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Everything posted by AtomSplitter

  1. is it was an object taken from a low gravity planet, then surely it would take less energy to get it off the planet than it would produce in falling to one with a much stronger gravity? If, for example we take a large chunk of mass from a planet with a weak gravity and use a set amount of energy to propell it out of it's orbit and through space to another plantet where the energy is removed when it is in orbit will that energy not be greater than the energy required to get it there?
  2. is there any forseeable way to keep the plasma in a stable state? and what kind of equipment would be required to produce the plasma in small quantities for a short period of time 2-4 seconds approx?
  3. if attempting the mentos one, diet coke produces a greater effect
  4. ok, could we create a facility to harness that energy released? There must be huge amounts released in such a short period of time.
  5. What is sidereal time, how does it differ from solar time?
  6. ok, so would it be theoratically possible to re-create this on a very small scale, even for a matter of a nanosecond? I think this experiment has alread been tried but i am not completely sure, any thoughts, feelings, or arguments welcome
  7. sorry, my brain was working faster then my fingers could dark matter interact with something we havent discovered yet? and i just wondered if light had an opposite (Other than darkness which is merely the absence of light) i didn't really have anything to do with it , sorry
  8. ok, i will forget that then. could there be a way to merge suns?
  9. In that case, use an uninhabited planet. that solves that problem, and if we choose one with a stronger gravity, surely the energy gained would be greater?
  10. If Females as XX and males have XY is is possible to create a person with YY, and what do you think they would be like?
  11. it would just be a single record, USE A COMPUTER!!!!!
  12. Does anyone think that it might be possible to harness the kinetic energy of an object in orbit and change it to electrical energy? If so, could we built special staions to orbit and harvest? or could we use the moon?
  13. How do Aeroplanes actually stay in the sky? does anyone know ?Exactly how?
  14. Could it be harvested from various gas giants?
  15. So does that mean that there may be an opposite to light ( and not just the absence of)?
  16. So could we theoretically dump a load of gases into a dying sun to extend its lifespan?
  17. When you say that it does not interact with light , do you mean that it does not reflect light in a way so that we would see it in a certain colour?
  18. AtomSplitter

    Dino DNA

    Would it be Theoreticallypossible to obtain some Dino DNA and use that to artificially inseminate a crocodile or something similar to produce a hybid species that would have some dinosaur characteristics in it? If that is possible could we not then use more of the origional DNA to make the hybrid pregnant so that the new offspring becomes more like the dino? could we keep doing this untill we produce something that would very closely resemble the origional thing? Any thoughts on this are greatly welcomed thankyou :0)
  19. Is it Theoretically possible to ignite certain gas giants or even create a large ball of gas in space that we could ignite to create something that might resemble a miniature sun?
  20. thank you for replying so quickly, i would also now like to know if scientists think they are any nearer to finding dark matter as something we could recognise, or is it a merely a theory that baffles the average peon like myself.
  21. Is it even possible to concieve a fith dimension in our minds? by that i mean is it possible to imagine it? what would it be? what is it called?
  22. What exactly is dark matter? Is it even real or is it just made up? I read a small paragraph about it and would like to know more, if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  23. The laboratories are required by law to make a record of all animals used, but the only records published are those that have recorded the number of vertebrates that have been tested upon. In actual fact scientists use fruit flies for the majority of their work so that larger animals do not suffer. animal testing has helped save the lives of millions of people and help elongate billions of peoples lives due to breakthroughs in medicine due to the testing. Animal testing should be allowed to happen, if only for medical purposes.
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