetween). Because the speed of light is a constant - and the Planck length is also derived from various uniform cosmological constants - Planck time isn't an arbitrary measurement of time like other units of time such as hours or picoseconds. The reason we do not go smaller than the Planck time (or even work in mixed fractions of time that require fractions of the Planck time) is because our current math fails spectacularly at scales smaller than the Planck units - you'd need the mathematics of a working Theory of Everything in order to work on scales smaller than the Planck units. In any case, why would you want to work on such miniscule scales? As I understand it, nothing exists at scales smaller than the Planck units.
Upon extending a pseudoscientific theory of mine for a science fiction novel, I came upon a rather unforseen problem. I realised that I needed a unit with which to measure the complexity of physical systems. As with most of my struggles, I immediately consulted Google, but could find nothing more helpful than this. The problem is, quantifying complexity is made very complex (pardon the pun) by principle, as complexity is generally defined by the observer. If you define complexity as the number and intricacy of connections in a system, how do you define which of those connections are more complex? Perhaps the reasons I can't find a unit of complexity is because complexity isn't practically measurable - even if you could assign specific values of complexity to every possible connection (or perhaps go for the much simpler approach of assigning all fundemental connections equal values), it's still practically impossible to go and count all connections present in, for example, a tree-ecosystem. However, I'm sure it should be possible to formulate a unit of complexity to use in theory. I assume information theory could be used as a backbone for measuring complexity (as systems can be interpreted as information), but I have near zero expertese in that field. Perhaps the complexity of a system could even be defined by the size of the equation needed to describe it. But, before I get too far ahead of myself, is anyone aware of a unit of complexity currently in existence? If there truly isn't one, on what basis should/could I create a fictitious unit of complexity for theoretical purposes?
Astropathic Aether Theory: For a Science Fiction
SPACE_LEMON replied to SPACE_LEMON's topic in Speculations
Science fiction. This is science fiction. As I said in the OP, this is "a completely fictional scientific theory that (as of yet?) has no grounds in actual science". Anyway, I've evolved the theory somewhat. It's now called the "Astropathic Aether Theory" or perhaps just "AAT", for short. A brief bit of background: AAT was first proposed by fictional theoretical physicist Jonathan T. Right of the University of Edinburgh. He obviously received a lot of crisisism for this theory and most others in his field dismissed AAT as "mystical nonsense" (as so elegantly put by the user elfmotat a few posts above). I'd also like help with the critisism, by the way, as I intend to incorporate any critisism the community of this forum may have on this theory into my writing. Anyway, AAT at the most basic level proposes the existence of an "Astral Plane" by means of an unobservable energy (yes, it's now an energy) he calls "Astropathic Aether". Astropathic Aether - just refered to as "Aether" from hereon - is generally a passive substance ("substance" being used in a very lose manner) unless certain circumstances are met (which I will explain in a later post). In this "passive state" it does not interact with physical matter or energy in any way and therefor can't be observed or interacted with. For this reasons, it is easiest to view Aether as "ethereal" as apposed to "physical". Aether exists on various levels of frequency. These frequencies exist as uniform pulses in all of Aether that cycle every 4 Planck seconds (I'll explain my choice of this time frame in a few paragraphs). The whole of possible "Astropathic Frequencies" - collectively called the "Astropathic Spectrum" - can be expressed graphically. Although I have not yet formulated an equation for the Astropathic Spectrum, the graph (x^2)*Sin(x) does give you an idea of what such a graph would look like (the blue curve is the graph in question): Please note that this graph does not represent a time graph. It simply plots the range of Astropathic frequencies in a logical order. If time were added to the graph, it would need to be an animation to show the oscilation of amplitudes. The Cosec graph (the grey (or maybe green, considering my slight colour-blindness) curve) represents some sort of frequency of physical matter (which would be something real, but expressed as a cosec graph, which I'll need to research quite a bit. Or, you know, make up myself). If the graph lines up to the Astropathic Frequencies as shown in the image, a connection would form, making it possibly to breach the Veil (which I explained briefly in the OP). I'll discuss this in a later post wherein I'll elaborate as to how I intend to make psychic phenomenon possible in my writing via AAT. Every Planck second, the pulses cease (the graph would flatten to y = 0) and the next Planck second, the pulses resume, but in the opposite direction (the graph inverts on the x-axis). The pulses then cease again the next Planck Second and inverts back to the original amplitude the next. Therefor, the full wavelength of a pulse (from position A, to y=0, to position B, back to y=0, back to position A) lasts 4 Planck seconds. The reason I've chosen Planck seconds is because - as far as I'm aware - a Planck second is the smallest possible measurement of