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Everything posted by Marbleman

  1. There is another interpretation - "Smooth Quantum Mechanics", at http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00004199/ In this paper, it is showed that we can construct a quantum mechanics without wave function collapse, such that: - the Schrodinger equation is valid all time (there is no violation of the unitary evolution) - what appears to be wave function collapse can be obtained without discontinuities and unitary evolution violations, by the means of "delayed initial conditions". Some examples (two-slit, Mach-Zehnder, EPR, delayed choice experiments) show that this is indeed the case. The QM simply becomes a unitary evolution described by Schrodinger’s equation, and the measurements serve as establishing initial conditions. These conditions are established with a delay. Not all the parameters identifying the precise solution of the Schrodinger equation are fixed from the “beginning of times”, but they are fixed later by measurements. For the ones that consider the collapse irreducible to unitary evolution, it is presented "A Direct Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics", at http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00004194/ which can help also as an introduction to QM, and a preliminary to the SQM article. I'll vote for the "Smooth Quantum Mechanics", of course
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