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Everything posted by LuTze

  1. Yeah, i forget what it's called. 'Quick Start' or something.
  2. It's always done that (Since Win 98, anyway). It uses much the same code as explorer, the windows shell. So by the time you load IE, most of it is already in memory.
  3. Useless Trivia Time: Kim Il-sung was the "Great Leader". I believe they have a "Dear Leader" now, Kim Jong-il.
  4. 123+456=579, not 512. Are you talking about binary? If so, take the two numbers and do: - 0000 0111 1011 0001 1100 1000 --------------- 0010 0100 0011
  5. We should probably get back on topic now.
  6. Same difference, they were still wrong. Give it up.
  7. Yes, they do. It was an estimate of casuaties before the war started. You won't find an accurate figure on the number of deaths because the Pentagon hasn't released any. http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/0503-02.htm http://www.commondreams.org/headlines03/1021-01.htm http://www.alternet.org/waroniraq/2004/02/001657.html See?
  8. True, you can't. But you can look at the way both sides talk about it. Not directly related to Dubya or the events of Operation Iraqi Freedom, but Colin Powell (Yes, the same Colin seen as one of the more resonable men in Dubya's government) said after Iraq War I when asked how many casualties he thought had been inflicted on Iraqi civilians and military - "Frankly, that’s not a figure I’m very much interested in". He was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the American Army at the time. That was under Grandady Bush, of course. Dubya does keep a lot of the same cronies and hawks around him, though.
  9. Dubya himself got a cheque for $30,858 in 2003, along with the two letters as well I assume. It's called 'Trickle Down Economics' apparently, referred to by a lot of economic analysts as 'Voodoo Economics'.
  10. What about Dubya's tax cut? Reportadly 2/3 of the money has gone to the top 10% of American earners. How do people feel about that?
  11. Spammers have tools to do this. It's quite trivial, because it's just a packet being sent to a TCP port on a windows machine. The standard 'net send' command can't do it, though. Samba has a tool that can do exactly what you want, but you'll have to learn how to use Linux first.
  12. LuTze


    No it isn't, a VPN is something different. No it isn't, it's called "Port Address Translation", not to be confused with network address translation (NAT). PAT works by assigning each outgoing connection one of the free ports on the gateway device, when traffic comes back it's addressed to the same port, so the gateway knows which machine on the internal network to send the reply to. Thats why an external machine can't send an unsolicited packet to a machine on the internal network - the gateway doesn't know where to send it because there is no already open port. This is the way all 'interet connection sharing' devices work. NAT on the other hand is a one<->one relationship. An external address is mapped onto an internal one, ports and all so that the internal machine can accept incoming connections from the internet. VPN's are something else entirely. Say you have 2 networks, with the internet in between. All traffic has to go over the internet in clear text if the two networks want to talk to each other. For businesses that are paranoid about security, as well as those wanting to provide homeworkers with access to the internal network from thier ISP, this isn't too handy. What a VPN does is establish an encrypted tunnel between these networks, and all traffic between the two of them goes over that. This provides extra security. What 5614 seems to want is port forwarding, as mentioned by Dave. This, for example, would allow you to serve a website to the outside world by forwarding requests to port 80 on the gateway to port 80 on an internal machine. Any decent off the shelf home router should be able to do this, and it'll work with any protocol that uses fixed port numbers over TCP.
  13. Unfortunately not. They advertise the 3 program limit as "Simplified Task Management", with the limiting of the display resolution to 800x600 coming under that banner too. There is no support for sharing anything over the network. Printers, files and whatnot. It's a bag of crap MS should be ashamed of.
  14. The worst part is it doesn't have any networking. WTF are you supposed to do with a network-less computer? You may as well have a games console.
  15. Turn the gamma right up in game. Things will look more washed-out but you'll be able to see more.
  16. I hope Halo 2 sucks donkey balls, just to make you look a little silly.
  17. Just you remind you how much of a pleb the guy currently sitting in the white house is: http://www.milkandcookies.com/links/18356/
  18. Yes, and then completely ignored it. The BT ADSL one used to say you couldn't use a gateway at all. They didn't seem to notice.
  19. Not that they'd ever know...
  20. Domestos!
  21. Thats actually true. From the first link you provided: "Senator Johnson is the only member of Congress with a son or daughter on active duty in Iraq." and from the second: "His son, Duncan, who holds a master’s degree from San Diego State University, quit his job as a Web designer after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks to join the Marines. A second lieutenant, he recently completed artillery training at Fort Sill, Okla., and is now at Camp Pendleton in California awaiting orders to leave for Kuwait." So he's not on *active* duty in Iraq.
  22. You mean you want to run a proxy server on the same machine you want to proxy? That would just be beyond pointless. Are we talking about web proxies here, or SOCKS proxies? Squid is a very good open source web/ftp cache/proxy, but can be a bit of a nightmare to set up if you don't know what you're doing.
  23. LuTze


    I prefer airsoft myself, it's much cheaper and the games tend to last longer than the paintball days i've been to. Also, the guns are cooler
  24. Indeed it does. Both my servers and a couple of desktops run it.
  25. That sort of thing should exist already. Take a look at mplayer/realone/Xine/videolan
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