time. Here is the earlier graph (x^2)*Sin(x) (blue) with the inverse of the graph ((-x)^2)*Sin(x) (red) to illustrate the inverse amplitude vs. the "normal" amplitude: I imagine y > 0 as a "glow" on the Astral Plane and y < 0 as an "anti-glow". Alternatively, which amplitude is "normal" and which is "inverse" my be arbitrarily defined by the observer. Then, when Aether is "awake" (y ≠ 0 (EXCEPT at Equilibrium, where y is always 0) on the graph), it "captures an image" of all matter and energy in the physical universe at that given moment (the physical world makes an imprint on Aether, which I'll also hopefully explain later). The next Plank second it "rests" (y = 0) and does not take a reading. When it "wakes" again, it "captures" another "image" and the differences between the two images is recorded (likely during the "rest" phase). Exactly how this process takes place I'll attempt to elaborate on at a later stage. The rest is basically still the way I stated in the OP. I've also come up with all the new units I think this theory would require - or, more acurately, all the variables that require units to measure them with. Units of Astropathic Aether Theory (highly incomplete): -"Astropathic Inversion Period" (equal to 2 Planck seconds): the constant amount of time required for Astral frequencies to flatten out and invert. Two Astropathic Inversion Periods = one "Astral Pulse". -A unit by which to measure Astropathic Amplitude (or rather, where said amplitude would sit on a graphic representation of the Astropathic Spectrum). Going back to the (x^2)*Sin(x) graph, this unit would be equal to one wavelength on said graph and would be measured by the "pulse strength" (amplitude) of a unit of Aether at every complete Astral Pulse. This reading would be the y-value for which the corresponding x-value on the aforementioned graph would be the unit in question (which I'm not yet sure what to call). This unit doesn't come in fractions, as then it wouldn't correspond to the graph. Also, the true graph's formula will have to be updated so that every complete wavelength (or perhaps quarter-wavelength would make more sense, given the next unit) would be equal to a single unit (in this case, the unit in question). (I think the Cosec group would also make use of this unit, but in a different context). -Just as the above unit would be used to mark the x-values of the graph, a unit is required with which the measure the y-values (as the difference between each amplitude isn't uniform, given that they increase exponentially). The first amplitude from 0 of the graph (x^2)*Sin(x) would be equal to 1. (I think the Cosec graph would also make use of this unit, but in a different context. Similarly, the difference between the amplitudes (and if one of them was multiplied by -1 to give them the same sign) of the Sin and Cosec graphs will also be measured in this unit, but will of course mean something entirely different (the level of separation between the physical and astral plane at a given point). All three versions of this unit will have different symbols (I don't mean unit symbols), though). -Things get a bit tricky with the next unit, as it's required to measure the complexity of a physical system/mass [*1] to determine how Sprital Aether would behave in the context of said physical system/mass. The main problem is that there isn't currently an agreed-upon unit of complexity (see: http://www.cs.brandeis.edu/~pablo/thesis/html/node9.html ). A similar problem faces the next three potential units. -A unit of complexity for Astral complexity (in the context of what scale (for a single measure of this unit ([unit of astral complexity] = 1))?). This could also be considered a unit for the concentration of Aether at a given point (amount of Astral Mass per cubic Planck length, for example [*2]). -A unit to measure a system's potential to breach the Veil (this would link up with the unit used to measure the amplitude of Astropathic Frequency or might even be the same unit (in the context of the difference between the amplitudes of the Sin and Cosec graphs)). -A unit to measure the rate of conversion between Astropathic Quintessence ("free" Aether) and physical energy/matter (we could call this "Astropathic Exertion"). This would link up with the previous unit, as the previous unit sets the maximum extent to which a system can result in Astropathic Exertion. -[*2] A unit for Astral Mass (not physical mass, obviously, as that would result in Aether affecting gravity, which would ruin everything). -A unit for Aether-Matter Attachment Inclination (an Astral mass' tendency to attach to a system of matter. This would determine whether a Sprite is incarnate (attached to a physical system such as a living organism), Fae (not attached to a physical system) or anything in between, for example. -A unit to measure the ratio between Aether that composes Sprites, and Astropathic Quintessence (which would be directly proportional to the ratio of matter and energy to the size of the universe OR physical complexity in the universe vs. lack of complexity [*1], were the Aether-Matter Inclination uniformly set at a maximum). Both Spites and Quintessence consist of Astropathic Aether, but in different ways. Because these are the only two "types" of Aether and they are interchangable, this unit would be either "Astropathic Quintessence per net mass of Aether" or "Net Mass of Sprites per net mass of Aether" and would therefor rely on the Astral Mass unit (also note that Sprites will have greater Astral Mass than Quintessence, given a higher Astral Complexity/Concentration). -A unit akin to FLOPS in information technology that would be used to measure the "thought processes" that occur on the Astral Plane, in a specific Sprite or at a specific location. -The only unit I can still think of is a measure of information on the Astral Plane. This would be similar to bytes in information technology and would be used to measure the potential "information storage capacity" of the Astral Plane and the amount of information "saved" on the Astral Plane (or at a given location). As soon as I can figure out all these units (not on my own, I'm sure), I can work on creating formulae and equations to make Astropathic Aether Theory seem more sciency. ^^ -
