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Everything posted by Zolar V
why in the world would you have a yahoo toolbar? I'm sure your familiar with the wonderful world of free AV software such as AVG, and BitDefender. That is exactly my point, "the world DOESN'T have to be a windows world" but it is. Being a windows world causes other OS's to not quite fit into the structure created by it. I'm sure 200+ years from now the framework will be based upon something else, and someone will be having this exact conversation about 2 different OS's. IMO, if linux had the capitol and the engineers that microsoft had it would be just as good if not better.
bout 4 months ago. It just doesn't seem to have the complete functionality of an OS. Yea, it has alot, but sometimes there is stuff that should be on it that isn't and there is pretty crazy stuff you don't need instead, like support for 10000+ threads and cpu's. there is a good xkcd spoof of it. I mean maybe if i was a software engineer that knew unix code, then maybe i would deem it as something useful (after much tweaking). it is a good code to write stand alone programs, it just doesn't quite fit into the worldwide windows os framework.
Like i said, Linux is extremely useful for software engineering and such, thus making it able to run what you want how you want pretty efficiently. But as an OS its still like sticking a square through a circle.
Well, if you were to stand on your head right now you would notice that you do not pass out. The only "headrush" symptoms you get are after you have stood back up and the blood drains from your head to your limbs. But as for a baby, i believe that it has to do with volume, the baby has more blood by volume than you do now. so it staying on its head has little to no effect, because there is no need for blood to rush back to its limbs.
bio luminescent plants have already been observed.
I have tried to magnetize a ball bearing to no effect. I'm sure it can be done, but even if it is done it probably isn't the way i wanted it. When i tried to do such, i was looking for a (-) charge on the outside walls of the bearing and the opposite on the inside. Not sure if you can do that because the field lines would have to never exit the material to go from positive to negative. If you ever are able to magnetize a ball bearing, you will probably end up with field lines that resemble the earths.
Or, you could just get over yourself and use windows. cuz windows works (obviously). linux/unix is probably the most useless OS there is. Yes it is quite useful for stand alone applications and for programming a small user interface for various systems. But really it sucks, its structure just isn't up to par with windows. Basically the world runs on a windows framework, your linux is very minimally designed to fit within that structure. its kinda like putting a square block through a round hole, yes you can make the square one small enough. But its just not the right fit. I suppose that if the worlds Electronic economy was build off of linux, then the shoe would fit the other foot so to speak. i would be saying microsoft sucks and linux rox. Though, in your defense, Microsoft is the biggest, worthless, and just plain dirtiest OS there is. and i also hate the corporation. but windows works. (i also use xp professional) btw dirtiest os was a shot at Bill Gates's QDOS. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedanother work around for the power problem would be checking/writing some code to supply more power to the parts. I know linux scans for the external user interfaces, and boots up with only the needed components to get them to work, as opposed to windows brute force method. But maybe there is a bit of code in there that dictates power requirements for components. But that would only hold true if i surmised what the problem was correctly. The problem being, in Linux my usb port is not getting enough power, but if i boot up in windows it is.
I would just like to point out the amazing degree of eloquence in the above posts. having said that, i lol'ed at it. (for simplicities sake)
Yes you can eat several different types of grasses to sustain yourself in an emergency situation. However grass alone will not keep you from dieing as it would be similar to you only eating Broccoli (no water or anything). Thus if you were lost there is ALOT more than just grass that you can eat. there are wild berries, you can make snares and pit traps for local wildlife, and as previously stated Insects are a wonderful source of sustenance. Insects are the BEST source of protein known to man, as in better than a steak. IMO if i had the choice between 2 lb steak and 2 lb insects (no water ) i would choose insects because an insect contains enough moisture to digest it without your body using any water. Steak does not. ^1 being lost in the wilderness isn't so much about "Finding" food its about thinking and knowing what there is to eat, If you dropped me in the middle of the woods or a desert or anywhere really i could find food/shelter/water. Its all there you just have to have the knowledge to survive. 1) "Insects The most abundant life-form on earth, insects are easily caught. Insects provide 65 to 80 percent protein compared to 20 percent for beef. This fact makes insects an important, if not overly appetizing, food source. Insects to avoid include all adults that sting or bite, hairy or brightly colored insects, and caterpillars and insects that have a pungent odor. Also avoid spiders and common disease carriers such as ticks, flies, and mosquitoes. Rotting logs lying on the ground are excellent places to look for a variety of insects including ants, termites, beetles, and grubs, which are beetle larvae. Do not overlook insect nests on or in the ground. Grassy areas, such as fields, are good areas to search because the insects are easily seen. Stones, boards, or other materials lying on the ground provide the insects with good nesting sites. Check these sites. Insect larvae are also edible. Insects such as beetles and grasshoppers that have a hard outer shell will have parasites. Cook them before eating. Remove any wings and barbed legs also. You can eat most insects raw. The taste varies from one species to another. Wood grubs are bland, while some species of ants store honey in their bodies, giving them a sweet taste. You can grind a collection of insects into a paste. You can mix them with edible vegetation. You can cook them to improve their taste. " http://www.wilderness-survival.net/food-1.php "Mammals are excellent protein sources and, for Americans, the most tasty food source. There are some drawbacks to obtaining mammals. In a hostile environment, the enemy may detect any traps or snares placed on land. The amount of injury an animal can inflict is in direct proportion to its size." emphasis mine, i LOL'ed really hard at that.
