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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. I didn't think I was particularly disagreeing with your opinion, I support the ascertain that he is innocent. I was making a general comment about judging someone who has been found innocent in trial by jury being morally dubious. I wasn't aiming it at you. N.B. this particular debate is not of a scientific nature.
  2. Mmmm. He's been tried and found innocent in a court of law. It's unjustifiably cruel to continue the trial outside of the courtroom. He is not guilty.
  3. Oh, quick, go to http://www.randi.org/research/ and get your million dollars! Run! ! !!"21
  4. Patriotism is the religion of nationalism: - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalism Nationalism exists in all political arenas. An example of American nationalism: - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_Doctrine Now, we can all get on with our lives.
  5. Oooh, he made a Brazil blog http://www.sayonara.info/brazil/ Keep a lookout for the "I've been kidnapped, send help" post in a few days.
  6. David Beckham has OCD, along with 1 in 6 of the population. A mild for of OCD is a necessary requirement for some jobs, such as research or analysis. Your psychologist is the best person to help you, not the faceless internet. Nobody here knows enough about you to offer meaningful advice. Have a look for support groups here: - http://www.ocfoundation.org/
  7. Your democracy was based on the British democracy. I fail to see how you could continue to regurgitate this old misinformed logic, you've been corrected on this in detail in many other threads. The US was in no aspect the first democracy. The US even copied the constitution and courts from the English. The politicians and civil servants in the US were English, and copied what they knew. Sparta was a monarchy that became a military state, the very opposite of a democracy. If your basing your idea of democracy on Sparta, no wonder you are so confused. The 3rd Reich was exactly that. It's was conceived and implemented with the basic idea that patriotism could be utilized like a religion. The legacy of that is politicians who use charisma and rhetoric to influence voters, we live in the era where a politician who is persuasive wins over the politician with good policy. Try not to strawman if you reply. It's getting to be your trademark.
  8. He's gone to Brazil, to a Gracie jujitsu camp (Gracie invented the ultimate fighting championship). Worryingly, he has zero jujitsu skills and the camp has some of the best 'ultimate' fighters in the world. He's thinking it'll be some sort of three week Karate Kid montage. If it isn't, then his backup plan involves cocktails and a map to the beach.
  9. Nope.
  10. atinymonkey


    Normal: - Half-life geek tee Combat geek Wrong un's : - Stem Cell Research Geek Honesty Or Fashion: - http://www.primitivestate.com/dept.asp?dept_id=1
  11. Off the top of my head:- - The commercial benifits of genetically modified crops outweigh the biological risks. - Extrasensory perception can be proven not to exist. - Vivisection is morally justifiable, the opposition only presents anthropomorphic arguments. - There is no such thing as a global warming danger. - Without the criticism of psudoscience pressure groups, the scientific community would still be arcane and irrational. - Every scientific advance we make brings us closer to our destruction. - A manned mission to Mars would benefit mankind. - Pure science has no ethics.
  12. Sorry. I thought we were talking about Steven Hawkins, the itinerant double glazing salesman, musician, pixie impressionist and amateur physics buff. Pictured here with Sally Hawkins, the drunk: -
  13. Stephen Hawkings is to the combined theory of everything, I guess. But he is not in the same league as the others.
  14. It's Middle English, not 'Elizabethan English'. We don't name the periods of language after the monarch, if we did you would be speaking Elizabethan right now. Juliet is phrasing a question to Romeo in her musings, this is eminently clear. The scene has had comedic elements added, for the sake of the audience, by having Juliet cast about her as if looking for Romeo. It's a longstanding theatrical joke. Pointing out the discrepancy just removes your ability to appreciate the evolution of the Bards work. Double meaning was common in the works anyway. For instance: - Hamlet gives advice to Ophelia on the subject of celibacy (act iii s1) "Get thee to a nunnery". In the period a nunnery was both a house of God and sometimes a whore house, but he did not specify which one, so Hamlet was insulting Ophelia in a way she could not rebuke. A double meaning for comic effect.
  15. Now I'm confused. How did you manage to create the example, without displaying the image? Are you some sort of web based warlock?
  16. Obviously, you having trouble reconciling the imaginary objects from inside your brain with the reality outside of it. This is nothing new, and does not make you special in a good way.
  17. Budullewraagh - I think Pangloss was referring to Revprez tilting at windmills on his favorite hobbyhorse. I don't think it was related to your point.
  18. Agreed. I think Blair would have trouble running for a bus, never mind running for President. He's lost whatever support he may have once had.
  19. Er, the Ravenala is a Palm and does not flower: - http://www.pacsoa.org.au/places/Kew/InteriorB.html I think Ophiolite is thinking of the Titan Arum, which has only flowered 5 times since 1889: - http://www.huntington.org/BotanicalDiv/TitanArum.htm http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/401124.stm (Kew's link seems to be down at the moment)
  20. It is rather informative and educating. A lot of people don't realize that sort of thing happens in society. It really put's things into perspective. O_o
  21. I'd consider it a personal favor if you didn't post links to spyware/malware filled search engine sites. Not only is it annoying to click on them, posting the link increases the listing on genuine search engines like Google.
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