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Everything posted by Jordan14

  1. Thank you Natski for the good links, but once again we are left in Phyysics that something that is hard to prove. Do you Quantum Fluctuation Contribute to Dark Energy? I myself don't see why not and as the article says all the values add up so I don't understand why people find this such a hard concept to understand, have a look at physics and you'll find things MUCH more bizarre - so I think I can say it is acceptable. But true well that's another matter.
  2. "Yacht" and this is serious, but I have never known why. I think that's just weird.
  3. I play the clarinet and the saxophone.
  4. Jordan14


    I think it's already posted some where on the site but watch the elegant universe on the Internet http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/elegant/program.html I agree with youdadonapogos it's really good - even better than that.
  5. I think that a multiverse in the terms of branes in string thery do exist, or at least I hope there do all that maths can't be wasted surely. And how are they going to test strings do you mean CERN
  6. I think that time is a dimension if that is the type of thing that you mean, an yes I do beleive in a multiverse.
  7. Going back to free Anti-viruses I use AntiVir and it has detected every virus I have had which is quite alot I vote for AntiVir it's well worth it. I didn't really like aVasts interface and thought it was a bit buggy, also I like AVG but it had quite low virus definition file.
  8. Pythorgoras definately the most used
  9. I feel really out of this conversation because I seem to be the only person that listens to Jazz. Oh well! Oh! And I am probally youngest here too as well, you would think the old people would like Jazz.
  10. I think before the Big Bang is MUCH more interesting than after even though after is more important as before has no relevence on our universe now. And I wasn't trying to stay that Bettina was dumb and I hope it didn't come across that way. The key to understanding what was before the Big Bang is to think of a place (I know that's the wrong word to use but I don't know what else to call it) without any time I think to our minds that is unthinkable, well to me at least I don't what I place would look like with no time because it wouldn't be there to look at if you get my side. I like this discussion
  11. Jordan14


    Sri_90 I totally agree that is a fantastic and so is the sequel Title: Schrodinger's Kittens Author: John Gribbin Description: Brings Quantum Physics a little bit further and still easily understandable for the beginner. Rating:*****
  12. I don't think we can describe what it was like before the Big Bang because whatever we say seems to be shaped, for example like a void - a void is still a shaped object that couldn't have existed before the big bang before there were no dimensions, we can't say nothing because nothing is an existance too. We can always speculate BUT we can never prove anything because the Big Bang destroyed all evidence of what was before. It was too hot. Any Ideas?
  13. An update I think it has to be my proxy I even get targeted with German adds on english sites!
  14. How was it actually created - The Big Bang, colliding branes, God! I don't actually know what to think. Any thoughts
  15. Very funny
  16. I had to read it a few times. But yes I get it
  17. Jordan14


    Thanks Auk
  18. Well here they is two different ideas of the 4th dimension and beyond. The first idea is that the firtst dimension is time, it's actually not a idea it's true. You think we move through time and you can draw a space-time diagram and in this sense time is another dimension The more abstract approach is the new dimensions being spacial. The is quite har to explain. Think of a dot it has no width, lenght or height and it is infinately small it is an 0th dimensional object. If you pulled the dot in a direction you would have a line it has a length it is 1 dimensional. Pull the line you get a square it has length and width it is two dimensional. If you pull the square in another direction you have height, width and length you have a cube a 3 dimensional object. Now pull the cube in another direction now I know it is very, very, very hard to visualise; infact it is impossible because our brains aren't suited to thinking this way. Now if you pull the cube in another direction you get a hypercube a 4 dimensional shape. And you can carry on doing this. This is what I think is a brilliant site if you are interested in dimensions and there is a good forum attached to talk about this type of stuff: http://tetraspace.alkaline.org/ Also you could google for some animations of the 4th dimension you might find some things that make it a little easier to understand. The at least 20 dimension is probally related to string theory where there is predicted to be at least 10 dimensions. Have a look at string theory here: http://superstringtheory.com/ Have fun
  19. Jordan14


    Can you please leaves titles of books in here I would like to read some new ones, and I think it would also help other Quantum Theory begginers to the advanced. I think the best structure would be. Title: Author: Description: Rating: Can't wait for your suggestions. Thank You.
  20. Actually I haven't read that always wanted to get around to it but never did.
  21. Maybe a dimensions forum?? I wouldn't mind that. But it would probally end up with only me posting there.
  22. But is there anyway is actually PROVE that it is a cosmic string or are we just presuming it is because we don't actually want to be left with something we don't understand. All article are not 100% sure of the cosmic string being a cosmic string at all. This is probally me just wanting strings to be proved.
  23. I think everyone has done an inpressive job of decribing what planck's constant is.,, and I won't add to this. But if you are getting into Quantum Physics, and haven't already read the following books I say that you should, and stay apart of SFN than you will learn Quantum even easier: Search for Shrodinger's cat - John Gribbin, what I think is the perfect start for any quantum physicist, I think that Gribbin is a genius in the sense of how he portrays Quantum's coplexity in simple terms Shrodinger's Kittens - the sequel A brief history of time - Stephen Hawking, not purely about the Quantum world but both quantum, cosomology, relitivity just a fantastic read again all the explanations are layed in easy to understand terms Also a search on the internet will provide valuable resources: A quick search and I found: http://theory.uwinnipeg.ca/mod_tech/node143.html I hope this all helps . Enjoy
  24. That's what I said above but that's the only thing I could find on the internet I suppose I could quote the whole lot out of New Scientist, but I think I would be breaking copyright laws.
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