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Zolar V

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Everything posted by Zolar V

  1. Zolar V

    Seeing colors

    Well that would be a valid point if i were thinking that we were to adjust the biological mechanism involved with perceiving light. However, I am talking about external mechanical gear taking in the UV/IR, and stimulating the associated nerves, mechanically, not biologically. I am not trying to delve into changing some properties of the human eye through whatever means necessary, I am discussing: 1) Whether or not the brain can interpret UV/IR information and 2) Could we stimulate the right nerves to simulate our eye seeing parts of the EM spectrum We have answered part 1, with these articles: posted by ewmon
  2. Zolar V

    Seeing colors

    According to these articles, the brain is able to interpret UV light and we can see it. Exactly, Nerve Z37 gives you intensity x of red light, Nerve Z38 gives you intensity of y red light, Nerve Z37 and X37 give you x intensity of light... and so on. My idea is to plot out all the nerve responses for the colors of light a human can percieve, then, follow the probablility that nerve Zxx would interpret the uv spectrum. and then inject that signal. I suppose now that i know more about how information is transfered from the rods/cones to the brain through the nerve that such a word "signal" is not appropriate. Rather it should be "Stimulate(s)". Therefore i revise my previous statement; "so, theoretically we could inject those frequencies into the ocular nerve, bypassing the rods and cones. Of course we would have to get the proper infrared and ultraviolet frequencies to inject. " Rather we take this information gathered, and we follow the probability that X intensity of UV spectrum of light would stimulate X-Nerves Zxx.
  3. Zolar V

    Seeing colors

    and here in we decipher the signal to color impulse and inject a signal with the probable properties of uv light or infrared.
  4. I got a question, that i just thought of. It seems to me that even after you die, for a time, the neurons in your brain are still in the same configuration they were while you were alive. Thus i would hypothesize that if we were to be able to interpret neuron activity for thoughts, and understand how to activate the brain mechanically, we could extract any data that is left in the brain even after a person has died.
  5. Zolar V

    Seeing colors

    Genecks, I am not really talking about having the eye absorb and interpret UV info. rather inject the info into the nerve. we get the probable "frequency" of the info by getting the same thing of known colors. however i must learn more about how nerves work before i can really continue in this thought process.
  6. Zolar V

    Seeing colors

    Thank you for your expertice and guidance in this area.
  7. Zolar V

    Seeing colors

    hmm interesting, is there anything i could look up to research that more?
  8. Zolar V

    Seeing colors

    So, if you were to collect the frequency patterns from optical stimulation, you could find the probable frequency that the rod/cone would transmit into the nerve? ^^ i actually had the idea of this in a dream...... about cyberization. and an experiment to collect the data needed to do such things. I am going to outline my experiment. Hypothesis: Using current technology you can inject data through a nerve/computer connection to the brain. Specifically in this experiment we will be dealing with optical data received by the brain through the optical nerve. Step 1: Take a monkey or other such humanoid animal and remove 1 eye. Step 2: Cut a small hole to the ocular nerve of the monkey's other eye. Step 3: Attach a device that can monitor the EM frequency of the nerve. Step 4: While monitoring the nerve have the monkey look at all the colors a computer can display.. Like 300 or 500 some colors. Step 5: Analyze the data and look for patterns. (seems like there should be one.) Step 6: Graph the pattern. Step 7:Paint a Banana a non recognizable color so the monkey cannot recognize it. CONTROL have another monkey with no alteration also not recognize the bananna. Step 8: Design a small device to transfer injected signals to the nerve (its going to look like this: [Legend --- = nerve | = device \= wire] (brain)--------------|------------------(eye) \ Step 9: Block the monkey's signal coming from the eye. Step 10: Put the banana in front of the monkey and see if he reaches out to get it. Step 11: If the monkey doesn't grab it then unblock the signal. and see if he does. Step 12: Put the monkey in a Pitch black room and setup an Infrared camera, and Outline the banana in infrared. Step 13: inject the probable frequency to infrared and see if the monkey can see the banana. OR attach a camera whose output is conditioned to = that of the graph of stimulation frequencies. aka Camera sees green and its output (to the monkey) is as if the eye saw green.. but with lots of colors resulting in shapes n stuff. Step 14 Observe the monkeys reaction.
  9. Zolar V

    Seeing colors

    so, theoretically we could inject those frequencies into the ocular nerve, bypassing the rods and cones. Of course we would have to get the proper infrared and ultraviolet frequencies to inject.
  10. Zolar V

