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Zolar V

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Everything posted by Zolar V

  1. im pretty sure the OP wasn't about whether or not the government is socialist, it was just a sort of list of socialist services the government is providing.
  2. i see your point, and i counter with this. instead of looking at the society as a group of individuals. look at it as if it was a single entity. The idea of a society being communist (or insert government here) is that the people(or the people in charge) define themselves as such for themselves. the key being here is that the people can define them selves as communist and practice communism and therefore be a communist society. however once you allow the society to be viewed as a single entity, the question of whether or not the dissipation of a purchased product is considered capitalist is easily answered. that answer being yes of course. because the goods where bought from country A into country B. ^^ this makes sense to me, but it may not make sense to you. i could actually take the time to explain it if you want.
  3. In nerves the transmission of a message from the brain to wherever the message is going. Is it a electronic transmission? if it is Electric what frequencie/voltage is it?
  4. seems like i should get a toyota car just so i have an excuse to drive fast
  5. There is a way around your problem, of communists cannot engage in capitalism. You can have a society of communists engaging in capitalism by, having the society agree to trade/buy goods from another country in order to benefit itself. ^^ sounds kinda like a democracy, but in reality democratic and communistic (Marx and Engels) is basically the same. WTB Utopia.
  6. is it bad that i read that, and thought to my self "YES!"? Im going to go to hell, i know it.
  7. i once used hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. It is extreemly efficient in making your teeth white which reminds me.. i should go get some..
  8. well that would depend on whether or not you believe in God, or your deductive abilities in regards to probabilities. for instance, your dream may be the subconsoius saying its going to rain based upon previous years worth of data regarding that geographical area. OR it could be you having near godlike powers of psychokinetics. if it is the latter i would suggest you rob a bank and make millions off of your power.
  9. i actually have thought of this idea a while back, that is using the photovoltic cells in various plant systems to produce energy from interactions with solar energy. and i came across the same type of error. The fragility and suseptability to being damaged is the prime componenet to why these lines of ideas have not been researched. However in my opinion the easiest way to "heal" or "regrow" the molecules would be to introduce the whole process to bacteria via splicing. You could slowly build each layer of the system up by using different layers of bacteria. ie Bacteria (A) has gene (A) that does (A) bacteria (B) has Gene(B) that take in the byproduct of (A) and makes (B) and so on. you could have the potential food for the bacteria be something like hydrogen made by using a slight amount of the energy to split water vapor in the air. OR you could have a seperate system of bacteria that uses either the sun or w/e you can come up with to produce a product(this systems food) and a byproduct( the bacteria a,b systems food).
  10. Hmm, sounds like your adrenaline was released before you woke up. i wonder if your body release it as a response to being underwater...
  11. First of all thank you of your detailed description, that was exactly what i was looking for. Precision = awesome anyways, So you woke up underwater. and apparently you didn't breathe while under? Though this seems infinity more interesting, though probably insignificant, what had your attention? "Originally Posted by Mr Skeptic View Post I'm going to go with the unconscious spilling into the conscious. Most people have a very high opinion of conscious thought; however most of your thought, and most of your decisions, are made by the unconscious before you are even aware of it. The unconscious is pretty clever. If you try consciously to do something that you are very good at, such as golfing, you can end up doing really poorly. " that is a good conclusion, maybe if you mixed both mine being the probability calculator and that explanation of conscious/unconscious, you could come up with a highly probable vision.
  12. Yar! they be makin millions off of id sales
  13. so, you should tell us about your boat wreak. did you dream you were at the bottom of the 25' jet black water and so on. and how did the boat wreak actually happen. did you sink to the bottom, and have that voice talk to you? how did you make it back out? of course you dont have to answer if you dont want to. it may be to emotional or whatnot. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedi just formulated this question and it seems pertinent. If these so called visions are the effect of a oxygen starved brain fart. How would your brain concoct these voices and visions in such a specific way. I believe the brains way of storing information is similar to a computer game designer creating a game world (thats World, like earth, not just an environment) where each individual thing that happens to us is cataloged in this world into things i call entities. thus everything that has happened to you, you can recall (sorta) and you can build events or entities based upon a conglomeration of the entities in your world. but i believe the brain is also a extraordinary probability calculator, so it may be able to concoct your vision based upon the entities to be near predictions of the probable future.
  14. Oo first on the message bored




