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Dr. Cox M.D.

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Everything posted by Dr. Cox M.D.

  1. Because the structure of chimp haemoglobin has the same amino acid sequence as humans can chimp blood be transfused into humans or vice versa?
  2. My thinking is that yes, episodic memory could affect our decision making. If you want to take part in a particular activity ie: playing Tennis, you may "consult" your episodic memory to see whether you actually enjoyed, hated, ect. this activity, hence assisting you in this decision.
  3. Episodic Memory is the is the memory of unique personal experiences. This along with Semantic memory make up declarative memory. For episodic memory to be stored the medial temporal lobe must be in function, this lobe also includes the hippocampus. Without the medial frontal lobe episodic memory can't be stored, presenting amnesia in some cases or memory loss. There is to debate as to where episodic memory is stored, some think it is the hippocampus where others think it it stays in the hippocampus for a while then moves to the neocortex to be consolidated. Semantic memory is the memory of knowledge based concepts. It is thought that semantic memory is independent form episodic memory.
  4. Nicotine addiction is the number one cause of preventable deaths in USA causing 440,000 premature deaths each year. More than 75 billion dollars is spent as direct medical costs attributed to smoking and nicotine. Over the past decade over 12 million have died of smoking related illnesses with 5.5 million being form cardio-vascular disease and 4.1 million form cancer as well as 2.1 million from respiratory diseases.
  5. Episodic Memory is the is the memory of unique personal experiences. This along with Semantic memory make up declarative memory. For episodic memory to be stored the medial temporal lobe must be in function, this lobe also includes the hippocampus. Without the medial frontal lobe episodic memory can't be stored, presenting amnesia in some cases or memory loss. There is to debate as to where episodic memory is stored, some think it is the hippocampus where others think it it stays in the hippocampus for w while then moves to the neocortex to be consolidated.
  6. Hello there everyone,

    I am not a fully qualified Doctor as my username entails, however I am intending to do Medicine in New Zealand. I am very interested in Medical Science as it is so extensive and is very important for humankind. My particular field of interest in the Medical field is Neurology as it describes the most complex object in the universe. Physical sciences are also of interest as they describe 'it'.


    I am an evolutionist but am interested in the God debate. I would recommend to read "The God Delusion" By Prof. Richard Dawkins.


    I play a perculiar sport called Canoe Polo and swim 6 hrs a week.

  7. One possible explination for this is that the gene that makes people more vunerable to nicotine could bo co-inherited with a gene that was of benifit to the evolution of man. Another explination is that this gene lay dormant or un-noticed untill research was done into the genetics of nicotene addiction, as it presented no positive or harmfull characteristics to the individual pr population.
  8. There is a particular way of death called dry drowning. This is where the lungs are unable to extract oxygen from air for a variety of reasons. They key part of this is that the lungs don't need to make contact with water to drown the person explaining why the person didn't show any signs of water on their tissue.
  9. Why do enantiomers work differently in biochemical systems when they have the same physical and chemical properties? Also why do enantiomers that rotate plane polarised light to the left usually work.
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