    Seeing colors

    In the eye of a mammal, lets say a human or a primate, is it the rods and stuff in the eye or the brain itself that cannot process infrared and ultraviolet electromagnetic frequencies?
  11. I Play a bunch of games on multiple console systems. E- represents expansion s- multiples For Computer i play; 1) Dawn of War 1 (Es), 2 2) Mark of Chaos and its expansion 3) Empire Earth E 4) EVE Online <almost my fave 5) Starcraft E 6) Diablo 1 E, 2 E 7) Stronghold (all of em) 8) WoW 9) DOOM 1,2 with Jmod and Zmod and the unofficial Doom3 (D2 graphics) not the Doom remake Playstation: 1) Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 2) Demon Souls < GOD THIS GAME IS HARD!> 3) MAG 4) Ninja Gaiden 5) Oblivian Eldar scrolls 6) Dragon Age Origins < DO NOT get this game for PS3, gfx issues.. get it for computer is a Good game but has some issues. i think a few more but i cant remeber. and yes i play ALL of these, i kinda rotate.. ill play computer one day .. or 2 then play playstation.. for a few.
  12. In my personal opinion, I would rather go with Option #3. with option #3 you wont have to worry about food problems, for the whole population and you could take the money spent on agriculture and develop options 1,2. Option 1, has no significant impact until we can achieve either; A) FTL technology, allowing deep space exploration, or B) Find, Coordinate, Terraform, a colonize planet. Option 2, has no significant impact until we can achieve Both; A) Long Range Communications, And b) A viable means to mass produce food n such. However option 2 does have something going for it without the above conditions. It does lead to the possibility of faster space exploration with probes. Of course who would give a damned about something 5000 light years away if we were not able to do anything with it.
  13. Ah, i see what your saying. I think i misread your post. Your points still hold valid, however, being that we do not really hear about any types of poisons that arn't beneficial.
  14. so, if we were to find a poisonous whale, Its poison would be of no benefit to us?
  15. Have you ever noticed that a natural substance, such as venom or toxins, seem to have a benefitial use for humans? for instance a poision derived from a bacteria is good at killing other bacteria, IE Pennescillin.
  16. Woa, that was deep.
  17. That makes perfect sense. i actually was lying in bed and thought of the same type of concept, less all the fancy terms . but i also added a little bit to it. That being that we may lie on the outside edge of the boundary of the universe, so we wouldn't receive any data from beyond that edge making it seem as though there is nothing above us or relatively speaking, below us. Or there could be trillions more planets/galaxies all around us but we cant see due to their photons getting absorbed into a something that blocks our view of them.
  18. no idea.. i dont really think its flat i think our idea of its flat is similar to our idea of the world being flat we may see correlations in data but they might be wrong correlations Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged old ass school books?
  19. So your saying the universe is flat then? so all i was taught about the big bang, and how it universally expanded in a spherical shape is technically wrong.
  20. http://wmap.gsfc.nasa.gov/ i stumbled across a new (to me at least) idea, that being the universe is flat. wtf? when did this happen.
  21. You know, whenever i recited the pledge or saw the phrase on a coin. I always took the word God, to mean the concept of a higher being, rather than a specific religious "God".
  22. lmao, nice programming
  23. well, just as i thought.. it is impossible
  24. You know i had a similar situation present itself to me. Now being a guy it is different, because in the ethos of manhood, there seems to be a bullet that says "your not really a man until you have had sex" So all through highschool i did avoid having sex because it was not in alignment with my goals. those goals being strait A's n such. However everyday when i hung out with my few friends, and at work all the males would continuously batter me about loosing my V-card. Eventually I did decide to give in and accomplish the act of proving my manhood. When i did it and after i did feel ashamed n such because it just wasn't something i really wanted to do, it didn't follow my goals at all. However i would have to agree with the once in a lifetime thing, It really is. But then again so was all the different things you did back in high-school and college and such. there do seem to be a great many of events that are classified as "once in a lifetime", such as like going to a rock concert of your favorite band that just so happens to be playing in your area. and the only way you could go was to skip or ignore some sort of responsibilities. From my own experience, if you just follow the "strain and narrow" path aka the path of immaculate responsibility then your life may not be as full and exciting as it could be. When i broke the rules and did stuff like that, it definitely felt as though there really was more to life then just the daily grind. But in the end the choice is yours, You have to make the decision whether or not do do something. If you don't feel comfortable with it then make the choice to go for the dive or just keep on walking on the strait and narrow path. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged now that can be quite a difficult find. Of course that community may just not be in my area.
  25. You can see all the above behaviors being exhibited by past civilizations, such as the Roman Empire (being a large civi) and pre-roman era civilizations (for the medium to small) such as the phonetician, Greek city-states, Egyptian. Mesopotamian. forwarding through history, you also see this in the German City states of the medieval era, and you see this with France in Medieval/Renaissance. Forwarding again. You see this in many of the American Indian tribes.
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