Astropathic Aether Theory: For a Science Fiction
SPACE_LEMON replied to SPACE_LEMON's topic in Speculations
Right, next I've isolate a view variables, constants and ratios which could be used to create formulae and laws for Astropathic Aether Theory (as I now call it) in order to make it appear more sciency (which is of course a characteristic of "good" psuedoscience, right?). I have yet to assign symbols and units (many will be the same, I think) to these variables, but I intend to do so soon-ish. Variables: =Astropathic Frequency, [symbol], [unit] (Independant variable) -Positive Frequency, [symbol] -Negative Frequency, [symbol] -Equilibrium, [symbol] -Positive Extreme, [symbol] -Negative Extreme, [symbol] =Veil Thickness, [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on Astropathic Frequency) -Maximum thickness (at either extreme), [symbol] -Equilibrium, [symbol] =Density of Aether / Ethereal Mass, [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on Sprite Complexity and Concentration of Astropathic Quintessence) -Composite Aether of Sprite, [symbol] (directly equivalent to Sprite Complexity) -Composite Aether of Quintessence, [symbol] (directly equivalent to Concentration of Astropathic Quintessence) =Cluster Size / Sprite Complexity, [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on Physical Complexity and ASD (the latter would apply to Fae only)) =Concentration of Astropathic Quintessence, [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on Ethereal Mass vs. Sprite Complexity) =Strength of Astropathic Quintessence, [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on Astropathic Frequency) =Spite Matter-Attachment Inclination (the extent to which respective Sprites want to attach to matter/material objects/beings), [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on ASD) =Physical Complexity (physical variable), [symbol], [unit] (Independant Variable) =Astropathic Sensitivity, [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on ASD and probably something else) =Astropathic Sentience Dispersion (ASD; the level of sentience exhibited by total Aether), [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on Sprite Complexity) =Astro-Sensitive Exertion (the strength of "magic" being used), [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on PASE and QECR) =Potential Astro-Sensitive Exertion (PASE; the extent to which an Astropathic Sensitive being can use "magic" at a given point), [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on Astropathic Sensitivity and Concentration of Astropathic Quintessence) =Quinto-Energy Conversion Rate (QECR; the rate at which Quintessence is converted to physical energy through Astro-Sensitive Exertion), [symbol], [unit] (Dependant on PASE) Constants: =Total Aether on Astral Plane, [symbol], [unit] =Totaly Energy on Physical Plane, [symbol], [unit] =Astro-Physical Balance, [symbol] Ratios: =[Asropathic Frequency] directly proportional to [Veil Thickness] =[Total Aether] directly proportional to [Total Energy] =[sprite Complexity] + [Quintessence] = [Ethereal Mass] -
Well, dimensions are specifically mediums of perspective regarding change. Let's look at the generally excepted 11-dimensional view. The "first" dimension is actually "0-D" and describes a point in space. The next three dimensions are the classical spacial dimension: The first dimension is the line (x), the second is the plane (x and y), the third is three dimensional space (x, y and z). Next are the three temporal dimensions: The fourth is time (the change from one state of three dimensional space to another), the fifth is branches in the timeline (wherein different outcomes of the same event can exist), the sixth is aforementioned branches viewed "three dimentionally" (the multiverse). Next it gets a bit complicated and I honestly don't fully understand how these can be dimensions yet. The seventh, eighth and ninth dimensions regard different possible multiverses (universes with different physical laws, in other words) and how they can possibly interact with one another, or something. Then finally, the tenth dimension describes the entirety of the Omniverse (in other words, every version of everything in every universe that can possibly exist ever). So, the point, the three spacial dimensions, the three temporal dimensions, the three freaky universe-related dimensions and the Omniverse adds up to 11 dimensions (10 plus 0 (think of the numbers as names, not numerical values)). Your interpretation of dimensions is interesting, but does not have much to do with dimensions as we would scientifically describe them. Your dimensions 3 to 5 are arbitrarily defined by the observer. Furthermore, your "dimensions" 1, 4 and 5 can be condensed into a single "dimension" of "What happened?" (A ball took a slight push off a table, allowing gravitational acceleration to be exerted on it, causing it to touch the ground with x velocity.) What you've defined as "dimensions" are merely aspects of an event, which implies that something needs to happen in order for dimensions to exist, which is of course not true. Perhaps you could redefine your factors as "event dimensions" or something.
