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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Astrophysics, quantum mechanics, magnetism

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Quark (2/13)



  1. Its possible to travel in time but only forward.
  2. Bumpp
  3. Is this possible ? 2H2O---electrolysis--->O2 + 2H2---1K--->2H (deuterium)
  4. Even they are exposed to whatever type of emission or ray?
  5. If I want decay a stable isotope by emission, it is possible?
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isotopes_of_hydrogen
  7. 4H3---t 1/2--->3H2---t 1/2--->3He1 this will work 100% too.
  8. What Specifically thing in that reaction you mean its impossible?
  9. You know nobody cant realise that, at start its always only numbers on paper. For realise these things I need an organisation or corporation with money.
  10. I got new idea: 2H2O---electrolysis--->O2 + 2H2---Nr--->4H3---t 1/2--->3H2---t 1/2--->3He1 Up left index - isotope number Up right index - neutron number Nr - neutron radiation (1H will capture three neutrons from neutron radiation and make 4H3).
  11. Where can I read something about neutron capturing of all elements? Btw have u some idea how improve this?
  12. So its unable to detach neutrons from oxygen by neutron radiation because core of oxygen will capture bombarding neutrons from radiation and number of neutrons in core will increase?
  13. I know down index is always proton but its not important now...
  14. Hello, Im just trying to invent how to make Helium-3 from O2. This is my first prototype of nuclear reaction: 16O8---Nr--->12O5---t 1/2--->12C6---Nr--->8C2---t 1/2--->6Be2---Nr--->5Be1---t 1/2--->4Li1---t 1/2--->3He1 Up index - isotope number Down index - neutron number Nr - neutron radiation (detaches neutrons from core) t 1/2 - Half-Time Opinions ?
  15. All from subatomic particles to big objects surely, please think about it before post
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