You are partially correct, it wasn't that there were big orbs of matter sitting around. After the big bang, equal parts matter and antimatter formed, however a certian antimatter particle, i can't recall which, had a slight tendency to stay in its matter phase. hence why our galaxies are comprised of matter. But anyways. matter formed basically clouds of particles where every now and then a particle would come into contact with another particle thus making the gravity around the pair slightly stronger than the gravity around them, thus attracting more particles. the electromagnetic force does play a part because it helps hold the particles together, and it works in turn in forming atoms then larger atoms.
I have googled those questions before and have come up with the answers. maybe try rephrasing your Google questions.
It's For an experiment, I want to take the Metal Cyanide and react it with something so the metal falls out of the solution, then take the (something) cyanide and react it with a solution of Silver oxide and .. something that is going to react with the cyanide. I did a similar experiment with Silver Nitrate and Copper sulfate. where i made a silver tree off of a copper starter rod. It was pretty cool, but now my silver is all oxidized.
I have thought about doing this myself. personally i dont mind a bitter taste, actually i kind of like it. So for me chewing on tea wouldn't be all that bad. But i suppose it's all personal preference.
Its quite alright, i was just referencing a more eloquent writing on a old thread that related to this topic.
I totally agree with michael, and i do believe i have stated this point before. If there are other alien species, and they do see us, why would they view us as special? If they do exist then and if they are present, both physical and as a reference to time, then they probably just leave us alone. We are to them just another fledgling primitive species currently unable to really do anything to any one from another planet.
AH yes, i forgot about kelvin and its relationship to chemistry in mathematics.
I like Double K's interpretation of the God Trinity, that bieng a symbol for the physical representation of the human. Here is my take, much akin to Double K's: The symbolism of the Christains Trinity is rather a representation fo the three different aspects of the human body. (and if you would like to get into some conspiracy theory, three is also closely related to pi and the proportionaltiy of the golden number ) I think The symbol of the Father, represents our Consiousness and our cognizants also he is the master or controller of all three. The son represents our Physical body, it takes its direction from the Father who is the controller over all three. The spirit is our subconsious, our desires. they take the form of the incorpreal because they dont arise from the physical or the congnative. it seems that they give advise or direction to the father but in no way control the father. It also seems that this is a logical conclusion to an primitave civilizations rationalization of these three elements. OR The son could be a representation of the sun or earth The spirit could be a representation of the sun, earth or galaxy The father could be a representation of the sun or galaxy and the related material from the religion could be symbolism for a basic astrology.
I voted for poll 8 so I shall explain. Aliens could come to vist earth to either: A: They would earth over in an effort to colonize it. B: They would come here to observe our civilization and log it in thier "biology" books in the same fasion that we observe animals living on our planet. What I find particularly amusing about anyones theories on aliens is that they are so different from us. Why would an alien culture ever be so drasticly different? Following evolution they would have a similar sort of stimuli and environment that we had and would thusly evolve accordingly. Their behaviors would obviously reflect upon what stimuli they have in thier evolution. If they were a super advanced civilization then why would they care about a insignificant speices such as ourselves? Of course one can argue that they are interested in us because they have not come across another system with intelligent life, but would they view our obviously primitave civilization as intelligent? Before we make outlandish speculations as to what and aliend would look like and their attitudes we should first compair our attitude toward a similar situation. IE: Compairing our technology to that of the Chimpanzee, we think them extremely primitave and we just log them in our biology books and move on, looking for "intelligent" life. But are those chimps really primitive? yes they are in our minds. but they may not be in theirs. could we actually spend more time developing a language to converse with them and try to artificially evolve them, rather then spend our time looking for "intelligent" life, life that we probably will not be able to converse with.
Lets say I put O2 in an environment with 10 atmospheres of pressure. I would only need to decrease the temprature of the O2 to 1/10 of -218.79 °C. Or is pressure and temperature not directly proportional? Same goes for Iron, except its 0 atmospheres of pressure, it should be 1/2 of 2862 °C the temperature to force iron into a gasseous state. O2 : -21.8 *C Fe : 1431 *C
You can solidify oxygen using an environment with substantial pressure and extremely cold temperatures correct? Also, can you make like mercury or Iron Gas?
What your probably looking for is more akin to the IntrAnet. you create a Intranet by connecting a large group of computers with your normal types of connections. For larger intranets you may need other items such as switches, and computers set up as servers. that is if you want to get indepth in the process. if you would like to connect your intranet to the internet, you could connect a server computer to the internet or connect the internet through a switch. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intranet
Or, we could do something logical, and remove the stock market due to its lack of "real" value. The whole idea of the stock market is to trade on the prospected value of a company, which imo, is both dumb and presents the challenge of representing the true value of a company. if i am remember right, after/during the great depression placing buying/selling on prospected values was signed illegal. yet from this obvious downturn, it is still in practice.
Relating that type of separation between processing stages of a given item, is it faster and could it be applied to computer processing?