Astropathic Aether Theory: For a Science Fiction
SPACE_LEMON replied to SPACE_LEMON's topic in Speculations
"Metaphyical, in this case, meaning not made of what we would define as matter or energy and not even confined to the restrictions of spacetime. Aether does not react to any physical laws, nor can it be measured, observed or interacted with via any physical means" However, I just Googled "define metaphysical" and found that I've been incorrectly using it as a synonym for "ethereal". So, I should probably replace all instances of the word "metaphysical" in the OP with the word "ethereal". "Ethereal", then, being what I had previously defined as "metaphysical". "Aether" has been used in some speculative fiction in reference to the medium wherein "magic" occurs. This definition of "Aether" likely comes from "Aether" as the classical fifth element which was once thought to compose the celestial plane. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aether_%28classical_element%29 Anyway, you are indeed correct in your interpretation of the "theories" in my thread as "mystical nonsense". The purpose of this thread is to transform this "mystical nonsense" into something scientific as far as possible, with the fictitious information provided. Also, this is an attempt to turn fantasy into science fiction. Just so that clears things up. I don't actually beleive in the existence of the ethereal. -
[Note: Although the horrendously inaccurate misuse of the word “metaphysical” has already been addressed in later posts, I’d still like to point out that everywhere I said “metaphysical”, I was actually incorrectly using it as a synonym for “ethereal”. So I actually meant the latter.] Righto, I though "Pseudoscience" would be a good place for this thread, as this involves a completely fictional scientific theory that (as of yet?) has no grounds in actual science. I would pretty much like to change that by making Aether as "scientific" as possible, if only to eliminate glaring errors of scientific logic from my writing. Okay, so Aether is a metaphysical substance/energy/force/non-of-the-aforementioned which is most easily define as "what everything metaphysical is made of". Metaphyical, in this case, meaning not made of what we would define as matter or energy and not even confined to the restrictions of space-time (which I’ll attempt to extrapolate on in a later post). Aether does not react to any physical laws, nor can it be measured, observed or interacted with via any physical means (which poses a problem I'll mention a few paragraphs from now). Anyway, let me attempt to explain Aether in a few simple-ish lines: -Aether exists on the "Astral Plane" which is different from the "Physical Plane" in that it, well, contains Aether instead of matter or energy. The Astral Plane is "overlaid" onto the physical universe, yet remains invisible and untouchable though physical means. -Aether has "frequency", ranging from dark/negative, to light/positive. There are extremes on either end and frequency also increases to either end, but in "negative" frequencies" and "positive" frequencies, respectively. The "Astropathic Spectrum" describes the entire range of Aether's frequencies, from the highest possible value to the lowest possible value. Because there are positive and negative frequencies, there must also be a "zero" frequency. The point where Aether lacks frequency is called "Astropathic Equilibrium" or just "Equilibrium". -Physical/metaphysical interaction is possible (to be explained a few points from now), but requires "breaching the Veil". The "Veil" is the energy required for the physical plane to interact with the Astral plane and vice versa. The Veil "thickens" with higher frequencies, rendering interaction at the extreme ends of the Astropathic Spectrum near-impossible. The Veil is therefor "thinnest" at Equilibrium. -Aether is sentient and works similarly to the brain, with "clusters" of Aether acting as neurons. Due to Aether not being restricted by the limitations of space-time, interactions between these dynamic clusters is instantaneous, meaning that Aether at one end of the universe can be aware of what's happening at the other end. The total intelligence of all Aether in the Omniverse is known as the "Panentheum" (derived from the word “Panentheism”), which is basically God (if only by the definition of omniscience and selective omnipotence, which I’ll elaborate on much later). -Aether can be distinguished in two forms: "Astropathic Sprites" (or just Sprites) and "Astropathic Quintessence" (or just Quintessence). "Sprites" refer to the "clusters of Aether" mentioned in the above paragraph (see the paragraph below) and "Quintessence" describes all other Aether filling the Astral Plane, sort of like the medium wherein Sprites exist. Quintessence is the aspect of Aether that behaves most like an energy, which will be explained in a few paragraphs. -The aforementioned "clusters" of Aether, Sprites, act as entities on their own, even with their own intelligences. The intellect of Sprites is determined by the amount of Aether they consist of. Intelligent Sprites generally occur in two forms: Fae and Souls. The only difference really between Fae and Souls is that Souls "attach" themselves to systems of physical matter, such as living organisms, which will be elaborated upon in the next point. -Aether loves complexity on the Physical Plane and therefor "gathers" around matter. The more complex the material object, the more Aether gathers and therefor the more sentient the resultant Sprite (Fae being the exceptions, as they do not "attach" themselves to systems on the Physical plane). Therefore, all living organisms (and even some non-living systems, such as artificial intelligences and even crystals, to a minor extent) have "souls". Souls record the "lives" of their hosts and, to some extent, even has an effect on their behaviours (to be elaborated on later). Once a system stops being complex (for example, when someone dies), the soul moves on to another host somewhere else in the universe (reincarnation, in other words). Souls are quite dynamic, though, and can merge, grow, shrink or divide depending on the system(s) it/they attach(es) itself/themselves to. Souls can further be divided into "Incarnate" and "Inter-incarnate" souls. Ghosts are an example of Inter-incarnate souls. -Aether has the capacity to influence the physical plane, but requires the sentience of its Sprites and energy enough the breach the Veil to do so. Some powerful inter-incarnate souls that have become "glitchy" due to how their hosts died can influence the physical realm in the form of ghosts, by moving objects, producing photons (becoming visible, for example), producing sound, etc.. Incarnate souls can also affect the physical realm if their hosts are astropathically sensitive. Astropathic Sensitivity describes a Sprite’s host’s ability to interact with Aether. -Astropathic Intervention (pretty much "Magic") occurs when Aether interacts with the physical plane, often resulting in events that would not have been physically possible without the intervention of Aether. Quintessence is involved in this process, as it occurs because Quintessence converts itself to physical energy. -Sentient beings that have a high Astropathic Sensitivity are generally able to utilise "Magic" and are often referred to as psychics or sorcerers (with the latter generally exhibiting more extreme "abilities"). -The Astro-Physical Balance is the constant ratio between Aether on the Astral Plane and energy on the Physical Plane. When Magic occurs, energy surrounding the point of Astropathic Intervention (magic) will be converted into Astropathic Quintessence in order to maintain the Astro-Physical Balance. In other words, the energy will seem to suddenly be transported to where the “magic” is occurring. -The "energy" of Aether is derived from its "frequency". The higher the frequency, the more "energy" the Aether holds (this, however, is only the Aether’s “active” energy, which I shall later elaborate on). This could translate to beings that are more "good" or more "evil" to be more powerful than beings that are comparatively "neutral". Ghosts are also less powerful if they are "neutral", yet "neutral" ghosts are most common, as they are closest to or at Equilibrium, where the Veil is easiest to breach. For this reason, ghosts that could be defined as "angels" or "demons" show much less frequent appearances on the Physical Plane. Right, now that the basic ideas are out of the way, here's my first question: In my writing, a Physicist theorises Aether and formulates an experiment to "communicate" with it, as direct observation is impossible. How on Earth would they possibly do this? Note: Although this is purely fiction, I'd still like to keep it as scientific as possible (note: “as possible”).
I love your interpretation of black holes as "umbilican cords" linking one universe to its "offspring". I'd see dark energy's current effects more like the process of aging, but I suppose that could also be interpreted as growth. As for the universe being a "living" entity, that would be entirely determined by your definition of "alive". In any case, this is more a philosophical than a scientific (or even psuedoscientific) question, I think.