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Everything posted by DeeDolce

  1. Hey guys, I'm doing basic chemistry schooling and i'm a little confused about on of my assignment questions... I would love some insight! So the question is: What ions would/would not be easily detected with Silver Nitrate... In the prac, I mixed the AgNo3 with the anions, so would I assume that mixing the AgNo3 with anions is preferable because the silver forms a visable precipitate where it wouldnt with a Cation? Im not sure how the positive and negatives factor here... I understand the AgNo3 is an ionic compound + and - and the anions are - But we used ionic compounds for the Cations too (NaOH and NH4OH) I'm just lost as to why AgNo3 in particular would be better specifically for ions.. sorry if im all over the place, im new to chem! Dee
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