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Everything posted by atinymonkey

  1. Please, read the original post of the thread. Apologia is on topic.
  2. You are one to talk: - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paragraph
  3. Yup, it's odd how the web can let you know what's happing right where you are. You'd never really notice without google. There was a guy in trouble where I live a few days back. I don't know what happened to him, but it was pretty grim: - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cambridgeshire/4600487.stm
  4. Male rape. Has been for the past 14 years. The statistics don't often show it as the penal service does not record male rape as anything other than 'prison violence'. The physical abuse of women and children has not increased significantly, it it just more common for it to be reported. Previously, violence against women and children was estimated to only be reported by 30% of the victims due to it occuring in a domestic situation. If you take each individual occurance and not each case, the percentage drops to below 3%. The drive over the past 20 odd years has been to get the silent victims to speak out, to give supprt and outreach to the areas of society that need it. You mention stopping violence by cutting the media related material you think is a source of the violence. This is a concept that's been mooted by many pressure groups, but is not recognised as a major contributing factor to dometic violence. The main detterent in domestic violence is education and provision of victim support. A man with a childhood history of violence is the type of man who will propagate the violence, not a man who watched a film involving violence. The first step is to find the victim, get them to speak out, and then work to stop the cycle. As abhorrent as the violence is, there is no silver bullet to get rid of it. If there was a quick answer, there would be an army of people campaigning for it. Instead, there is just an awful lot of hard work by very dedicated people trying to make the situation different. If you want to help, help them: - http://endabuse.org/programs/display.php3?DocID=9916 http://www.mincava.umn.edu/about/ http://www.ncadv.org/ http://www.domesticviolence.org/ http://www.samaritans.org
  5. The media has forever been bored with the mundane. Who want's to buy a newspaper with the local cricket scores on the front page, when you could buy the broadsheet with the exploits of Spring Heeled Jack? http://www.spartechsoftware.com/dimensions/crime/SpringHeeledJack.htm And is it any surprise that newspapers where always looking for the next Jack to star in the headlines? http://www.met.police.uk/history/ripper.htm
  6. I think that is a faliure of the US Liberal party, rather than the liberal principles.
  7. Poor Tony. As it turns out, nobody else was dreaming of Blair being the first president of Europe.
  8. Actually, I did. I can't remember why I decided not to post the link, I think I was holding out for someone to work it out. http://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/multimedia/photos/2003/photos03-004.html
  9. The arcade was broken in the upgrade: - http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?p=172948
  10. Because the human mind is more complex than a car, that's why. You seem to be saying nervous breakdowns are the byproduct of 'stupid' behaviour. Is that actually what you think?
  11. I think the apology has something to do with paraxis. I'm not sure what, and my head hurts from looking. Metatron has taken his definition of Paraxis from here: - http://www.trentu.ca/nativestudies/courses/nast305/keyterms.htm Not from the distinguised sounding 'Dictionary of Critical Sociology' which defines paraxis as: - Praxis/Practice: A complex activity by which individuals, in collectivities, create culture, society, and create themselves as "species beings", i.e., as human beings. The moments of praxis include self-determination (in contrast to coercion), intentionality (in contrast to reaction), sociality (in contrast to privatism), creativity (in contrast to sameness) and rationality (in contrast to blind chance) (after M. Markovic). I have been able to gleem from Google that it has several different interpritations, however the only dictionary I have to hand was written in 1969 and doesn't have Paraxis in it so I'm unable to clarify the actual meaning.
  12. Considering the quote was from your strawman in post 11, I don't think you are paying the least attention to what In My Memory is saying, not the other way round. Stop trying to act clever, and try not to act so dumb.
  13. Isn't the comic character 'Daredevil' someone with the ability to see sounds?
  14. Life is physical first, as this is how we perceive it. It would be metaphysical second, if such an illusionary state existed. I'm not sure if you are trying to explain your religious view, but showing bigotry surrounding the nature of Lawyers does a lot to undermine your pseudo-religious statements. An enlightend soul would not harbor or express such views.
  15. I honestly don't think it's much of an issue. The US is so far behind in the research stakes that even with the full support of the Government there are not going to be any significant developments produced. It's because of funding and public wrangling in the US that countries like Turkey are able to keep a relatively cutting edge research program. It prevents the dominance of one country in the field of medicine. The results and benifits of the reseach will be the same, and the US can just buy the products like everyone else.
  16. atinymonkey

    banana mystery

    Description of the scucker: - A plantation where they are bedding in a scucker: - Bananaman: -
  17. A BSC Finance Part Time Course? Is that a Part Time BSC Finance Course or a BSC Finance-Part Time Course?
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