  15. I think i have brought up this type of question before. although my question was whether or not metal could be a gas.
  16. i always like the tropical frogs, there colors are just so vibrant.
  17. That is what im considering my deja vu really is, its just a similar event that my mind rebuilds the dream memory to be. but even so, i have had dreams that i joined the Air Force, prior to the dream about the AF inn. seems somewhat odd that i dreamed the AF, dreamed this job and dreamed that AF inn. If i wasn't specifically in my career field in the AF i wouldnt have been in the AF inn. Hell if i had gotton a different assignment in my career field it woudnt have happend either. At least for me, these deja vu expiriences arn't a verge eperience, i am able to recall the dream and know what happens next.. and it just so happens that what happens next is the same as the dream itself. for instance, i had a dream about an event and my phone rang with hautman calling me. my deja vu started when i entered the room, i recalled my dream and knew the phone would ring, then it did.
  18. i suppose if its 1v1 or rather 1 v 1...1....1...1...1 you would be able to kill the mob before it starts. however you would eventually get tired and be zombified. However if it is 10 V 1000 and each person gets tired after killing 10 then you have a bit of a problem with your slow heavy and unwieldy bat. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Nice frog, is that a dart frog? probably from south America? or is it a tree frog?
  19. personally i have had this sort of, dejavu? more than a few times, i would estimate around 20-30. however for me it seems that i dream of it and a few years later it happens. This sort of time frame would make sense with this dream i had. because my contract with the military ends in 5 more years. well 4 and a half now. + the dream is not all that absurd to begin with. I mean if i were to finally integrate computer technology with the biological brain, then what all could you accomplish with that? The freakiest part of this dejavu is one i had rather recently. it 2 weeks before Christmas, i was at Fairchild AFB in the air force inns, it was Sunday around 4 pm i was watching the animal planet and had decided to brew a cup of tea. while walking back to the bedroom where the TV was located i HEARD the exact sound the tea made dripping with what was on TV and i remembered a dream i had about 7 years prior. Also i had my psp at the exact angle, up side down on the bed with the covers wrinkled the exact way. But it is weird because when you remember your dream and what is happening, i thought to my self what happened in the dream? what can i do to change it? as the dejavu progresses, no matter how hard i try i end up doing the same thing i did in the dream. i feel powerless to change it.
  20. Have you ever dreamed something then days, months, even years have had it come true? i know i have, but maybe its not really coming true. Rather its my mind associating a particular event that was SIMILAR to the dream and making me believe it was what i originally dreamed. I am asking this because i had a really cool but f-ed up dream. I dreamed that i engaged in a medical experiment where they removed organs that were no longer vital, cut off my head* and stuck it where my stomach was. they added a cybernetic head, and an exoskeleton of sorts. and after being "cyberized" i guess, i performed a coup for the us government and said over national TV/radio. "I will usher in a new age of Technology! Imagine an age where you no longer die to disease or organ failure. One where you can live forever!" and proceeded to accomplish world domination. * when they cut off my head they attached an electrode chip to the bottom of the sliced off nerve endings. from the chip wires went to various parts of the cybernetic and exoskeleton system, and connected an electrode to the top of the sliced nerves for the rest of the body as well. They also removed most of my blood because my limbs no longer needed it, however they connected tubes from my arteries/veins in my head to my heart in a closed system, with much less volume of blood.
  21. i made another one, much simpler with much less going on.
  22. Not sure where your going with the parenthesis, but Thank you anyways. your few cents a year goes along way in making my paycheck. Though if it was not for the "free"* food and living in the dorms, i would be considered living below the poverty line. * I say "free" due to the fact that our food is made by the career field "services" and they buy the food from localities. we get something known as BAS- basic allowance for sustenance, basically the amount of money the government deems you need to eat 3 times a day. they apparently deem around 10 bucks for 3 meals. Its a bit more complicated than that but.. thats about it.
  23. I disagree, if there was any large quantity of slow moving zombies, a baseball bat would be to slow. i would prefer 50 cal machine gun mounted on a Humvee or a Gatling gun, mounted on a Humvee or Helo. If we are talking about zombies that can charge or can move with a degree of quickness, i would assume a hand held machine gun/flamethrower and grenades would work slightly better.
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